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Ch. 2. The Lord's Ii. Tim. Foundation fire. Chap. a9. But whoever falls away, God's Founda- tion on which webuild our Hope is Cure, and batha Seal as it were, with this double Infcrip- tion; on one fide [The Lord knoareth them that are his] (for he hash Decreed their Salvation, and will not lofe them; and he hath marked them out by his Spirit, and written on them, Holinefs to the Lard: And therefore on the -other fide is written, [Ler every one that nameth the name ofChrift departfrom iniquity] ForGod's Decree conjoyneth theEnd and Means, and he Decreeth none to Salvation that are not at once Decreed to San&ification: As his Cove- nant on his part promifeth us Life, fo our Co- Venant to himobligeth us to Holinefs. 20. But in a great houle there are not onely veffels of gold, and of fil i ver , but 'alto c.f wood and earth ; and fogne to honour , and fogne to difhonour. 2o. But it is not to be wonderedat, if in God's Houle, which is his Church Vifible, or the Profeffors of Chriftianity, there be Errours and Scandals, and forgeBackflide. For it's ufisal ingreat Men's Hooks to have 'fume Wood- en and EarthenVeffels for low and bale ufage, as well as Silver and Gold for the Table, 64 21. If a man therefore purge hirn- felf from there, he (hall be a veffel unto"honour, fanftified and meet for the masters Life, and prepared unto everygood work. 2t. All that (by.God's Grace ) do purge themfelvesfromHerefie and Iniquity, are veffels of Honour, .fannified, and meet to (erne and HonoiìrGod, and difpofed to all good Works. 22. Flee allo youthful lufts: but follow righteoulnefs, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out ofa pure heart. 2.2. Note, I. That .the Flair Std its Tufts, efpecially in Youth, are fach dangerous bile. soies to our Holinefs and Salvation, that we have great need to be warned to avoid thofa Lulls; and coofequently, all that chedlh them Fuhsefs,Idlenefs,loofecompany, de. 2. Righte- oufnefs, Faith, Charity andPeace are the Sum ofa holy Life. 3. Charity andPeace mutt ere- tend to all that call on the Lord out ofa pure Heart, (though' not in our Forma or Ceremo- pies.) 23. But foolish and unlearned queftions avoid, knowing that they do genderftrifes. Z3 . sig whereas themore ignorant and un- found Profeffors are apt to turnPrafîical God- liners into Self-conceited, Ignorant Contro- verfie and Difputies, avoid this ill Pradhice, as knowing that filch Wranglings do but breed Strifes. 24. And the fervant of the Lord muff not ftrive; but be gentle un- to all men, apt to teach, patient, 25. In meeknefs inftru£ting thole that oppofe themfelves; if God pP adventure will give them repen- tance to the acknowledging of the truth ; 26. And that they may re-. cover themfelves out of the fnare of the devil, who are taken captive by himat hiswill, 24, 25, 26. But God's Servants, efpeciall Bilhops and Teachers, mutt not provoke Dif- Centers by thriving Debates, but be gentle to all men, even theErroneus ; apt to teach them, and patient with them in Errour, inftru/}ing them in Meeknefs, and in a gentle fort, even when they oppofe the Truth; and thus to wait in the right ufe of God's means, to fee whether God 'will convince them, and turn them by Repcntance to the acknowledging of the Truth, and that by confederationof what you teach them, they may recover themfelves out of the Snare of the Devil, who captivateth themalive to do his Will. Note, t. If Men will not hear gentle teach= ing, much lets will they yield to provoking Difpntes. 2. Yet Difputes, like defenfive Wars, are oft neceffaty, to the Defence of the Truth and Church, the it be not the way tó win the Opponent, 3. Till Sinners by confi- deration can be broughtto be Agents in reco- vering themfelves, no Teaching or Difputing is like to recover them. 4. Fire and Water are not more contrary than this Wordof God, and the way of Romifh Prelates,who Hereticate Im- prifon, Silence, Ruine, andMurder true Chrifti- ans, for conforming to all their Superftitious Canons and Ceremonies, and nor fwearingOa, bedience to their ufurped Domination. I. CHAP. IIT. His know alto, that in the laft days perilous times fhal come. T. Before the End the Times will growyct harder, more difficult and dangerous. 2, 3. For men (hall be lovers of their 'own felves, covetous, boafters proud,blalphemers,dilobedieutto pa- rents, J