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--7 The Second Epiftle of St. PAUL the .A.poftle to TIMOTHY. C IZ A P. T. 4, S. here, "n ThoughweMuft love. all Chri Rians with a fpecial Love, yet with great dif- Ln Nul an apoftle of Jeftis Chrift fecence, as they differ, Choice Chriltians; by the will of God, according and very loving Friends, mu be loved above to the promife of life, which is in the reft. Chrift Jefus : 2. To Timothy my 2. The more unfeigned and free from Hy- dearly beloved fort: Grace, mercy, ,t the more Fait ss that Chtiftia ears ro n. and peace from God the Father, and 3. God often bleffeth the Labours and Ex- Chrift Jefus our Lord. ampler of Godly Women, to ra:fe up excellent I. Note, I it is God's calling Will, and not L,Rntments in hisChurch. onely hisperrahüng Will, which muff warrant and honourable, to be herrfffpcingeof God any to aflame the Sacred Miniftry and Prove him a true Minifter of Chrift. ly Parents. z. The Promife of Life in Chiif, muA have 6. Wherefore I put thee in re° Miniffets to proclaim ir, and to preach th.s is membrance, that thou stir up the gift their work, of God, which is in thee by the put 3. I thank God, whom I ferve from ting on of my hands. my forefathers with pure confciénce, 6. Note, I. .God's Spiritual Gifts aloft beuè that without ceafing I have remem- fed by our own flirting tném up. brance of thee in my prayers night z. it is here controverted, á. Whether it he theGift of the Miniftry, and its proper necef- and day: fortes, that is here meant, or the Yore-going 3. rote, It feemeth Lange, that a Perfecn- Gift of the Holy Ghot? . Whether it be tor, and the chiefof Sinnars, Ihould fly, Tltat meant of Pant's laying on his Hands for the from his Forefathers he leaved God with pure former, or -the latter ? Confcience; and ro the High l'rief, That he Tothefe,if. may fudiice us to know, r. That had lived in all good Confcieuce ro that day. Fmoth7 was converted by Passi ; and then it ..Anfty. I. Some think he nieaneth, [Since I was octal for Converts to receive the Holy was a Chrifian.I have ravedGod fmcerely, Ghoi forYòme wonderful Gifts, Fry the laying as ,Abraham,, orad yu.eabdid] Others think on of the Apelles Hands: And it is riot to he meaneth, [Not only finte my ConverSon, be doubted, but fo dici Tmarhy, long before . butbefore, I delgnedoriely to ferve God ;land i his Ordination ro the Miruifiy, And who. though through Ignorance I miftook the Mar- iò like to do this as Paul ? 2. Its not to be ter, I did it in zeal to pleafe God; and faith doubted, but Timothy, after this, liad Impoiitia, folly obeyed my Confcieuce. Which ever be on of Hands at his Ordinatión. 3 It is certain;. the Scare, there is no Do trinál Difference de- that it was then by the Hands of the Presby-. pendeth on the Cuntroverfe. tery. 4. It is probable, that Patti was one of them, and the Chief. s. Therefore, as thenext 4. Greatly defirtrig to fe'e thee. °erfe fbewcth that he 1pebketlr of the Spirit beefing mindful of thy tears, that of Gift ofSan&ification, not proper to Mini- I may he filled with joy: j. When I fiers; fo it is certain, that Patel meant this, but . call. to remembrance the unfeigned riot improbable that he meant the other alto; faith that is in thee, which dwelt but vmprei,en- bneh, firft in thy grandmother Lois; and '' For God ildeh not ' Ii us,thé thy mother Etinace and I an pe; fpilitof feár, but of power, and of ffc'adec that its thee alfo, love, and of a found mind 7; Por tlaOugh reins are under the Spirit of