Ch. r3. Obedience to Hebrews. Government, &c. Ch. 13. from %believingthankful heart, and givethanks give account of all, and not, thofe that have to him for Chrift and all his Gifts and this many hundred, or Icore of Churches, without hearty fincere Fruit ofour Lips will be more any other Bifhop fave one, and never fee, or acceptable than the Fruits ache Earth, or any know, or once hear the Names of one ofmany bloody Sacrificeof Beans. hundred call'd their Flock, much left ever I6. But to do good, and to commu- taught them, or cave them the Sacrament. nicate forget not, for with fuck facri- 2. That God laving trufted the Paftors, by nicate well leafed. Office, with Church-government by the Keys, P it is very falfe that the people fhould govern k 16. But there is another fort ofSacrifice very by Vote : Tho' it is true, that being gove t'd pleating to God alto, which you man not for- but as Voluntiers by the Paftors, their Confsx get, even beneficence and bounty, doing all is needful to their fubjeetion, and to their profit the good you can, and communicating to the and falvation. reliefofchofe that need. 18. Pray for us : for we truft we Noce, The name of Sacrifice and.4lrar, as have a good confcience"in all things, well as Priests ufed, as here, by allutionor fimi- g g ì Etude to thofe ofold, may lawfully beufed, as willing to live honeftly. , here they are, atad were by the Primitive Chri- 16. Our Work and Charge being fogreat, ftians, even as the Lcrd'a Day was call'd the and offach importance to your (elves, while Chriffian Sabbath. It is no dishonour to Chrift force revile and perfecute ús, and tome turn to fay, that we may offer Sacrifices acceptable from us, and difobeyour Doftrine, do you pray untoGod, fo it bebut in fubordination to his forus, that God will guide, ftrengthen, fupport Sacrifice, as our Gofpel-worthinefs is but fubor- and profper us : for our Confcience is our wit- dinate to his meritorious Righteoufnehs. nefs, that we are faithlül in our Miniftry and 17. Obey them that have the ru'e ourLives. over you, and fubmit your felves for r 9 that Ibefeech you the rather Y y do this, I may be reílored to you they watch for your fouls, as they that the fooner. mull give account, that they may do 1o. And put up this one Requeft alfo'for it with joy, and not with grief: for me, that r may the fooner be reflor'd to the that is unprofitable for you. comfort ofyour Service. 17. God that hath made the Bifllops or Pa- 20. Now the God of peace that (ions to be your guiding Rulers in Church- brought again from the dead our Lord Affairs, obrget{h you to obey them, and to Jefus, that great Shepherd of the fubmit your felves to their government, and iheep, through the blood of the ever- not to live as unruly, or in confution, for the chargeof watching for your Sou's is committed lafling covenant, 2r. Makeyou per- to them, fo far as belongeh to their Office, by felt in every good work to do his will; teaching pgublickly and privately, and personal- working in you that which is well plea- ly Perforao their and owern nd iniruEf- fing in his fight, through JefusChrift, Y g P' >a ing; exhorting, reproving, comforting; en- to whom be glory for ever and ever. truftedwith the Adminiftration of the Seals of Amen. God's Covenant,andwithyour publickChurch- 20, 21. My chiefBenediftion andPrayerfor communion, by judging of nionscapacity, and you is, That God,who will be call'd The Gcd receiving or excluding, binding or looting, by of Peace, as being the Giver, the Lover, and the power of the Keys. And of all this they the ObjeEtive End of Love and Peace, who man give account to God, which, as itwill be railed our Lord andSaviour from Death, whole terrible to them if they be unfaithful, fo it will Refurrettion is the great encouragement ofour be to you, if their faithfulnefs be without rue- Hope, even his who is thechief Pallor of all cefs ; which elfe will be to the joy of them his holy Flock, by the purchafeof the Blood of and yon. And they have not any conllraining theEverlafting Covenant, comps`, frame, and pówer ofthe Sword, andcan govern and pro- fit you, by Hounds and Union, for every good fit you only as voluntary, by your own coulent ; Work, todo his Will, and work in you ( by and therefore, as you love your comfort, and hisSpirit, as he connnandeth you in his Word ) regard them, and their labours and comfort, that which is well pleating its his fight, (o obey them, by obeying God's Word, which pleafe him being the ultimateEnd of the whole they preach. Creation, and as here begun, the way thereto.) Note, a. That thole Bishops which God cont- To whom be Glory in this perfeth fulfilling of mondeth men to obey, are thole that watch his Will, for ever and ever t-laser,. Air 12 Souls eat', dia Flacks, as nun that mull 22. And