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Ch.'. Timothy exhorted toll. Tim. có tnd perfrverance. Ch. /. 3 Note, The Life of a Minifter or Bithog is not a Life of Rafe; and Idteuers, and Safe- nefs, and Dominion, and fulrefs; but like a Soldiers, a Life.of Hardthip, hard Labour: hard ufsge by the World, Hard Suffering, re- quiring Refolution, Fortitude and Patience. 4. No 'man that warreth intan- girth himfelf with the affairs of this life; that he may pleafe himwho bath chofen him to be a fouldier. 4. ABishop or Minifter mutt be like a Sol- dier who rnaketh it his whole Bufinefs, and dothnot joyn any other Trade 'of Life chat would takeup any of his time. 5. And if a man allo ftrive for mafteries, yet is he not crowned ex- cept he ftrive lawfully. s. And in the Games in which Men llfive for klaßeries for a Prize (as Running, Wrefe- ling, Fencing, Fighting )At is not every one that ttr veth that hath the Crown or prize, but onely he that winnethit by getting the better: and fo muß a Minifter of Chrift thrive for the Crown of Life, by putting forth all his care and ftrength. 6. The husbandman that labou- reth, muff be firft partaker of his fruits. 6, The Husbandman mutt labour (Plow, Sow, by)befoae he reap and gather the Fruit. Note, God, will reward no Pattore but the Laborious, though Men may advancethe Proud and Idle. 7. Confider what I fay; and the Lord give thee underftanding in all of the BiShops. 4. WS like then TiPasrby was noBiShOp of Ephefar- which was in .Afia} for Timothy forfook not Pali. 16, 17. The Lord give mercy un- to the houle of Onefiphorus for he oft refrefhed me, and was not all-la- med of my chain. But when he was in Rome, he fought me out very diligently, and found me. 18. The Lord grant unto him that he may findmercyof the Lord in that day And iri how many things he mini- $red unto me at Ephesus, thou knoweft very well. 16, 57, 18. Note, That t`e particular As of Chriftian Charity are here rewarded with the moth Hearty Prayers of the Saints, and in the day of the Lord with fpecial mercy. 2: That it is no fsnful felfifhnefs to return a Special Gratitude, Love and Prayer for ehofe that have been fpecially kind to us in diftrefs; efpecially whenby it they manifeft afpecial de- gree of love and fidelity toChrift. CHAP. IL WTIHou therefore my fon, be ftrong in the grace that is in Chrift Jefus. 1. Let other Mens Cafes provoke thee to grow more throng, confirmed and refolved in the Do&rine, Pradttce, Comfort, and Patience of that Grace which is treafured up for us in Chrift. 2. And the things that thou haft heard of me among many witneffes, the fame commit thou to faithful men, who (hall be able to teach others allo. 2. Note, t. That the, Senior Paftors mutt train up others to Preah the Gofpel: And this feemetlt the Original of Eminent Fpifcopacy : The Fliers introducing their own Scholars were as Fathers to them, and fit tobe their Guides. 2. None Should be trailed with the Minißrÿ, but Men Faithful and able to teach others. 3. It is the fame Do:`trine which was delivered by the Apoftles which mull be committed to Mi- nithers to teach the People. 4. While theScrip doer, even unto bend tores were yet unwritten or untinilhed, the o s , but the word words which men heard from the Apoßles, were of God is not bound. to be their Rule ofDo&rive 8, p. This Refurre&ion ofChrift is it which 3. Thou therefore endure hard- I Preach, for which I fuller as reputed a Mae nets, as a good fouldier of Jefus a or, and that even to Imppriph and is fonment and Bonds, but God's Ward ßi11 rof eret Ghr11t. not bound. 2514, things. 7. Nate, They that will have Gods Word and good Counfel bleß by God to their Un- derßanding, mat confider of it, even of its meaning, truth, andufe. 8, Remember that Jefus Chrift of the feedof David was railed from the dead. 8. If thou deeply confider and remember that Chrift was raifed Loin the Dead, as it will infer therruth of all the reß ofthe Gofpel to thee, fo it will be ro thee a powerful e'atnple of Patienceand Hope in all thy Sufferingss or Chrift, 8, 9. According to my Golpel: Wherein I fuller trouble as an evil I/