Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 9. The different He And it Shall not be doubtful to them, whether the Lord or Baal be the true God, as it hath been with this unitedfaft People, who fo long liv'd in Idolatry , for all the Church of Believers, from the leali to the grea- teft, shall know and own me to be their God, and not need to be again taught it, as an un- known thing, Note, That this fpeaketh not againft the ne- cefCity of Humane Teaching : for it is by filch. Teaching that God is fitppofed to give them . the knowledge of himfelf. Nor Both, it mean that it than be needle& to teach:the belt to-know GodNetter for toknow him is the funi and perfeótionof Knowledge, and 'tis Life Eternal. But the meaning is, That it than not be an un- known thing, that the Lord is our God. 12. For I wiil be mercifufto their unrighteoufnefs, and their fins and their iniquities will I remember no bre\vs. Covenants. Ch. rp, callèd Worldly : the outward part figuring the lower World, in which was the Candleliirk e with fix Branches, and one in the midi, figui. fyiugg the Planets;, and twelve Loaves on the Table, fignifying the Fruits ofthe Earth : the inmoft fignifying the higheft Heavens. But'tis prefumptuous to truft our Wit too far in feign- ing Divine Signification; and 'ris groundlefs hence to gather, that it was call'cl a Worldly Sanóhrary. 4, 5. Which had the golden center, and,the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein mas the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the ta- bles of the covenant ; And over it the cherubims of glory fhadowing the mercy-feat; of which we cannot now fpeak particularly. - 4, 5. In it was the goldenCenfer,£or Intenfe brought when the Prieft went in; and the Ark overlaid with Gold, in which, or near it, was the Pot of Manna, and .daron's Rod, and in it theTable of the Commandments of the Cove- nant, and over it the ImagesofAngelical Che, rubiots (hewing God's glory, when it appear'd to Men, which alto fhadow'd the Covering or Mercy-Seat, 6. Now when thefe things were thus,. ordained, thepriefls went always into the firnt tabernacle, accomplifhingthe fervice of God. 7. But into the fecond went the high prieft alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered forhimfelf, and for the errors of thepeople. 6, 7. Into the fill} part of this Tabernacle the Priefis went to perform the Ordinary Ser- vice ; but into the fecond went only the High Priefi once a year, butnot without the.Bloodof Calves and Goats,which he offer'd for fach fins of himfelfand the peopleas were expiable. 8. The holy Ghoft this fignifying, that the way Into the holieft of all, was not yetmade manifeft,whileas the firnt tabernacle was yet ftanding : 8. By this the Holy Ghoft fignified, that un- der thatLaw, or Tabernacle-ftate, the Accefs of Sinners to Gad, for allured Acceptance here,. and Glory hereafter,was not yet clearly, fully; and with fatisfying Affurance revealed, or by tint Law, as Poch, conferred; for it wasrefer- ved,to the coming of the Mdiah: (though the Promife or Lawof Grace Paved men then.) 9. Which was a figure for the time then prefent, in which were offered both snore. 12. For thegreatnefs of my Mercyfhallfor_.. giveall the fins. of their unconverted hate, and not charge themupon them,to,their deftruction, and all the Infirmitiesoftheir RegenerateRate.. Note, That this Promife ofJuttification, as well as the former ofSannification, fuppofeth them to be Believers in order of Nature firft, as the Condition. 13. In that he faith, A new cove- nant, he hath made the firñ old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old, is ready to vanilh away. 13. This term of a newCovenant implieth, that the old one mull then be abolifh'd: and the time is come. C H A P. IX. a. -r Hen verily the fide covenant IL had alfo ordinances of divine fervice, and a worldly fanftpary. t. The Mofaical Covenant had its' proper Ordinances of Service to God,. and anearthly, temporary Tabernacle. 2. For there was a tabernacle made, the firnt wherein was the candleftick, and the table, and the Phew-bread, which is called the finttuary. 3. And after the fecond vil the tabernacle which is called the holieft of all. 2, 3. This made Tabernacle had two parts t In the firft, called The Sanctuary, was the Can- dleltick, dre. And within the fecond Vail was Tie holieff ofall. Nore; Some out of Philo fry, that the Taber- nacle (and the Temple after) was made as an image or Fh ere of the Woad. and therefore