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. I. The Oetalifications' Titus. ofa Bithop. Ch. I. ç. For this caufe left I thee in Crete, that thou íhouldeft Let in or- der the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointedthee. s. Nat , I. That Thus is not Laid to be fet- tled inacre as their fixedBilhop, but left there inhis Travels, to fettle fixed Bilhops there. The Scriptures tell us that Tmvhy and Thus were Itinerant Evangelifts, that went about where Paul Cent them to plant and fettle Churches. But the plaintruth is, that Apoftles, and filch Evangelifts, as there, wherever they came, had as great Authority as any meet Bi- Slops, and more; and that they ftayed in Tome Con+preys longer than in others, to fettle the Churches; and that the Churches after their Age thought it an honour tobe their Charge, and fa called them their Bishops. In which fenfe one Apoftle might have twenty or forty Bildopricks, as he planted and fettled fo many Churches: But none of them were B amps fix- edand confined. to one Church, as choreufually trued Bishops. then were;. fo that to controvert whether Poter, Paul, Tmothy, Trua, Luke be. wereBilhops, isameerignorant ftrife de nomine, about the name, while we are, or eafily may be, agreed of the thing, what work for thofè Churches they performed. They were Bejhops amiinenter, tranfient from Church to Church; hilt he degradeth them. that feigneth them affixed toany one as their foie and proper Flock. 2. Nte; further, That Titus ordaining Elders, (that is, Bishops, as Dr. Hammond noreth impli- eth the peoples confent ; fcr ltas had no for- cing power. 3- That Crete is Laid to have an hundred Cities in it, being but a fmall Ifland; and fo muff have an, hundred Bishops, ifevery City mail one. But doubtlefs Paul meaneth every City that had Chriftians in it enough to be a Church. 4. That by 7r2Ats, is meantany big_Town filch as our Corporations are, and !( aróAty, gppidarim ismeant fromTown toTown, where there is matter for äChurch. And Paul never meant bythis tó confine BBifhops to Cities, and forbid them to Villages, but he named: Cities or Towns, becaufe then no other .placeshad Chriftians euow for a Church. q. Id. Hammond thinks that thefe Bif(tops then wereonly the Ungte Paßórs of Congrega- tions, hiving Sub-Presbyters, but Deacons. 6. The ordering of things wanting, was riot adding to tlheiêFaith andReligion or mar king them a Book ofCanons but Peeing them reduced to theobedient and orderly prat}iceof that which the Apotttés every where taught add fettled. 6. If any be blamelefs , the hus. band of one wife, haying faithful children not accufed of riot,or unruly, 6. Note, If God biers not Educationof his own Children, 1. The Church would doubt of his Fidelity, or whether God will biers his greater undertaking, 2.. andhis Family would be afcaiadal to Religion. 7. For a Bithop Inuit be blamelefs; as the Reward of God: not felf-wih led, not loon angry not given to wine no ftriker, not given to filthy lucre: 7. Note, That the fame man is called aBi- fhop here who was ealled,an Elder, v. 3. If then they wee diftin&Officers, Paul neglected to defcribe one of them, which is not credible when he defctibeth Deacons and Deaconelfes, D. Hammond confeffeththat therewere in Scrip. Lure- times.. no Subject-Presbyters, fave Bilhops, that were under the Apoftolick Order; but he thinks thatBishops had power from the Apoftles to institute another Order of Presbyters under them afterwards: Eue t. Where is thereany proof of that? Muff Church-Government cafe out all Miuifters who believe not Poch anun- proved Affertion? z. Its thus difproved : Pali( giverh Timothy and Titus fuffhcientInftrutions what Officers to Ordain in the Church ( which Canons were to be a Guide to all after-Ages.) But Pawl gave them no inttruáion or Canonfor the Inftituting ofany New Order betweenBi- (hops (or Elders) andDeacons : Therefore it is not credible, that any full power was then gi- ven to other&fho$s which he gavenot toTim. thy minas. Ent as-to others, who fay that the Apoftle3 and ;Evangelifts were then the onlyBifhops, I anfwer, de re, we confefs that rhefe had power to go about to gather and fettle Churches; and de nomine, whether fach may be called Bishops, let them quarrel that have nothing ere to do But betides them, everyTown or Church had then their own fixed Bifhop, (one or more) and Deacons, If Diocefansor Metro- politans will be Succetlòrs of the Itinerant A- potties and Evangelifts, or, General Bishops, let them reftore to every Church their particular proper Bishops, and not make Paftors that have not the power of the Keys. As for them that fay, Paul includeth both Orders under the fame 'mama, Bishops and Presbyters. I anfwer, Paul ufeth not only the fame name, but the fame defcription, and fo the Order or Of]tce alto mutt be the fame; and both Name andThing the fame. 2.. Bishops are God's Stewards, enerufted to govern by his Law; and not Lords of his`. Church, or oftheir Faith;