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Ch. 4. Petul's Confidence. ILTimothy. Paul'sConfid. in Cool. C11.4; E. Itching Earsis a dangerous Difeafe. with Carpus, when thou comefí, g. Falfe Teachers may be heaped up, and to bring with thee, and the books, but hove the Major Vote, when Sound Teachers efpecially the parchments. cannot be endured. 4. And they fhall turn away their o 3 Note, The word tranflared [the etakel is and fhall be very probably by others tranllated [the Roll] ears from the truth, ,v of Parchment. turned unto fables. 4. Nate, That Churches, Paftors and People 14, 15. Alexander the copperfmith *nay turnaway from the Truth toFables. did me much evil : the Lord reward 'j. But watch thou in all things, him according to his works. Of endure afBilions, do thework of an whom he thou aware all(); for he vsngelift, make full proof of thy hath greatly withItood our words. gniniltry. 14, 15. 'Alexander an Excommunicate Man. 5. Note, That great watchfulnefs, patient la- hath such wrong'd me: Godwill rewardhim touring and fuffcring, and fulfilling their Mi- according to his Works. niftry approvedly in all Ttyals, incite Defcripti- Note, Excommunication enrageth impenitent, on ofa true Minifter of Chrift. bad Men. 6. For I am now ready to be of- fered, and the time ofmy departure is at hand. 7. I have fought a good fight, I have fiifhed my courfe, I have kept the faith. 8. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteonfnefs, which the Lord the righteous judge fhall give me at that day : and not to me only, but unto all them allo that love hisappearing. 6, 7, t. Note, That, a. Our Minifiry and Life is like a Battle, Combat or Race for Life or Death. 2. Only they that overcome fltall be Crowned. 3 Faithful menmay take great Com- fort when Death is at hand,in the Conference, end review of a well-fpent viRorious Life and Mini(iry. g. Their Reward will be a Crown of Righteoofefs, given by God as a Righteous judge, on Gofpel worthinefs, tho' not on le- al Merit, but fuppoling free Grace in Chrift. s. To love Chrift's appearing, is the effet ofaPavingFaith. 9, so, s r, Do thy diligence to come Thorny unto me. For Demas bath orfaken me, having loved this pre- fenworld, and is departeduntoThef falonica : Crefcens to Galatia, Titus untoDalmatia. Only Luke is with *ne. Take Mark and bring himwith thee: for he is profitable to me for the miniflry. 12. And Tychicus have ,3 lent to Fphefus an, 1 t 1 1ete, That, t. It is not Chrift, ghat mas is fad to forLike, but Paul . and stet ro 'È,pn worldling, bar to go about his Worldly BtR efs rrafeáfonably. 2. Timothy was not then at i 3. The Onkc that I left at Troas 16. At my first anfwer no man Rood with me, butall men forfook me : 1pray God that it may not he laid to their charge. t6. Note, 1. This was not a forfzking Paul's Caufe, but his Perfori in danger, which is too ufital a cafe : Herein he followed Chrift,whofe Difciples all forfook him and fled. 2. It's like Peter was not then at Rome among the forfak- ers of Paul. 17. Notwithlfancling the Lord flood wich me, and ffrengthened me: that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gen- tiles might hear: and 1 was deliver- ed out òf the mouth of the lion. 17. But God forfook me not when all Men forfook me but was with nie, and ftrength- ened me, in vindicatingmy Perfori andCatlin a that while I was admitted to anfwer for my' felf, the Hearers might know, and Fame might tell abroad, what Dothrine it is that Ì fuffer for Preaching, and fo all the Cityof Rome, and others by their report, might hear and have notice of it : And fo I was delivered from the prefent danger ofDeath by the Roman Perfecto- tors, as (rota the Jaws of a Lion. Note, .a.Saine think that thewords [that the Preaching road lot be fu(i3 /Lown] refer to Paul's, longer time to Preach : I exclude not thiss, but prefer the other fenfe. 2. It was no Treafbn nor fin for Paul to call his Deliverance from the unjuft Judgment of the Civil Power, his being delivered out of the mouth of the Lion. O. And the Lord fhaIl deliver me frein every evil work, and will pre- ferve roe unto his heavenly kingdom, towhom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. s8. And