Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 2. Tke Duty-of Servants. Titus. Infirucfions to Titus, Ch. 3 2. To fpeak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, Viewing all Saviour Jests Chrift, (according to his faithful Promife.) 14. Who gave himfelf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purifie unto himfelf a peculiar people, zealous of good works. t4. Who gave himfelfas our Saviour aSa- crifice for our fins, and aRanfom for our deli- verance, that thereby he might redeem andfave us from the guilt, punishment, and power of all our fins, and purifie and fanfkifie a Church to himfelf, as his Body and Spoufe, for his Glo- ry and delightful Communion with them, a peculiar people fegregate from the polluted wicked World,and'by hisSpirit made zealously devoted fit Love and Diligence, t : all good works, of Holiness tetGod, and Juftice and Be- neficenceto Man. Note r. It was to Redeem us from ourown fin, and itseffects,. that Chrift gave himfelf as our Saviour to be a Sacrifice for us. 'z. The Redeemed of Christ (not only as to fufficiency, but efficacy) differnot from the polluted world only by name and rofeflion, and common things, butare a purified and peculiar people, poffeffed by Christ's Spirit with a Zeal for Good Works. 3. True zeal is for Good Works, and notfor dead Ceremony, or world- ly Intereft, or odd Opinions, and dividing Seas. It is not furious and hurtful, and en- vious, but first pure, and then peaceable, and fees men upon earneft endeavour to do good. 4. It is not only for us that Christ Redeemeth and Purifieth a Church,and chofen People, but ultimately for himfelf, and for his own and his Father's Glory and Complacence. As he made the World not as needing it, but as plea- fed in bisown expreffed Glory. I 5. Thefe things fpeak and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no -man defpife thee. ti. There neceffarypraffical ravingTruths mutt be the matter ofthy Preaching: And ac- cording to the Authorityof thy Office, rebuke gain- Payers, and the difobedient: And let thy Dottrine and Behaviour in Wifdom and Gravi- ty, keep thee fromAll mens contempt.' C H A P. III. we should be made heirs according to meeknefs unto all men. s. To avoid all reproachful and evil (peak- ing ofany men,without a neceflary caufeupon fufficient evidence, to be no contestions firi- vers, but apt to take all things in the nioff fa- vourable fenfe, ufing all meeknefs to all men. 3. For we our felves alto were forne- times foolish, difobedient, deceived, ferving divers lulls and pleafures, li- ving inmalice and envy, hateful, and hating,one another. 3. In our dealing with others we muff ufe compafliion, remembring that before our Con- verfion to Christ, we our felves had thofe Vi- ces which are reproachful in others , we were witlefs, unperfwadable, and difobedient, de- ceived in the greatest things, the fervants of divers lulls and pleafures, living in maliceand envy against others, odious our felves, and with hatred purfuing one another: This was the Gentile life. 4. But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared. 5. Not by works of righ teoufnefs, which we have done, butac- cording to his mercy he faved us by the washing of regeneration, and re- newing of the holy Ghoft. 6. Which he flied on us abundantly, through Je fus Chrift our Saviour. 4, s, 6. But when the Saving-kindnefs and Love of God our Saviour to Fallen Man ap- peared to us by the communication and illumi- nation of his Grace, not for any good works or defertsofours (for we wereas bad, as afore- faid) but ofhis.tneer free Mercy he faved us from that flaw of' fin and mifery, h Regene- ration fignified and Pealed in llaptifym, and by the renewing work of the Holy Ghost, which he poured out upon us in the extraordinary meafure promifed after. Christ's Refurreaion, both for Sanaificatiön and confirming Mira- cles. 7. That being juftified byhie grace, a. tilt them in mind to be fubjeft the. hope of eternal life. E to principalities, andpowers, to 7. That thus by his Grace, beingof wicked obeyobey magistrates, to be ready to every Enemies made acceptably righteous, by pardon work: of fin, and renovation by the Merit and Spirit r. Teach them oft to live in due fubleaioil of of eernal L f , acording to his Prome,eon to Chief Rulers or Princes , and thofe that have which we fatly build our hope. Governing-Authority, and to obey Magilrates $. This is a faithful flying, and In things towcommaoduñder their andcemandv thefe things I will Yhat thoù afli rm all the good dæy ;auto all men. conftantly, that they which have be- VI ma lieee4