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Chap. z: Shun N. Timothy. lia;n Babling: Chap. 2. Abtc, So blind and Devilish is Malignant 15. Study to Thew thy pelf appro- Enmity to Truth and Godlinefs, that Chrift's ved unto God, a workman that need- heft Servants are reputed and ufed as Malefatt- eth not to be alhatned, rightly divi- ors and Rogues, even for the belt of their Du- ty to God, and that which is molt profitable ding the word.of truth. to the World. r 5, Study not for applatafe, and-to humour fick-brains, but to pleale God, and do all as to. Therefore I endure all things approved to hint; with fiich skill and cate, and for the ele£i:s fakes, that they may diligence, as hefeemeth a good Workman that allo obtain the fàlvation which is need not be afhamed of his Work, and dif- in Chrift Jefus, with eternal glu grace not the Work by an ignorant bung: hug, confuted handling.; but take great care ry. rightly to order, methodize and diftribute the to. And I think not any Suffering too word ofTruth. dear for the fake ofGod's EIef, (though the te, That tho' curious unprofitable trifling of the World reje`_t the Gofpel) that it with Words be finful, yet the more accurate may but further the Salvation of them by ordering, methodizing or dí tributiu Truth, the Grace of Chrifi, to bring them to Eternal getting each in its proper place, and giving Glory. every hearer his due part, is thepart ofa skit- IT. It is a faithful flying : For fulTeacher. if we be dead with him, we flail 16. But Chun profane and vain allo live with him : 12. If we bablings ; for they will increafe un- fuller , we (hall allo reign with to more ungedlinefs. 17. And their him : word will eat as dcth acanker: At, 12, Believe this as a Gofpel Maxim, if 16. But avoid profane and vain Clamours We be dead to the World for hint, as he died and Bablings of Heathen Philofophers or for as, we !hall live in glory with him: And Hereticks; who let up a courfe ofOftentatiori if we fuller for and with hint, we Nall fol- of their Wit by tinprofitab;e Dil¡tures; for tow him alto in Exaltation unto Glory. the Fruit will be but the Increafe of ungod- linefs: And Vain Proud Wits are fo haute tü 12, 13. If we deny him, he alfo the Infection, that their words wil eat like a rill deny us : If we believe not, Gangren. yet he abideth faithful; he cannot deny himlelf. 17, 10 .,. Of whom i3 Hymeneus t2, 13 If for fear of (haring we deny and Philetus ; who concerning the truth have erred, laying, That the hint, he will difown us, and deny us his Sal- vation: And if we be unfaithful, and for- refarre£ti on is pall already; and fake him and our own Salvation, yet ire will overthrow the faith of folne: be true of his Word, and will not deny. and 17, r sr Note, It is tiót certain on what ac- forfake his own Caule, but make good count they laid the Reàrretion was pats, his threatniugs againft them that forfake his t . Whether as the F.+.rsttsjis and Risakeeraby pre_ Mercies. tending, that it is but an inward RefarreCtion 14. Of thefe things put them in from Sin, that is meant. Or, z. As Pythaga- remembrance, charging -tI.rm before reasu, laying, That its but the Tranfition of Souls into other Bodies, which is doue here, the Lord, that they ftrive not about and no more to be expoled. I incline molt words, to no profit, but to the fub- to this lait: It is that which Paul Difputct}i verting ofthe hearers. againft, I. cv. 15. that is here meant. And rq. Note, Bifhops and Minifters have great the Dodrrine of Tranfm o igration was then f common, and the Hereticks had fo much from need to call Men to the ferions Rudy offun- damental praaical Truths , from vain diver- the Pyo nn Philofophers, that it's mu* ring kinds of Sudy: 2. Such are the Difputes likely to this. and Contentions about Words or Gramma- t9. Itieverthelelg, the foundation tied Criricifms, and Barren Speculation's in öf God itandeth Iure,hai=ing this real,- Ares and Sciencs, which profit not by their The Lordknoweth them that are his due fubferviency to SavingTruths, but lab- Meri, by diverting their Thoughts, Love, And, Let every one that nameth the and Labour, name of Chrift depart from iniquity; pp. Rid