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Ch. 4. PaulfaluletId II. Timothy. his brethren: Ch. :: i8. And I doubt not but God will liilkeep fore winter. Eubulus greeteth thee, me from all the ill Delgus and Attemps of and Dudens, andLinus, and Claudia, Men againl me, at leal fo far, that they than and all the brethren. not drawme to do evil, and will keep me in zr. Make hale ço come, &c. a late of Right and Preparation to his Hea- venly Kingdom : In the hopeful fenfewhereof I rejoicingly delire that hebe glorified forever. 22. The Lord Telus Chrift be with 1men. thy fpirit. Grace be with you. Amen. 19, 2or Salute Prilca and Aquila, 22, The Lord Iefus Chrift, who is our Me- and the houlhold of Onefiphorus. E- diator and Head, and bath purchafed, chofen raftus abode at Corinth : but Tro- and called thee, performed for thee his facing phimus have I left at Miletum fick. Office, in keeping thy Soul in Hanes and Tres- 19, 20. Nate, That Tro 4,iraus was Gck,though Peace: His Grace (which is the greatel p lure on Earth) be with you, to keep you and Paul had the Gift of Healing; becaufe it was prepare you for Glory. Amen. pet to be common, nor at the will ofMau. Note, The Subfcriptions to the Epifles,are ne 2I. Do thy diligence to come be- part of the Holy Scripture. ANNOTATIONS. Aithful Minifters, wholeWork is to Preach the Gofpel of Salvation, should have fo muchof the Form, Belief, and Power of it in themfelves, as topats triumphantly out of the World in luf eying for it, and not to think that God ufeth them hardly : And to be fatisfied in God's acceptance, though their Brethren and Converts fhould forlake them, as the Bühops and Churches of.Afa didPaul. The Epiftle of St. PAUL the Apoftle to TITUS. CHAP.I. 1, 2.113Aul a lervant of God, and an Apofrieof "efus Chrift, ac- cording to the faith ofGod's elea, and the acknowledgingof the trutli,which is after godlinels : In hope of eternal life; which God, that cannot lie, pro Inifed before the world began. I, 2. Paul, &c. for the propagating of the Faith of God'sFled, and the acknowledgement ofthat found Doctrine, which is fuited to the promoting of Godlinefs, (in oppofition to pro phanenel and betete) in hopeof eternal life, which is theendof all our faith and godlinefs, and all Our preaching and Coffering, which God, that cannot lie, promifed before many Ages pal. 3.` But hath in due times manifeft- ed his word through preaching, which is commited sesto me, according to the commandment ofGodour Saviour. 3. But what he fo lqng ago purpofed, and darkly promifed, ha Isath in the haeft appoint ed feefon manifefted by his Gofpel through preaching, which is committed to me by the Commiffion and Commandment of God our Saviour. Nate, That it is doubtful whether by Garl°s Prarrsfe, bemeant only his fecret purpofe; or by [Ire_ xajvwv mi mviui'J be meant (man) ages ago.] Oneof the two it muff be ; for we cannot feign an actual Promifebefore theworld began, difind from his purpefe. 2. It is nor unlikely that he maaneth the Promifè firl made to Fallen Man, of the Wo- mans Seed, and after oft renewed ; and this obIcure word was made plain by the preaching of the Gofpel upon Chrift's Incarnation, Life and Rcfurredtion, &c. 4. To Titus ,aline own fon after the common faith, grace, mercy, and peace fromGod the,Father, and the Lord Jens Chrift our Saviour. 4. Nate, The Church bath but one Faith (or Creed) common in the Ellhntials to every Chrifián. 5. For