Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

C.6. Whereofto admonijh the rich.I.Tim.The dutyofrich men. C. 6. think what they are doing all their Lives a- 3 I give thee charge in thefight gaud themfelves ! 2. And is it not doleful of God, wllo gnickneth all things, Blindnefs'in thole Roman Prelates, that for Wealth and Worldly Greatnefshave corrupted and before Chrt Jefus, who before Chrittan DoStrine, Worlhip, Difctpline, and Pontius.Pilate witne{fed a good con - Converfation, and overthrown the Churches fellion; l4. That thou keep this corn- Peace, that yet they can fay. That Pool here mandement without fpot, unrebuk- condemneth the Gm/ricks and Hereticks, for that in which they incomparablyexceed them. able, until the appearing of our Lord Io. For the love of money is the Jefus Chrift. toot of all evil : which while fome t3, ta. 3 mutt urgently charge thee, before coveted after, they have erred from God, in whofe Power are all our Lives; and the faith, and pierced themfelves before Chritt, who went beforeus by the Ex- ample ofa good Confe1Fon, not denying the g many forrows. Truth to Cave his Life, that thou keep this ne- t O. Fer very much Evil fpringeth from the celfary Law of thy Miniftry, as fpotlefs and Love of Money : (From hence is finful Care, unrebukable, that thou mayert be found fuck and Defire, and Grief, and Anger, and Malice, at the coming ofJefus Chrilt. and Envy, and Opprefüon, and Deceit, and L) ing, and Theft, andMurders, andWars, and 15. Which in his times he 11111 Perfecutions, andChurch -Corruptions, and Di- thew, who is the blef ed and onely vifions, needlefs Law -felts,. Bribery, Falk- Potentate, the King of Kings, and Wieners, Perjury, Slander, Railings, and much Lord of Lords 16. Who only Bath More filch.) And by coveting Money,many have been their own Tormentors, piercing them- immortality, dwelling in the light, fuses through in Body and Mind with many which no man can approach unto, Sorrows, (vexatious Labours, Cares, Fears, whom noManbath teen, norcan fee Troubles £or óifappointments, and torment of to be honour and power ever- Confcience for their Guilt, and of come to laftin .Amen. an untimely and reproachful Death.) Yea, it i bath drawn them to forfake or corrupt the , ;, td. Which in his dtie ajipotnted seafotì Faith, for worldly Ends. God will Stew, who is the bleffed and only 1 I. But thou, Cr man of God, Potentate, des. who only iseffentiallÿ and he flee there things : and follow after ceffarily of himfelf Immortal, whore glorious righteoufnefs, godlinefs, faith, love, Abode is in the Light inacceliible to us Men, and who is to us indiftble : to him be Honour, patience, meeknefs. and Power for ever ..lmo: an. But thou, that art devoted to God and his (perlal Service, abhor and avoid this Love 17. Charge them that are rich in of-money, and all there its odious Fruits; and this that they be not high. follow after theSpiritual Riches, Righteoufnefs, world, y Godlinefs, era minded, nor trutt in uncertain rich- Noe, That is belt which is molt Divine, es, hilt in the living God, whogiveth likelt to God, and molt pleating to God, and us richly all things to enjoy : which is the wel-fare of our heft Part, the Soul, which will never die, and fail us, as worldly '17. And knowingto what Sins, Rioheb,molt Ridtes will. tempt Men, charge the rich that they be not I2. Fight the good fight of faith, high -minded, nor think highly of themfelves lay hold- on eternal life, whereunto for, their Wealth, nor look to this for their fife- thou art alfo called, and haft profef- ty"and chief Comfort, as if it were their.belt: fed a_good profeffion before many But that they take God for their Portionand p security, and wholly truft him for Soul. and witnehes. Body, who will give us enough for our dom.. t2. Go on by Faith to overcome all Temp- fort and Content. tations, Difficulties, Sins, and Advertaries, and to propagate and defend the Faith: Prefs to- 18t That they do good, they be. wards the Mark, till thou lay hold on Eternal rich in good works, ready td diftri- Life, which is the Prize. This is the Life that bute,willingto communicate; Icj.bay thou are called out to hope rot, to reek, and in Ü in ftore for themfelves a good obtain, and the Work thouart to do, haft g p well begun, and before many Witnel%s open. foundation againft the time to come, ly and manfully good to the Truth. that they lay hold on eternal life. L13 It 19. That