Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. I o. New Covenant Benefits Hebrews. and buties. Ch, t o price is given and taken, and a free Ad of der all Trials and Sufferings, hold fait bothour Oblivion rnade on the bare Condition ofthank- Hopeand Faith, andtheopen profeflionof it ful Acceptance, the Crime is Paid to be pardon- for he is faithful whohath promifed us the ends ed in the common cuftom of fpeech, it being tefs Felicity, whichwill pay forall, and exceed done as far as belongeth to theSatisfies and the all our expectations. Redor, as fuch, though yet the Refuters be all anually unpardon'd for a conditional Gift 24. And let us confider one another, puts nothing in ad, till the Conditionbe pers to rovoke unto love, and to gcod form'd. z. That here in the Promife, Pardon works. is not in time before Renovation, and fo not 24, Let none ofus live meetly to outfelves, actually ofany Infidels, orunconverted, tho' but fet our (elves with Rudious diligence to elect thereto. 3. That even the Pardonofthe promote the Sandity and Salvation of each Sanctified is but fuchas excludeth any more Sa- other, which is notdone by vain janglings and orifice; but not any more Faith, Repentance, fanion, but by provokingone another to love, Watching, Praying, dre. and to good works, and each tobe a common. 19. Having therefore, brethren, blefittg iu hisplate, byprofiting others. boldnefs to enter into the holieft by 25. Not forfaking the ulfemblingof the blood of Jefus, zo. By a new and our felves together, as the manner of living way which he bath confecrated fofne is : but exhorting one another, for us, through the vail, that is to fay, and fo much the more, as ye fee the his flefh : 21. And having an high day approaching. prieft over the houfe of God : 25. }got forfaking' either the more full tg, 20, 2 r. And now Í come to the Ufe of Church-Affembiis, or any Chriftian Converts what-I have faid in all the foregoingDodrinet and Communion, bywhich ye may excite and We are not now deterred tom accefs to God edifie one another, as fome do out of cowardly by unexpiated Guilt, but may come tohim as a fear of fuffering, and fome through felfiihnefi, Father, with comfortable, reverent boldnefs and want of brotherly love, and through cold- and hope, as reconciled by Chrift ; even in neí inRegion. And the morerefolved fhould confidence of the merit of his Rightevifnefs you be in this, becaufe the time of fuffering is and Sacrifice, which is as a new and frill effe- f hrt, and the day of your deliverance draws dual living way, through the vail of his flefh on, and cannot be fir off. ccnfecrated for us: And we have now in the Nate. Qu. a. )that if the RulersferlidChurch- Heavens a glorified HighPrief, who is Head .Affemblies, or at leaf( inferiour edifjing Con. over all things to his Church, which is the verfe ? ,Anfw. So they did for three hundred Houle ofGod, and ever liveth to do all for us years, when yet Chriftians ufèd it by command in Heaven, which belongeth to a perfected from Chrift. And Chriftian Princes (as is Paid High Prieft. heretofore) mutt do more good, but are notau. 22. Let us draw near with a true thoriz'd to do more mifchief, and forbid good, heart, in full affurance of faith, having thanHeathens. But yet, though we may not ftatedt fo bear the Duties of Piet an Charity our hearts fprinkled from anevil con- (tie. y d old fcience, and our bodies waffled with no more than Danieldid praying, or the Chriftians preaching and meeting) when we pure water. can perform them, r. We may forbear this 22. Let us therefore draw near to God in or that particular meeting or anion, when it holy Woribip and Heavenly Deliires and Afpi- would domore hurt than good. 2. Andwhen rings, with a Heart that is found, fincere and imprifonniencorbanilhmentmake it impoffrble, true toChrift and our Convictions, and abonn- it can be noDuty. ding with full beliefand truft inChrift, for all Qu. a. Who he- they that snug exhort one ano. that he hpth promifed, having our Heartsclean- ther ? ,.lnfw.-Not every one that bathapoud fed by Chrift's Blood (which is the Sprinkling felf-conceit, or "mafterly talkative Difeafe,.may figur'd under the Law) froth the confcience of needlelly gather Affemblies to eale his Stomach, guilt and the love and power of' fin, and our on pretence of Duty : But the truly qualified bodily praRice purified from Uncleannefs, try, and called Paffars muff exhort'in Church.,Affem. pifien by the Wafhings under the Law, and blies, by Office, and occafionally fuck other wells federally fgnified by our $aptifm. qualified menas he (hall there call forthorallove: z3. Let us hold fall the profeflion. And in inferiour occafional Converfe or Meet- ofour faith without wavering : (for andopportunities todo good: Eveneas over. he is faithful that promifed.) leers by Office relieve the Poor, but every 23. Let us againft all fubtle, deceitful Ad- man that can, muft do it in Charity. And verlaries, and again(} all cruel Perfecutors, un- the Phyfician by calling mutt heal the lick and wounded,