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Ch.3. Whereofto beware. II. Timothy. Enemies Ofthe TruthCh.3. rents, unthankful, unholy, without ceptiveObje(sfor any fuch Deceivers todraw natural affeElion, truce breakers, falle away. accufers incontinent, fierce, difpilers N06 'That all the laid Twenty forefaidVices ofthofe that are good, 4 Traitors, which cleave to creeping Hereticks while they heady high minded lovers of lea- are low, do work with greater power and p confidence in them, when they go into bold. lures more than lovers of God; nation 5. Having a form of Godlinefs, but denying thepower thereof: from 8. Now as Jannes and Jambres fuch turn away. withftood Mofes, fodo thefe allo re- 2, s, 4, S. The fins which will abound are ftft the truth : men of corrupt minds, thefe: I. They will be enllaved by feltilhnefs reprobate concerning the faith. and little care for any but themfelves, 2. Lo- 8. And as the Egyptian Magicians withnood vers ofMoney, andCovetous. 3. Open Boaft- Moles to keep Pharaoh from believing him,and ors and vain-glorious, q. Proud, s, Blafphemers that by Magick, fo do thefe refit the True and reproachful, 6. Difobedient to their own Preachers ofthe Gofpel, by their Magick and Parents, 7. Unthankful, 8. Without Holinefs, Arts now, and bythe Sword and Cruelty when Prophane, 9. Having no true, friendly Love,no, they canget into Power: Men of Corrupt not natural, so. Men that will not live in Peace, Minds, reprobate concerning the Faith, Unbe- but are unreconcileable, xi. Devils or felfe Ac- levers under the Name of Chriftians. entersof others, efpecially of the belt, 12. Di- Note, That the Names of Vannes and yámbrer ltempered,ill conditioned,jncontinene,t 3.Fierce are taken by Paul from the Tradition of the and Cruel. r 4. Having no love to Goddnefs, or ye ,t, Good Men, I s. Betrayers of others, or Tree- cherous, 16. Rath, Predpitate, Heady Men. 9. gut they (hall proceed no far- t7. High- minded, puft upwith Self-conceit in- Read of Solid Knowledge, t 8. Lovers of Plea- they: for their folly 111111 be manifeft lure, (Senfûal and Fantaffical, as Carnal Men) unto all men, as theirs alto Was. more than;lovers ofGod, r9. Having anImage, or Formof Godlinefs, a thew and out-fide, in 9. But as Mofeis Miracles overcame the Ma- Words, Getautess, Liturgies, Ceremonies and gicians, and lamed them, fo there Shall be Frofefiìons: to But the Powerof it for San- (loan in the purfult of their Deceit and Heretic lrtificarion, mortifying the Flesh, and overcom- and Oppolition to the Truth, and Shall not trig the World, and living above, they favour proceed much farther: taut God will confound nor, but deny, and do oppofe. From this fort them, and manifeft all their Folly. of Men turn away, and have no Communion with them re. But thou haft fully known my dofrine; manner of life, purpofe, Nìe, Ifthe Apoftle had Written thus in theft faith, long--utFering, charity, pad- tatter Ages of the Church, Guilt would have Once, I Perfecutions, aflliEÌions made many accuf him as Defëribing and de- faming unto Antioch, them and their Church-Rulers. s Iconium, at Lyftra, what Perfcuti- 6. For of this fort are theywhich ons I endured : Creep into houles, and lead captive re, tr. But for thy eftablitlrmentl fetbefore filly women laden with fins, led away thee the f uample ofmy Miniftry : Thou haft with divers lofts,, 7. Ever learning, been fully acquainted with the Do4rinewhich and never able to come to the know- t have taught, with the courfe and ordering of ledge of the truth. my Life, my purpofe and defign, my faithful- nets in my Work, my long -faltering and free- 6, 7. This Evil Spirit is already gone forth, dom fromWrath, my lave to others, my pa- and there Mifchiefs are begun, (and will in- rient Coffering, my Perfecutions and Sufferings create) tor fuch are they that thruf themfelves at .Antioch, and other places where I have into Honts, and there by deceit lead Captive Preached, and What the Minifry lath con me. , (illy Women, who beingundera heap oftheir Oval fins, and afted and led by divers tufts, I2, t 3. But out of them all the or ill ocfrres, come to the Chriftian Aitem- Lord delivered me. Yea, and all blies, an& are {till learning, but grow not in found Geliga5 nor come to any foundknow- that will live godly in Chrift Jefus ledgeofthe Trl and fo are verycapable Re- (hail fuller perfecution. 14,ty.Bat