Ch. I 2.NetvTefiamcntpre;er'd. Hebrews. Admonition to Charity, Ch.' 3 whom, as we are here unitedby one Spiritand Love into one Body, fo there we ihall live in the perfetfion ofthis Love, and Union, and Communion : And to our Glorified Saviour, the Mediator oftheNewCovenant, by whom it was purchafed, made, foaled and executed, end who, according to the Tenor of it, media- teth for ìts with God, and from God to us : And, as thewary hereto, to thereat Purification by his fprinkled Blood, which the Blood ofthe Paflòver and Sacrifices typified ; and which cryeth not againft us, as .Abel's Blood did, for Revenge, but l'avetla us by fatisfying vindiftive Juftice. This is the Society and State of the Faithful. 25. See that ye refufe not him that fpeaketh : for if they efcaped not, who refufed him that fpake on earth, much more flull not we efcape, if we turn away fromhim that fpeaketh from hea- ven. 25. Therefore your Motives, both of Fear and Hope, being fò exceeding great, with your greateft care, fee that no Temptation drawyou ro refufe him that is the great Teacher andAu- thor of Salvation ; for if they draped not who rejeIed Mofes, and the Law deliver'd by him, whowas but a man like us on Earth, certainly limit not efcape, ifwe turnaway fromGod, fent his Sonfrom Heaven, and thence alfo freaketh to us by his Spirit. 26. Whofe voice then fhook the earth, but now he hath promifed, fay- Mg, Yet once more I (hake not the earth only, but alfo heaven. 27. And this word, Yet once more, fignifieth the removing of thofe things that are (haken, as of things that are made, that thofe thingswhich cannot be fha- kenmay remain. 26, 27. Whofe Voice thook the Earth when he deliver'd the Law. But now he hath pro- miffed, once more to Jhake even Heaven, as well as Earth. Which fignifieth, that he will re- move the things fo fhakeu, as madeto be tran- fitory in their ufe ; that the things, whofe de-. fignment, ufe and nature are perpetual, may re- main without them : that is, that the Law of Mofes !hall be removed, to make way for Grace, and the corrupted form of Heaven and Earth to make way for Glory, even the new Heaven and Earth that mufffollow. 28. Wherefore we receiving a king. domwhich cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may ferve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. 29. For our God is a confuhoing fire. 28, 29. Seeing therefore that the Gofpe! is the Do&rine and Gift of an unmoveable King- dom ofChrift in Glory, whichwe receive in Right when we are trueBelievers, and in pof- feflion at the loft; and fo we have the ßrong- ef motives to Holfnd's and Perfeverance ; letas ferve God with the greater diligence and re- verence,that we maybe meet for hisacceptance, andwith a godly fear of falling off, and of his Difpleafureifwe fhould prove Hypocrites or Apoftates. For the Got-pet is not only a word of Promifis, but hath its Threatningsand Terrors, as well as theLaw, againft all refufing Unbelievers, Hypocrites, and Apoftates, to whom even our God, fo rich in Grace, will yet prove a confuming Fire. C FI A P. XIII. I. E-T brotherly love continue. L 2. Be not forgetful to enter- tain firangers, for thereby fome have entertained angels unawares. t, a. And as toyour particular Duties,I fub- joyn thefe brief Precepts of Chriftian Morali- ty. a Be fare to keep up that Special Läve, which Clarifiions owe to oneanother (notwirh- Banding tolerable Infirmities and Differences) above the common Love which they owe to all men: and avoid' all that would deftroy this. Love. 2. Shew this, amongother means, by your Hofpitalìty, entertaining Travellers that need Entertainment: for fo .Abraham, Lot, and others, have entertained Angels, thinking that they were men : (and Claritt, at Judgment,will fay, I voaa a Stranger, andye toakme in.) Note ; That in thofe Countries, Inns were not fca ready as with us ; and Chriltians were moft poor men, not able to bear their own charges in their Travel. 3. Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them ; and them which fuffer adverfity, as being your felves alfo in the body. 3.. Seeing allthe Members of Chrift's Body muß fuller ifone fuffèr, think ofthofe that are Brifoners, efpecially for Chrift or.Righteoufnefs, with fuch Compaflion as ff their Cafe were your own ; and fo in all other cafes ofAdver- fity, remembring allo, that you are yet in a body liable to as great Affliftion. 4. Marriage is honourable in all,and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. 4 Account and ufe Marriage as God's Inßi- tutiou, honourably,-and keep the Marriage-be&