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Ch. 9. The New Tefitament Hebrews. preferred. Ch. 9, heavenly things themfelves with bet- ter facrìfices than thefe. 23. Thefe Ceremonies being ordain'd to prefigure and notifie things that are in Heaven, and belong to Heaven, it was meet that fuck Blood fhould be the purifying Ceremony : but the heavenly things themfelvesmoot be purcha- fed, and the Souls fitted for it purified,and the Covenant confecrated by amore precious Sacri= fice, even the Blood of the Lamb ofGod,who takethaway the fins ofthe World. 24. For Chrift is not entred into the holy places made with hands,t;tüich are the figures of the true, but into heaven it felf; now to appear in the prefence ofGod for us. 24. For it wasnot to officiate in a Taberna,. cle made by Man, that Chrift became our High Prieft, but (though his Sacrifice was (ftèr'd on Earth) it was to officiate by continued Inter- ceflion for is in theHeavens, in the pretenceof God's Glory, of which the other was but a Type. 5. Nor yet that he fhould offer himfelf often, as the high prieft en- treth into the holy place, every year 16. For where a teftamentis, there mutt an "Of neceffity be the death of the teflatour. 17. For a teflament is of force after men are dead : other- wife it isof no ftrength at all whilft the teflatour liveth. t6, r7. And Chrift being by his Sponfion to be a Sacrifice, his Donation cloth prefippofe his Purchafe ; and thence his Covenant hatla al- fo the nature ofa Teftament, which fitppofeth the Death of the Testatorand is not of Effica- cy till then, to give full right towhat he be- yueatheth. Note That the eminent Evangelical King- domofthe Mediator, in its laft fall Edition, calla the Kingdomof Chrift, andof Heaven, diftinf.} from the obfcure Bate of l'romife be- fore Chrift's Incarnation, began at Chrift's Re- furretiion, Afcenfm, and fending of the emi- nent Gift ofthe Holy Ghost, and was butas an fmbrio before. 18. Whereupon, neither the fiat teftament was dedicated withoutblood. r 8. Therefore the firft, as figurative of the fecond, was confecrated and fealed in Blood. i p. For when Mofes had fpoken every precept to all the people, actor- with blood of others. 26. For then ding to the law, he took the blood of mutt he often have fuffered lance the calves and of goats, with water and foundation of the world : but now fcariet-wool, and hyf%p, and fprinkled once in the end of the world, bath he both the Book and gl the people; appeared to put away fin by the fad 2o. Saying, This is the blood of the mikeof himfelf. Teftament which God bath en.joyned 25, 26. Note, n. Chrift's once offering was fufficient : It may oft be commemorated, but unto you. 21. Moreover, he fprinkled Y likewife with blood both the taberna- only once done. 2. It is for kable Joy to Believers, that Chrift is us, as our High ele, and all the veffels of the Miniftty. Prieft, entred into Heaven: for he hash promi 22. And almofl all things are by the fed that we (hall be with him where he is. law purged with blood : and without And where elfe now (hall we defre to be ? ¡bedding of blood is no remiffion. 3 The DaysofChrift here were the declining latter part of theWorld, call'd the End; as 19, z ©, 25, 22. Note, s. God purpofely in- fifty or fixty years old is the end, that is, the ttituted 31l thefe bloody Purifications to pre- latter past of Man's Life. How near then is it figure Chrift. 2. The Cotton' of Sacrificing now to an end, 1684 after? from the Fall, mutt arife fromDivine Inftitu- 27, 28. Andas it is appointed unto lion, and not without it from natural Inventi men once to die, but after this the on, as fome now affirm: And no doubt but it is propagated among all idolaters through the judgment : So Chrift was once offered Worlds r. By Tradition from .ildam : 2 Cor- to bear the fins of many, and unto rupted by Devils, who would be worlhipped them that look for him (ball he appear as God, and to that end promote the imitation the fecond time, without fin, nntofal= ofGod : 3. The /Wills fprinkling of Holy Water, is filch another corrupt Lnnatton, fet- vation. lingup their Ceremony instead of God's,which 27, z8. And as it is with the common state Chrift abolith'd. of Man on Earth, who muff all once die, and 23. It wee therefore neceffary that then bedoomed to their endlefs Bate ; fo Chrift the patterns of things in the heavens was once to die as a Sacrifice for the fns of man and tothem thatwait for him in the ihowld be purified with thefe, but the prepared Rate o'f Faith, Hope, Obedience and Patience,