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Ch. 1< Stedfafneß inFaith . James. ag:ainfi Temptations. Ch. r: 5. If any of you lack wifdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it Thall be given him. Si Wifdom is neceflaryboth for the guidance of you in all your difficulties and duties, and the management of all your religious affairs : And all Parties pretend to the greateft,Wifdom to draw People to be their j)ifciples. But if you would be truly wife, Peek it not by run- ning unto Hereticks, Nat by fincere Prayer to God who is the bounteous giver of it, and 'cloth not, as Hereticks, reproach youwith your 'weaknefs, but mercifullyvouchlafeth to teach the humble. Note; t. Prayer is a great and neceffary means to get trueWifdom. But as for out- ward things, fo for Wifdom, we rind not oh- ly pray, but labour, and ufe God's other helps. Study without Pru er maketh but ungodly tal- kers, whole dreaming knowledge will but condemn them : And Prayer without Study, "and learning of the wife, is buta flf-deceiving idle tempting of God. 6. But let him á:k in faith, nothing wavering r for he that wavereth is like a wave of the fea, driven with the 'wind, and towed. 7. For let not that man think that he Mall receive any thing cf theLord. 6,..7. But Ice that your belief of God's Power and Goodnefs, and the truth of his Promifes to faithful Supplicants, be firm and found ; for if you doubt and waver in this, you will be but toff about like a waveof the Sea: When you cannot truft God, every tern- pEation and difficultywill overthrow both your hope andyour innocency; and fuch have nó Promife that God will hear them; it is but prefumption to expel# it. Note, That the Faith here mention°d is not an affurance of our own Sincerity, and that God will give us what we ask, as being furely fit to receive it; but it is'a refolute cleaving to the Chrif}ian Verity, and a found belief that God is molt able, and faithful in performing all hisPromifes, and will give all the good which we ask and are meet to receive. Di- Bruiting our felves is not diftrufting God: 8. A double-minded 'man is únüa- hie in all his Ways. 8. A man whole mind and heart hangs doubtful and unrefolved between God and the World, Chrift and Infidelity, Heaven and Earth, h olinefs and Sin, is fickle, and fä11 untrufty. 9, ro. Let the Brother Of low de- gree rejoyce in that he is exalted ; Put the rich, in that he is made low : by your You thing, but take that for belt which God, as Father, provideth for you. If he advance you,,`ladly and thankfully acknow- ledge it; ifhe take you down, and deprive you ofRiches, be not only patient, but thank- ful that God will chufe for you according to his Wifdom, who knoweth better what you are fit for, and what is fit for you, than you can know. o, r. Becaufe as the flower of the grafs he (hall pafs away. For the fun is no fooner rifen with a burning heat, but it withereth the grafs, and the flower thereof falleth, and the grace of the fafhion of it pèrifheth ; fo allo (hall the rich man fade away in his ways. lo, u. For Riches are too inconfiderable things to make any great, jute alteration in our minds : They are tranfitory, and fo is Nan, like the flower, whole fweetnefs you may ufe for a marnent, but it fadeth prefently before the heat ofthe fcorchingSun. 2. Bleffed is the man that endu- reth temptation, for when he is tryed he (hall receive the crown of life, which theLord hath promifed to them that love him. Ia. It is the try'd Chriflian that is theblc. fed man, who after tuffring and temptation, holds fart his integrity. God will give him that Crown of Life which he path prom,fed to all that finceiely love him. 13. Let no man fay when he is tempted, I`am tempted of God : for God cannot be tempted with evil, nei. ther tempteth he any man. 1 ;. But as to the feducing fort of tempta- tion, which is not tó try our conftancy, butto drawmen to fin and ruine, let noman charge that on God as his doing ; for as God cannot be tempted to fin, nor poffibly Iove it, fo he tempteth no man to it (much lets forceth them to it, or unrefiftibly, by determining premo- tion, makes them fin.) 54. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his ownlufl and enticed. 15. Then when lufthath conceived, it bringeth forth fin : and fin, when it is finifhed, bringeth forth death. 14, t s. But the murk of Temptation, Sin and Death, is this: FirfI,- Reilly appetite, lull and pliantafie, by ftrongly inclining Men to their carnal objects and interefts, prevail with their judgments, either to take part with thele