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Ch z;. rhegoodScribe. St. Matthew. TlaegoodScribe. Ch. 1 among the jMfl. 5o. And trail call 57. 58. Unbeliefmade Men uncapable re. them into the fornace of fire : there ceivers of thofe Miracles which elfe Chrift shall be wailing and unafhina of would have wrought. teeth. 49, so. Thefe plain and dreadfúl words, more need belief anddeep confederation, than expofition. 51. Jefus faith unto them, Have ye underflood all thefe things ? They fay unto him, Yea, Lord. 52. Then laid heunto them, There- fore every fcribe which is inftruEled unto the kingdom of heaven, is like unto a man that is an houtholder, which bringeth forth out of his treafure things new and old. se, 52, All that are furnifhed with holy knowledge, and are fitted to teach others. moil have an habitual treafure of it in their Minds, from whence they may be able to open the truth, exhort, reprove, and confute all the erroneous, on all juft occafions : as a Houle- keeper is ftock'd for the provifion of his Family. 53. And it came to pats, that when Jefus had frnithed thefe para- bles, he departed thence. 54. And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their fynagogue, infomuch that they were allonithed, and faid, Whence hath this man this wifdom and thefe mighty works? 55. Is not this the carpenter's fon ? is not his mother called Mary ? and his brethren, James, and Jofes, and Simon, and Judas ? 56. And his fillers, are they not all with us ? whence then hath this man all thefe things? sa, e'c. Note, n. Familiarity breeds con- tempt. It is no impediment to our Faith, that we law not Chrlf 'sPerlon, Parentage, and E. 'ducation. 2. Carnal Men are not fatisfied by the evidence m Divine atteftation, unlefs they can give a reafon of it, and overcome the difficuky and fcandal of Objections. 3. It is uncertain whether Mary had other Children after Jefus, or thefe were his Brethren, or only his Kindred. 57. And they were offended in him. But Jefus faid unto them, A prophet is not without honour, fave in his own countrey, and in his own houle. 58. And he did not many mighty works there, becaufeof their IV/beli ef. CHAP. XIV. r. / T that time Herod the te. Il trach heard of the fame of Jefus, 2. And Paid unto his fervants, This is John the Baptill, he is rifen from the dead, and therefore mighty works do thew forth tüemfelves in him. 1, 2. Nate, That Herod did believe the Im- mortality of the Soul ; elfe he could not have believed John's Refurre &ion. 3. For Herod had laid hold on John, and bound him, and put him in prifon for Herodias fake, his bro- ther Philip's wife. q.. For John Paid unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her. 5. Andwhen he would have put him to death, he feared the multitude, becaufe they counted him as a prophet. 3, 4,S. N. r. Faithful Prophets did tell Kings of their Sin, 2. But fuck as Herodcan. not bear reproof. 3. The Perfecution offaith- ful Teachers is ufually for telling great Men of their furs. 4. Themultitude then didfo much reverence Prophets,that they were a terror and reftraint to perfecuting Rulers. 6. But when Herod's birth day was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, and pleafed He- rod. 7. Whereupon he promifed with an oath, to give her whatfoever the fhould ask. 8. And the being before inttruâed of her mother, laid, Give me here John Baptift's head in a charger. 6, 7,.8. N. Great Mens Pewits and Frolicks are a ufual kaftanof great fin, andcarnal plea, fares are their Snares. a. Rafla Oaths are the fruit of Vice, and the feed of more, 3. Vo- luptuous wantons are oft the molt cruel and bloody Perfecutors. 4. The Devil feldem wanteth fuggefters of Cruelty. 9. And the king was lorry : ne- verthelefs for the oath's fake, and them which fat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her. 9. N. Wicked men oft fin with troubled Confcience: but yet will do it for their bafe ends, a. Hypocrites that dare murder the jult, yetmay make theConfcience of a wicked Oath their pretence. (How confcionatalythenShould bad