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Ch. i . Paul'sfuferinz II. Timothy. Paulforfaken. Ch. t. Legal Fear and Bondage, and Unbelievers 11. Whereunto I am appointeda have a cowardly Fear ofMen, this is not the preacher, and an apoftle, and a Spirit given us by the Gofpel ; but it is the fancìifying of the three great faculties of the teacher ofthe Gentiles. Soul, the Executive Faculty by Holy Power, t I. To Preach this, and teach the Gentiles, the Will by Holy Love, and the Inrellet? by Sul era Commifüoned Apof#le, and for this I found and fober Jadgment: This is the Spirit ofChrift. I2.For the-which caufe I altofuller 8. Be not thou therefore afhamed thefe things ; neverthelefs I am not of the teftimonv of our Lord, nor afhamed: for I know whom I have of me his prifoner : but be thou par- believed, and I am perfwaded that taker of the aHiithions of the gofpel, he is able to keep that which I have according to the power of God ; committed unto him againft that 8. Be not therefore afhamed of Preaching day. and owning the Gofpel, or ofany Suffering 12. But I ant not ashamed of my Preaching that thiswill bring, norof me, whoam Chrift's or Suffering; for I know whom I have truft- Prifoner, as fuffering for hisWork: But what- ed, and am perfwaded that he can and will ever hard ufage Min exercife againft the Go- keep the in làfety, who have committed my feel, and the Preachers of it, be content to felf wholly to him, even to the great day (in bear thy part with others, as ftrengthened by which all his promifes Ihall be performed.) the Power of God. 13. Hold fait the form of found 9. Who bath laved us, and called words, which thou haft heard ofme, us with an holy calling, not accord- in faith and love which is in Chrift ing to our works, but according to Jefus. his own purpofe and grace which i3. keep before thee the Form, or Suter was given us in Chrift Jefus,, be- mary ofSound Doéitine which thou heardeft fore the world began. ofme, which confifteth in the Articlesof Faith, 9. Who hath laved us 'from our fervitude to and the Precepts of Love, ofboth which Chrift fin and Satan, and called us out ofthe World is the Obje& and Sum, or which form of to be a Holy People, feparated to himfélf, Sound and thou molt hold fait by a Firm not becaufe by our Works we were a more Belief, ',racticat Love of ,Chrift and his Deferving People before than Others, but Sc- Caulè). cording to his' own Purpofe and Gracious De- 14. That good thing which was cree of Caving us by Chrift, which he had for committed unto thee, keep by the us before the World or Ages began. holy Ghoft which dwelleth in us. to. But is now made manifeft by 14. That good and lure fummary of Sound the appearing of our Saviour e(g ine which I committed to thy keeping, ff .1 hold dole to,by the Spirit of God,whodwell- marine - Chri , who hath abolifhed death, eth in us, to help our Memory, Love and and hath brought life and immorta Practice. Iity to light through the gofpel : Nre, Tho' it be not certain that Paul mean- ie. But now this purpofe is opened by eth our Creed in the very Words as nowwe Chrift's appearing in Flesh, who hath now de- have them, it is more than probable that he livered us from the Power ofthat Death which meaneth the fame Articles in Sense, whichhe e Wages of fin, affur{ng us of Rea- çeciteth: I Cor. ng. 3,, 4, p. and elfewhere. redtion. and bath brought future Life and 15 This thou knoweft, that all Immortality to our more full alliu'ed notice by they which are in Afa be turned a- his Gofpel. way from me ; ofwhom are Phygel- Note, That though the Soul's Immortality, his and Hermogenes. and a life ofRetribution be knowable by the 1 s. I fuppofe thou knoweft that all the light of Nature, yet, t. It is with far lets Cor Bishops or Teachers in 'Aga have forfaken me minty than the Gofpel any t us. a. And Na- in my Sufferings, and rejefted my Apoftolick tute tells oftheoBodr.h dr ofa Refur- Authority, or neglelt ir, of whom are, &e. clear t,otice ofthey 3. Nor cloth it give Men Alee, 1. That he accufeth them not ofApo- . That Felicity: But Chráfttbyt thefour aft thath flacie from Chrift, but forfaking him, ì. That given its af£itred notice of all this. And this thofe that forfake not Chrift or his Church,may is the chief thing in which Chrift's h lain teach. forfakea particular Ruler of it, even an Apo - btiltics of the ing excellent all the Su ile, efpecially ifhe be in Prifon. 3. That all Heathen Philofopherr he Trifling, the Churches or Bishops in .Afia were conjoyn- td in this fin: Sin may have the M2Jct yore of