Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Cha,2, Dircffiont given to Titus. Titus. The duty ofServants. Ch. 2. Youngerto reverence and obey the Elder, that Officers being chofenby fenionty (coterie pari- bus) it is of no great moment whether we here expound this of Office or Age (as molt do.) They that take [.Agedi to fi,gnifie Rulers, fome meanDeacens,fome Elders that ruled only, ei- ther as Come, not Ordained to Preach, or as o- thers, not Ordinary Preachers: But all unpro- ved. 3. The aged women likewife, that they be inbehaviour as becometh holi- nefs, not falle accufers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things. 3. That the Aged women who are in the Church-Catalogue or Lift, that they behave themfelvesas becometh holinefs, not to diabo- line or calumniate, not addicted to Wine, Tea- chersof the younger fort in good things. Note, Whether their were Deaconeffes by Office or not? It is certain, t.That all aged women Mould inftruQ the younger, u. But be- caufe few do their duty to purpofe,it is ofgreat ufe is a we$orderedChurch, that fome few of the fitteil'beby Office chofen to this work, that the Miniftersmay direftthere aged women in it, and not be'themfelves-too oftenwith the younger fort On private: q. That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their huf- bands, to love their children, 5. To be difcreet, chart, keepers at home, good, obedient to theirownhusbands, that theword ofGod be not blafphe- med. , , 5. It is their work to teach the younger women to be wife, and of found Judgment, to love their Husbands, and Children, and thew it in their care and behaviour; tobe difcreetand chart in mind and behaviour; tokeep at home, and look to their.houfhold bufinefs, and not aired to be needlefly abroad in idlenefs, or un- der temptations; to be good, and fubjeél ro their husbands, for there is danger that the suif- carriages ofyoung women may bring reproach on Religion and the Gofpelwhich they profefs, 6. Young men likewife exhort to be fober-minded. and all worldly tufts, of fenfuality or covetouf- 6. Note, r. ,By f ber-mindednefs, is meant a nefs, and that we should live. in this prefent mind fettled in the Truth, guided by found World, foberly and temperately to our feives; judgments, andnot by l'afüon, nor feduced by righteoufly and charitably to others, and holily Senfe and Appetite, or evil company, or proud and obediently to God. Self -conceit, or tuftyJudging, into evil ways. 13. Looking for that blefled hope, a. ByPatulswarnings we may note, what the and the glorious appearing of the vices are that young men, and all form, are great God, and our Saviour Jefus atoll in darner of ty ; 8. Sound fpeech, that cannot be condemned, that hè that isof thecon- trary part may be afhamed, having no evil thing to fay of you. 7, 8. In all the good which thou wouldeft perfuade thy hearers to, be an eminent vifible Pattern thy felf, that theymay fee in thy Pelf what thou meaneft in thyPreaching : Let thy Dodtrine be entire and fincere, without corrupt mixture, and grave, without levity, found words that deferve not blame, and cannot be confuted ; that gainfayers (for fuch you mutt expe(d) may be afhamed,haviagno ill to charge on your Doétrine or Life. 9, 1 o. Exhort fervants to be obe- dient unto their own mailers, and to pleafe themwell in all things, not an- fwering again .: Not purloining, but (hewing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the dotlrine of God our Saviour in all things. Q, so. Servants, even the lowefl, are thy Charge, and mutt be taught to be obedient to their Matters, and in all things lawful belong. ing to their Government, to make it theircare to pleafe them, not eroding and contradidting them, nor ftealing the Zeal thing, nor taking any thing that is theirs, which is notallowed them by their confent, but fnewing all confcio nable truftinefs; thatwhile Chriftian Servants thus excel all others, it may honour the Go- fpeland Religion)morethan opinionative proud Profeflòrs do.) 81, 12. For the grace of God that bringeth falvation, bath appeared to all men, teaching us, That denying un- godlinefsand worldly lulls, we fhould live foberly, righteoufly, and godly in this prefent world. : a t, au. For the Grace of God by a Redee- mer, which bringeth Salvation, is made known now to all forts of men, and extendeth to Ser- vants as well as Matters, teaching us all ( not the vain fpeculations ofthe World) but ro deny all DoIrinea and Practices which are ungodly, 7. In ail things (Hewing thy felt a Ghrift, pattern of good works in dotlrine r3Animated herein by our believing ex- peótztion ofour hoped bleffedneft, and the ap- !l eming uncorruptnefs' kravity, fifCeri- prating of the glory of that great God, and our Sa,