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Ch. 13. F7onefizLife, Obedience Hebrews. to Government, &c. Ch. 13 1o. Wehave an altar, whereo?they have no right to eat, which ferve the tabernacle. to. We are net without a more holy and profitable Sacrifice and sacred Food than theirs, even Chrift (who is the Lamb ofGod that ta- ketb, away theSins of the World) whole Paving' Sacrifice we feed on by Faith, and commemo- rate in our Communion, whole broken Body, and his Ihed Blood, they did not partake of,- who offer'dBeafts in facrifice in theService of the Tabernacle, as we now do, but were em- ploy'd about the fhadows of it i And thole that flickflill in their abrogatedRites, have no Right to our Altar. a I. For the bodies of thofe beafis, whole blood is brought into the fan. ftuary by the high prieft for fin, are burnt without the camp. 12. Where? fore Jefus alto, that he might fanftifie the people with his ownblood, fuffe- red without the Gate. 11, 11. For as the Besets thin for Atone- ment, wholeBlood was brought into the San - Ehtary, was not to be eaten by the Weft, but burnt withoutthe bounds of the CampofIfrael fo Chrift, when he was tobe oTer'd to fan/tifie the People withhis Blood, went without the Gates of 7erufalem. to fuffer, fgnifyaig that (as they rejefted him as unworthy to live with them, fo) he departed from them and their po Iitical and legal State. t 3. Let us go forth therefore unto' him without the camp,bearing his re- proach. 14. For here have we no continuing city, but we feek one to come, 13,1a. So let us go out to him, from the Jewish State and Ceremonial Law, ( and alto' from the Heathen World) and fuhmit to the Reproachof theCrofs, which muff beexpe/ü-. ed : We malt forfake both theJewish Policy and the World,or elfewecannot followChrifff, for the Chrifian Church is not fixed, as the Jewish was toyerufalem, toone City ; nor have we any fixed frate on Earth in which we may glory, as outHome or abiding place; but by faith in God's Promifes, thiough Chrift, we hope and Peek for one to come, eventhe new andheavenly yerufalem. 15. By him therefore let us offer the facrifice of .13raife to God conti- nually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his Name. r5. Therefore, ennead of Jewish Sacrifices, let us by (*rib our great interceding High. PrieO, oardaily to God the Sacrifice ofPraife 0 ó 2 from'' undefiled : bur Fornicators and Adulterers God hateth, and will judge. 5. Let your converfation be without covetoufnefs, and be content with fuch things as ye have : for he hath faid, I will never leave thee, nor forfake thee. 5. Let your Hearts be kept flee from'.the love of Money, and the fitful delires, cares, and fears and troubles which thence arife, and be content with God's Allowance, be it lets or snore, for his Promife to yoflua is to all the Faithful, (1*di neverfail thee, norfor- fake thee. 6. So that we may boldly fay, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man (hall do untome. 4. And as to our Dangers or Sufferings from men, on the Orne account wemay fay as Da- viddid, having the fame Relation to God, and the fame Promifes, The Lord is myhelper, Iwill notfear man, &c. (further, my fin giveth me caufe to fear, that God may ufe them as the chaftifing Inlruments of his Difpleafure.) 7. Remember them which have the rule over you, whohave fpoken unto you the wordOf God, whofe faith fol- low, confidering the end oftheir con- verfation. 8. Jefus Chrill the fame yefterday, and to day, and for ever, 7, 8. Remember your Bishops, or Guides, (both theDead and Living) who have fpoken to you the Word of God: Remember what Doctrine theytaught you, and how faithfully theypreached, and owned it in fuffering: and confider what was the main end of all . their Doctrine and Life even Jefus Chrift, who is and will be fä11 the fame, and no new Gofpcl or Doctrine, which Corrupters decry up. 9. Be not carried about withdivers and ftrange do&rines: for it is a good thing that the heart be eftablilhed with grace, not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. 9. Be not carried about (as Children in a ftrong Wind, Ephef. q. 4.) with various Do. Ehipes, or loch as are new and Orange to the Church ofGod for Chrift and his Gofpel be- ing but one and the fame Oill, your duty and interef lyeth in eflablifhingyour hearts in die Dohìrine and Covenant ofGrace through Chrift, which is your Strength, and the Bread of Life,' .and not toJudaize and turnback to the fhadowy abolith'd Ceremonies, in Sacrifices and diffe- rence of Meats, which did not truly purifie, fare-and profit thófè thacufed'thém."