Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 6. Paul's charge to `Trim. I. Tim. Paul's charge to Tim. Ch. 6. 18, 19. That they ufe their Riches to do all the good that they can in the World, that fo they maybe ride in good Works, which are a far more excellent fort of Riches than bare Money; that they diftribute to others uecetTt- ty with readinefs, and Communicate with a willing, forward mind, and not with grudg- ingor backwardnefs, as againfi their Wills; that fo they may not lofe their Riches, but as they love themfelves, will lay up by them a Treafbre for themfelves, even a good fund and fecurity by coming under God's faithful Pro - mife, for the time to come, that fo as good Runners lay hold on the Prize, they may lay hold on Eternal Life. 7o. O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy truft, avoiding Secs of Heathen Philofophers, in which they think the excellency of Learning confifteth, (defpifing the fimplicity of Chriftianity as Ig- norance) Some Chriftians being taken with this fort of Learning, have been tempted to cor- rupt Religion by it, and to turn fuch Hereticks as are but Mongrel Chriftians, and not found and truly fuch. The Grace of God preferpe, fanetific and five thee, Amen. ldcte. I have before Bowed, that it was Phi= lofophers, who by their pretence of greater Learning were then theDifpirers, and Power- fulleft Adverfaries of Chriftianity : And the generality of them were taken up with meet ufeleR, quibling and trifling, and ftriving a- bout Words, and barren Notions, inftead of needful,ufeful Knowledge; fo cleat their famed profane and vain bablings, and oppo Sciences were but like Dreams and Childi h Ì1ti6ri5 rOf fcience fa111 fo called: Rabling : So that is was the honour of Sacra- y : tes to can them off to the ftudy ofvirtues and 21. Which force profef ing, have er- things of ufe, wham Plato followed with a red concerning the faith. Grace be mixture of vanity : And a fnacrering in thefe with thee Amen. Sciences, bewitched the Hereticks in that Age. But Paul cloth not hereby condemn the true zo, z r. O Timothy, be frire to hold fall and Philofòphical Knowledge ofGod inhis Works, keep Cafe thefe neceffary Precepts which Ihave nor a carefulnefs of exalt fpeaking, as to Words given thee, as fromGod by This Spirit, contain- and Method, or the accurate fitting of Words ing the true Wiuiom, tending to Silvrtion, to Things, and ufang Art in due meafure, and in trait that thou teach them others: But a- in fubfeiviencetogreat and lavingTruth. But void thofe frivolous Tricks, and wordy Arcs, further than it thus fabfervech to the Saving and dilputing ftrife about their falfly named Tmth of God in Chrift, and our duty and Sciences, even the Logical and Philofophicai hopes of Life Eternal, all that's called Learn- trifling; of Stoicks, Peripateticks, and all the ing and Wit, is but Fooling. ANNOTATIONS. P.Ar!'s Epiftles to Timothy and Titus are the Church- Canons, which theHoly Glioft indired< And fufciene to their proper Ufe and End, tho' hill there will be ufe for Paftoral deterrai; nationof fach Circumftances, as Inuit be varied according to variety of Perfons,Occaftons: Times and Places. And no Canons of Men that are contrary toany of thefe Divine Rules, (Iowan fueh of them as are ofuniverfal, fixed Obligation) are Obligations to the Faithful. O how hap- py had the Church been if thefe had been better obferved, and the Churches not corrupted or torn, by finch as by Men are deftruetively orneedlefsly added, by badnelt, doubtfulnefs, or numbers anfwering, or overwhelming the Confciences of thole that are mof obedient to God. The