Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch.t . VttinTalkers andDeceivers. Ti 3. By [ff wil[call is meant [felf-conceited, proud men, that molt -be pleated, and have their own will ]' and cannot become all things lawful to all menfor their good, but will n- lènce, and excommunicate, and reproach thofe that are moil careful to do God's will, if they do but croft their Wills, and Canons. 4. Not [ /bon angry} rather [an angry, wrath- fu! man] The reft fee on t rm. 3. 8. Eut a lover of hofpitality, a lover of good men, fober, juft, holy, temperate. 8. But one that loveth to entertain men in his houle, a lover ofgoodnefs, and good men, ofa found and lober mind, righteous, holy, as devoted to God, continent and ahítemious. 9. HoldingTaft the faithful wor as he hath been taught, that he maytie able by found doftrine, both to exhort and toconvince the gainfayers. g. Faithfully holding faft the word ofFaith, even that which we have preacht and taught fromChrif, that fo he maybe able ro ufe found Doarine, both in Exhortation, and in Confutation ofOppofers. ro. For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, efpecially they of the círeumcifion. r t. Whofe mouths mull be flopped, who fubvert whole houfes, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucres fake. to, z x. For there are many diforderly and unruly, fodifh vain talkers, deceivers ofmens Judgments, fpeciaily thofe Jewifa corruptChri- flans, (before oftdefcribed.) Note, That here it appeareth whom Paul meaneth inhis Inveaives inmany Epiftles, even ihofe mentioned .4tlo rs. that would have made Chriltianity but a Supplement to Mofe,'s Law, and not Gnofticks only or chiefly: Ebion and Cerina's, were of the worfer degenerate fxt of them, and the Nicolaitansnext. s Note, ThatPanl meanethnot (topping the Seducers mouths by force, but by confutation by the word : For Trtsas had no power of the Sword. 3 Note, That fo great is the weaknels and tunftedfafnefs of many Chriftiahs, that whole lhoutholds mar be fubverted by the molt grofs deceivers. Ifthe Apoftle's Converts were fuch, no wonder ifoursbe fo. 12, 13. One of themfelves, even a prophet oftheir own, Paid, The Cre- tians are always liars, evil baits, flow bellies ; This witnefs is true ; na. Epimenfdet, an efeemedPoet of their own, faith, That the cream are faith, bad sutdravage, giuttonote and idle; and bis wgrds tus. Vain TalkersandDeceivers. Ch.z are true, of too many of them, who are not converted from thetè fins. 13. Wherefore rebukethem tharply, that they may be found in the faith ; 13. Note, That (harp or cutting Rebukesare necefiary to Tome, that they be found in Fait, and Religion. i4. Not giving heed to Jewiflh fa- bles and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. 14. Not believing theJewifh Fables and Tra- ditions, and Commands of Men, which the Pharittes uphold, and which turn men from found Faith. Note, Do you think that Paaal then was for introducing all the volt bodyof the Popich Ca- nons, and all their corrupt Traditions and Ce- remonies ? rg. Unto, the pure all things are pure, but unto them that are defiled, and unbelieving, is nothing pure: but even their mind and confcience is de- filed. rt. Theypretend that men are defiled by eating things unclean, not keeping their Days, Traditions, &c. but to Believers, who are pu- rified from Guilt and Sin, all Meats, and Days, and of that nature are clean and lawful, yea, fanaified, tofurther them in ferving God. But all things are made unclean, as abufed to fin and evil ends, by them that are unclean and unbelievers; their defiled Minds and Confciences defile all to them, 16. Theyprofefs that they know God, but in works they deny him, being abominable, and difobedient, and unto every good work repro- bate. 16. It is not theft Judaizers and F?ereticks Profession, that they knowmore of God, and his Will, thanothers, that will prove them wife or good : for their deeds contradia their tongues: They are praaical Atheills, while they deity God by their works and lives, as if they knewnot God to be the Holy and Righ- teous Governour and Judge of all : for they are abominableand difobedient, and averleand tmmeetfor all good works. C H A. P. II. r. Ut fpealt thou the things which B become found doÉtrine: a.That the aged men be fobet, grave, tempe- rate, found in faith, in charity, in pa- tience. z. Note, Sound Doorine is praaical, teach- ingmen their Duties. a. It was to ordinary with theJews for the M sa youe-