Ch, 2.. Na reffieEl ja forgetful hearer, but a doer of that which is re yuir'd to Salvation, even found Faith, Repen- tance, fincere Obedience and Patience, this man 4tall be bletfed in fo doing. Note r. Theygraydeny Chrift tobe King, which fay that he hash no Law. 2. HisGofpel Covenant hath Precepts, Rewarding Promifes, and Penal Threats, and therefore is a proper Law. q. Ir giveth Pardon on condition of Faith and Repentance (to be perform'd by Di- vine Grace) andSalvation on condition ofad- ded Obedience and Perfeverance, and fo is a Law ofLiberty. Chrift is theAuthor ofEter- nal Salvation to all them that obey him. 4.This doing his commands, which is made his impo- fed condition, is the necefrary entitling qualifi- cation for blefîednefs, Rev. 22. 14. B1 d are they that do hù Commandments, that they may haze riglt to the Tree ofLife, and may enter in by theGates into theCity. 26. If any man among you feem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceived] his own heart, this man's religion is vain. 26. Ifany Mail among you feem to others or himfelfto bereligious, (and perhaps ofa higher form then others) and yet bridleth not his tongue from backbiting,flandering,or reproach- ing his 'Brethren, to render them contemptible and unlovely, and from fpeakiug ill of Men Without either truth, or a 'Lift call, this man's finful practice cloth thew that hisReligion is but ineffeûual and vain, anddoch but ferve to de teibe his own Heart : for that which loth not Pave Men fromSin, will not fave them from Jufice. 27. Pure religion and undefiled be- fore God and the Father, is this, to viiit the fatherlefs and widows in their áffliftion, and to keep himfelf unfpot- ged from the world. 27. There is great contending among Chri- í'ians, whole way of Religious Worfhip is the pure%, and belt pleating God. That is the pure and undefiled Religion in God's fight, who is our Father, which is effeélúal to found praiical Charity,and to a pure, uni"potted, holy life, even with true Love and Liberality, to believe thole that are in ditrels, and to keep Heart and Life clean from the love of the Worldand the Temptations of wicked World- ly Men, (as feeking in hope for a better World.) Ines. of Perfni. r. And you that prof fs to believe the Glo- ry ofour Lord Jefus Chrift, which the pooreft Chrilians lhall partake of, equally with the rich, and to which all worldly Glory is but Vanity, muff not now make a great difference in the Church between Rich Men and the Poor, by a wofldly refpeót ofPerfonsfor theirRichee, 2. For if there come untoyour af- fembly a man with a gold ring, in goódly apparel, and there come in al- to a poor macs-in vile raiment. 3. And ye have refpeft to him that weareth the gay clothing, and fay unto him, Sit thou herein a good place: and fay to the poor, Stand thou there, or ft lure under my footftool. 4. Ate ye not then partial in your felves, and are become judges of evil thoughts? 2, 3, 4. If in your Church-Affèmblies you inordinately thew refpef to Men for gay cloa- thing, as rich, and fee light by Men that by their Garb feem poor, do you not thew a car- nal Partiality, by overvaluing Wealth, and a Judgment mifguided by evil eftimation? Note x. That this fpeiketh net againft ho- nouring Magifrares, but Riches. 2. Nor againtt a prudentRefpe& to theRich, fo far as by their Wealth they maybeengaged to do moregood than others. 3. And I think rhofe mistake that rather expound this Aneetings of Bithops for Judicature (as br. Hammond) than other Church- Atlembliea: for, t. If theymean any forcing Judicatures, Chriltians had none Poch, there be- ing then no ChristianMagiftratea that had the power of the Sword. ' 2. And ifRithops had been like our Diocefans, and fo diftant, they Could not have travel'd fo for as fuch muff do to keep up ordinary Judicatures, withouta to. tal deferring their chief work for their Flocks. a. And as they truly were (Congregational Bithops) over no more than one of our Pa. tithes, their diffance between City and City was too great for this, without the like mall, ons. 4. Chriffians having then no judicial power but as Arbitrators, the contenders chofe what Arbitrators they thought bell. r'Their publick Church-government was exercifed in the fame Affemblies which met for Worfhìp, which therefore are liker here tobe mentiond with refpec`t to their most ufual bufinefs, and not the rarer. 6. It is the whole Church and not the Bithops only, that is here admonifh;d. 7. It is too hard a centiare for filch men to ufe, as are pleading for too much honour to Bithops, to fuppofe them fo early guilty of fo much partia- lity and carnal relpei to fine Clothes, and Ri- ches, and le much Lijufice in judging as this br's Exposition doch fuppofe ; it's liker to be the Vulgar1 fault. ä g. Hear- C H A P. H. s. * ,{Ybrethren, have not the faith 1V1 of our Lord Jelin Chrift the Lord of glory, with refpe&ofperfons. ; i°