Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

brews. preferr'd. Ch. 9 both gifts and facrifices, thatcould not make him that did theferviçe perfect, 0.'2. The NewTeftament He as pertaining to the confcience. s. Which figuratively fignified the time then for now) prefent, when the Gifts and Sacrifices wereofferd, which could not fitffice to perfek the Acceptance ofthe Offerer with God, or to cleanfe him from the confcience and guiltof fin. 1o. Whichflood only in meats and drinks, and divers wafhings, and car- nal ordinances impofed on them until the time of reformation. to. I (peaknot ofthe Laws of Nature, of Godlinefs, Charity, Jußice, andSobriety, which are common to the Jews with us and other Peo- ple, but ofthe (dttatwr!atm Na19eías i4ompxir) pofitive Inftitutions of bodily Service to God, proper to Morels Law. And there Laws, in filch Outwards as the body performeth, called Rights and Ceremonies, Meats, Drinks, Waffl- ings, which God indeed impededon them, as a material part oftheir Obedience; but it was as fuited to Their Carnality and Minority, till the Me iiah's Reformation let up a better Law and Worship. r. But Chrift beingcome an high prieft of good things to come, by a greater and more perfett tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to fay, trot ofthis building : It. But Chrift is -come a High Priießof the future Felicity promifed in the Gofpel, even to procure us grace and glory,officiating ina grea- ter and more perfeft rn Tabeade,even-his Body, now glorified in Heaven, (having done hispre- paratory work on Earth) -which was not built as Tabenaades are on Earth. 12. Neither by the blood of goats and calves : but b.y his own blood he entred in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us, 12. And not as the LevicicalPriefts, by the bloodofGoats and Calves, offer'd for Expia- tion; but by obedient and voluntary ffering his ownBlood a Sacrifice for the fins of the World, he obtained his entrance into the Rate of glorious exaltation, there to intercede for us, and rule us, having here, by his Merit and Sacrifice, purchafed Eternal Redemption for us, which thence he will bellow. 13. For if the 'blood of bulls, and of goats, and the allies of an heifer fprinkling the unclean, faní`iifieth to the purifying of the flefh 13. If there be byDivine Inßitution effeßual againß corporal legal Uncleannefs, by a Cere- monial Sanoific cion,. the Figure of the Spiri- tual. 14. How muchmore (hall the blood of Chrifi,who.through the eternal fpi- rit, : offered hinifelf without fpot to God, purge your cpnfciences from dead works'to ferve the living God? i4. Moll certainly then fhall the Blood of Cliriß, who by the Eternal Spiritoffered him- felf Souland Body, a fpotlefs Sacrifice to God the fovereign righteous Judge, to cleanfe Soul and Confcienee from the power and guilt of dead Works (which fignifie a Death in Sin,and tend to Death forSin) to ferve the livingGod, who will accept us to an everlafting life. Note, By the EternalSpirit, by which Chrift offerd hinifelf, Come Expofitors underftand Chrif's Inimortul Soul voluntarily refigning his Life. 2. Othersunderftand theHoly Ghoß, the third Perlon in the Trinity, by whom Chriß is 'laid to be conceiv'd, and to do his Miracles. 3. Others underftand his own Di- vine Nature, as the fecond Perlon. It'shard to be Cure which is nteant,but it is ofno great mo- ment,feeing it is certain that indeed he didit by all there three. There is a fourth Opinion of tome thatunderftand it ofa prime fuperangelical Nature ofChrift, which they think, by Eternal Emanation, cometh from the Deity united to it, which they make a middle third Nature in Chriß, and in which they fuppofe it is that, as a Creature, he is advanced above all Angels, be- caufethey take Angels and Men to beakeeiedi. ftinlli ; and that if humane Nature mull be let above Angels, in it Pelf, it mull thereby change its fpccies, and be no more humane. But tobe wife toSobriety in fuch Myfteries fare, and not to prefume. 15. And for this caufe he is the me- diatom- of the new teflament, that by means ofdeath, for the redemption of the tranfgreflions that were under the fiat teflament, they which are called might receive the promife of eternal inheritance. Is. And for this caute Chrift became Me- diator between GOD and Man, to procure; teal, and promulgate the New Covenant, or Lawof Grace, that his Deathdoing that which no other Sacrifice could do in expiation of the Jews Sins, committed under the Mofaical Covenant, ( as well as of the rei ofthe World) they which are by his Call made foundBelievers, might by promife be fecured of the EternalInheritance, and poffeffed of it indue time. Nn 16. For