Ch. r o. One Offering Hebrews. for all our Sin. Ch. r ò: he, Lo, I come todo thywill, (OGod) Patience, he shall appear again, but not any more to bear the punifhment of their fins, but to jufifie them publickly, and take them to his Glory. CHAR X. uOR the Iawhaving a fhadow of good thingsto come, and not the very image of the things, can ne- ver with thofe facrifices which they offered year by year continually make the corners thereunto perfeft. t. For the Law having but in its Ceremo- mes a fhadow ofthe great Heavenly Bleflingsof the Gofpel,and not the clear Image (or Draught or Map) of the things themfelves, Both fhew by thefrequent yearly iterationof thole Sacri- fices, that it doth not perfeít the Sacrificers. 2. For then would they not have ceafed tobe offered : becaufe that the worfhippers once purged, fhould have had no more confcience of fins. a. For then they would have ceafed to be offer'd, becaufe the Worfhippers once pardon'd and cleanfed, fhould have no more Confcience ofGuilt, or remainingPravity_ 3. But in thole facrifices there w a remembrance again made of fans every year. 4. Forit is not poffible that the blood of bulls and of goats, fhould take away fins. 3, 4. Nate, a. This Text Both not deny, that the faithful Jews were then forgiven, nor that the Law conduced to it, as ufed in fubordina- tion to the antecedent Promife and Law of Grace: But without this Promifethe Law could not doit. 2. Nor doth this infer, that wemay not mention, lament and beg pardon for our old' fins while we liveon Earth : Nor that re- newed fins have noneed of a renewed Pardon, but no need of a new Sacrifice. g. Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he faith, Sacrifice and offe- ring thouwouldit not, buta bodyhaft thou prepared me. 6. Inburnt-offe- rings, and facrifices for fan thou haft had nopleafure : 7. Then faid I, Lo, I come (in the volumeof the book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God. 8. Above, when he faid, Sacri- fice, and offering, and burnt-offerings, offering for fin thou wouldeft not, neither hadft pleafure therein, which are offered by the law : g. Then faid he taketh away the firft, that he may eftablifh the fecond. S, 6, 7, 8, 9. David, as a Prophet, perfona- ring Oval, faith, 6e. taking down Sacrifices as mfufficient, and introducing Chrif's obe- dient Sacrifice of himfelf. 1o. By the which will we are fan- ftified through the offeringof the body of Jefus Ghrif once for all. to. And by this Decree ofGod, givingus a Saviour to be a Sacrifice for our fins, we are (as far as belongeth to the Expiating Sacrifice) made a holy People unto God, the fins of the Faithful by thisprice being pardoned, and Re- conciliation made. H. And every prieftitandethdaily miniftring and offering oftentimes the fame facrifices, which can never take away fins. II. And the Melts muff be {kill facrificing the fame things, never finifhing the Expiation. 12. But thisman, after he had offe- red one facrifice for fans fcr ever, fat down on the right hand of God ; r3. From henceforth expefting till his enemies be made his footftool. 12, t 3. But Christ having offer'd but one Sacrifice for fins, as fufllcient,forever fate down in the poffeffrou of Glory, and uuiverfal Do- minion in the Heavens, on the right hand of God, where he will reign till he bath fubdued all his Enemies, even all that oppofeth the per- fofing of his Work ofthe Salvation and Glory ofhis Church. 14. For by one offering he hath perfefted for ever them that are fan- ttified. 14. Forall the faithful and fanitified are by that one Offering, as a fufficient Expiatory Sa- crifice, Seed flore all Guilt and Sin now ini- tially, and (hall bepettedly without any other ExpiatorySacrifice, for ever. 15, 16, 17. Whereof the Holy Ghoft alfo is a witnefs to us : for after that he had laid before, This is the cove- nant that I will make with them after thofe days, faith the Lord; T will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them : And their fans, and iniquities will I remember no more. 18. Now, where remifïion of thefe is, there ír no more offering for fin. AS, 1b, 17, 12. Notehere, t. That whenthe Nn 4 pric