Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 3. Paul'sexample II. Timothy. Svriptcíreflsffering Ch. is. But oat of them all God detivéred is little underfood or believed by the Roma* me, fo that I went on tüdo his Wòrk : Yea, Clergy, who have made it neceflary to a to- fuch is the malignity of the Carnal World, termed Minifter to know and obferve tlieit againft that which croffeth their Lufts and Er- numerous Canons, and Oaths, Subfcriptions. your, and carnal Intereft, that all that refolve in and Ceremonies, betides many Booksoftheirs, a throughly GodlyLife, and not by flattery or while they admit Prints that are ignoratit of fin to comply with the Wiles of ProudUngod- the Scripture, and forbid the readingoofthen; ly Men, but to be true to Chrili, shall Puffer to the People. filme fort of Perfecution. 16. But evil men andfeducers (hall C H A P. IV. wax worfe and worfe,deceiving, and t. ir Charge thee therefore before being But thefinw. j God, and the LordJefus Chrift, 16. the fin which hardeneth thafeWick- ed Men to be Perfecutors of Godly Chriftians, who thall judge the quick and the will harden them fo far as to juftihe ir, and dead at his appearing, and his King- Band to it impenitently, and think they do dom 2. Preach theword, be inftant God fervice by Per(ecuting his Servants, pre- tending that it's they that are erroneous, and In : afon, out offeafen ; reprove, re= bad Men, and do deferve it; and being de- buke, exhort with all long ftllfering ceived themfelves, will by deceit draw others and doctrine. in do the like.'` r, a, So dreadfai is the Sin Sactilegioufiy to 17. But continue thou in the deny Chrift the Service which thou haft vowed thin s which thou haft learned and him, and art ordained to, and to betray the g Gofpel, and Men'sSouls by fo doing, that Ido haft been afiured of, knowing of adjure thee with all opiate earneftnefs, as be- whom thou haft learned them ; fore Gm, and as thou wilt anfwer it to Chrift 17. But do thou continue in that Doárine injudgment, when he commit in the Kingdom which I have taught, and thou haft receivedas affured Truth, as knowing that thou.hadit it from Chrift by an Authorized Apoftle- 18. And that from a child thou haftknown the holy fcriptures, which are able to make thee wife unto fat- vatiol, through faith which is in Chrift Jefus. IS. And fromthy Childhood thou haft been trained up in the knowledge'of the Old Te- ftament, whole Prophefiesof Chrift, and facred Precepts, now illuftrated by the Gofpel of Chriftiân Faith, are fufficient to make thee wife (by the Spirit ofGrace) in all that's need- ful to falvation. 19, 20. All Scriptures is given by infpiration of God, and is profitable of his Glory, that thou forbear not by any Perfecution, as far as poflibly thou canti, to Preach theWord, be intant and urgent, in fen. fon or fair opportunities, yea out of feafon,(Ne- cefrty muff takeplace ofConvenience and Cir- cumftantial Decencies,) Reprove the faulty. Rebukegrofi Sinners, Exhort all Men, with un- wearied Long-fufiering and found Doárine.' Note, How dreadful a thing it is to ceafe Preaching the Gofpel while we can, whatever we fufter for ir, and whoever forbiddeth it. Let them that think that the Apoftles only were exempted from yielding to Mens Prohi- bition, remember that Timothy had his Call and Commiflion from Men. Qy. But mayOtt Church. RulersPence Minerse .Arfm. Yes, when they fo deferve it, by doing more hurt than good, that Chrift's Law doth filence them; elfe not: Tito they may determine of Place and Cir- torr doctrine, for reproof, for corre- cuinftancer, and Magiftrates may allo difpofe'of Eiion, for inftruftion in righteoufnef.: their own free encouragements, and may ré- That the man of God may be per- ftrain Menfrom evil doing. fell, throughly furnifhed unto all 3 . For the time will come when goòd works, they will not endure found doctrine; 19, 2o. All thole Writings which ale of Di- but after their own lulls !hail they vine Infpiration are all profitable for Doárise, heap to themfelves teachers, having for Reproof, for Amóndment and Correáion, itching ears. and for Education and Difcipline in Righteouf- 3. Note, 1. That the forefight of Evil tint's nefs; that fo all God's Servants, and efpecially by tempting Teacher's; should make Faithh.tMt- Teachers, may be comptent and frilly inftruáed *lifters labour the harder in their' time. and furnifhect for every good Work required " 2'. It is no new thing for profeíhd Chrifti- ofGod, for the Minifterial Service; and 'for ans not to endure found Doátine, bit to fol- Mens Salvation., .. low falfeTeachers. Nat. To this exclude not the ufe ofanySub- 3. It is by their own Lufts, or Erroneous fervient Arts or Knowledge, yet certainly this Wills and Choice, that rrofeilbrs are reduced Jay felfe Teacher:0 4. Itching l .