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Ch. 8. The New Covenant, Hebrews. The New. Covenant. Ch. R. be a Pries according to the Law, becaufe there z. It is not herecard the Firff Covenant, as are fuch already, and it was entailed ou the ifnoother had gone before it, for there was a Line of 'Aaron: (And Chtif{'s Sacrifice when former with .Adam, Noah, Abraham : but as it he was on Earth,was notaccording to the Law, is the firs of there two. And it was a Core- but fuperlegal.) nantof Peculiarity, diftinet from the common 5. Who ferve unto the example on and thePromife. and fhadow of heavenly things, as 8. For finding fault with them, he Motes was ádmoni(hed of God, when faith, Behold, thedays come (faith the he was about to make the tabernacle. Lord) when I will make a new cove-, For fee (faith he) that thou make all runt with the houfe of Ifrael, and the thingsaccording to *pattern fhewed houfe of Judah : 9. Noe according to to thee in the mount. the Covenant that I made with their s. And the Levitical Priefihood on Earth, Fathers, in the day when I took them was made to perform thofè Adminifrations, by the hand to lead them out of the which are but fhadowsof the heavenly risings, land of Egypt, becaufe theycontinued having fome notifying and infirucuing refem- not M my covenant, and I regarded blance to them as figurative ; which God them not, g darkly intimated to Mores when hecharged him ,faith the Lord. to make the Tabernacle in the Wildernefs ac- 8, 9. For he intimateth the defect of the cording to the pattern whichhehad feen in the Mofaical Covenant, when he faith, Behold, the Mount. So that the Earthly Tabernacle and days time, &c. Iwill make with them a new Worfaip is but a figure or fhadow of the Hea- Covenant, of greater and forer Mercy: for the ve sl}'. former they quickly forfook, antt I forfook 6. But now bath heobtained a more them. excellent ininifiry, by how much alfo I o. For this is the covenant that )c he is the Mediator ofa better cove- will make with the houfe of Ifrael af- nant, which was eftabliltned upon bet- ter thofe days, faith the Lord, I will ter prornifes. put my laws into their mind, and, 6. But Chris's Prierty Miniftry is more ex. write them in their hearts: and I wilt cellent, as he is the Mediator ofa better Cove- be to them a God,and they (hall be to nant, than the meer LawofMofes was. (Tho' me a people. the Promife that went before and with the ro. But this is my new Cdvenaftt which ï Law, was an obfcure Gofpel. It is better, as will make withall ,Abraham's believing, Seed having better Promifes ; evenclearer andfuller, I will fanIifie them by my Spirit,and Ode- and more confirm'd by God's Oath, andSeat, by give them a ravingknowledge and love of, and Earease IE bath Yroroif of fuller Par. all my neceffary Laws, and their Duties, as if don, greater Grace and Privileges,and furor theywere written in their minds and hearts a and greater Glory. and I will be to them a God ( which is their Note, That both the Mofaical and the Chrî- All) and will love and cheri(h themas my e (Han are named in Scripture, both a Law and culiar people. y P a Covenant, for they have the fameparts, viz, Note, That this Promife is notmade to'tfraeh Precepts, Promifs, andThreats, and Obedience as a eculiar political Body for their Policy be contented to. As propofed by God, was tá be diflolted) but as a part ofthe Ca with his Antecedent Mercy, it is a Law, and tholick Church, which are 'Abraham's belie- a propofed Covenant (d}xe tam.) As confen- vingSeed. 2. Therefore it being fuppofed red to by Man, it is a Law accepted by Sub- that it is to- Believers that this Promife is made, jeAs, and a mutual Covenant ( s-s s , xon.) See it followeth, that it is a Promifeon condition Garotte, s Preface to Annotations on the New of preceding Faith ; As Vocation givethFaith, Tesamentof theNames. which is the Condition ofconfequeent fusifica-, E'or if that covenant had been 7. Lion and SanQification. Though all be of faultlefs, then should no place have Grace, God's Wifdommaketh the Condition a' been fought for the fecond. means to introduce the refl. 7. For ifthe firs Covenant had been per. r r. And they (hall not teach every feet, God would not haye made the fecond ma -n his neighbour, and every man his better brother, fayïng, Know the Lord : fcf A'rte, a. That it is not finfui F'áuitinefs, but a13 (ha.. know,' me, from the leaft t®' filch tmperfeaion asthe beginnings"of Art and Nature have,compar'd with the Perfellion tlw thegreateft. i5 here. meant; Na E rllaâ