Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. Z. Annotations. 1ätnes. 'Annotations. Ch. i. a one. Ifone fay to a condemed Beggar, Truft me, and I will give thee a Lotdfkip in a foreign Land ; it fignifieth a truft comft:Ig pranfically to gowith him and truft his Con- voy, and forfake -his own Country. And James never queftiorid this Dodtrihe ; lut Conte Vain Men (as James calls there) mifhn erftand this, and fpin us out a Webof their o n' Va- nity, and feign it to be Paul's Dotrine. s.They fay that Paul by Faith meaneth not Faith, by Which we are Paid to be uftified, but only Chrift, (who doubrlcfs is a chiefobjeh of that Faith.) 2. That God the Father, or the Holy Ghoft, are noneof the objets of Faith as it is ¡unifying. 3. Thar it is not Chrift himfelf, as Prophet or King, but only as Friefr, that is this objeh. 4. That it is not all Chrill's Pricft- hood, but only Sacrifice and Righteaufirrfa', that is this objets, and not hisHeavenly Interceffion. s. That it is not Chrift's Sacrifice and Righ -. teouthefl as meetly meritorious of our pardon and life, but as it was paid andperformed by Chrift as our furety in our Legal Reputatìve Perron, and fo is imputed to us as our own, becaufe done by another in ournanie and (lead, as one payeth a debt by¡mother that was bound for him, 6. That fo far as Faith is here meant, it is but one tinglephylical aft of Faith inSpe- cie : And there they are utterly dicgreed. a. Whether it be an aft of the Underfranding or Will, or both? 2. Whether one aft canbe the beliefof many objedis, viz. ofChrift's Sa- crifice, Obedience, Promife, Pardon, Heaven, &a. 7. Yet many fay, that it isbut one indi- vidual ads that we are juffified by ( which no mortal Man can know, the individuation of the Soulsalts being obi-cute, and the objedts being always many conjundt) and they fay, that it is onlyour firft ads of Faith, and that all follow- ing alts ofthe fameffecies, finding us juftified, cannot juftifie its any more than works. 8.They fay that Faith juftiheth only as an inftrumental Cattle, and not as a moral qualifying receptive Condition or Difpofition. 9. They fay, that believing. in the Father and the Holy Ghoft, and hoping for Heaven, and praying for Mercy, and repentingof Sin, and loving Godand our Saviour, and hisWord and Saints, and thank- fulnefs for grace, and Obedience to Chrift, and Patience, and forfakingall for him, are the Works which Páod meaneth to exclude from Jufification, and fo is Faith in Chrift's Righ- teoufeefs asan .45, butnot as an Im, /ttrumeut. .10. They reutterlydifagrecd, whetier.Faith juftifie by 'appropriating only Chrift's alive Righteoufiteí, or alto his pave, or alto his DivineRighteeefitefs and Perfè:tion. II. They fry that by (ImputingFaith for Righteafef7 is meant, thatnot our Faith, but Chrift's Rigideouf- tofa,. to imputed in isllf (andnot its merited effedts only) tobe our own, becaufe we per- formed it by him, In. They fay, that it is the very Law of Innocency and Works that jufti- fieth us, as having perfedtly fulfilled it-in and by Chrift. t 3. Tracy (molt) hold,that in Chrift we have both pettedly kept the Law, from Birth till Death, by imputed Obedience,and yet fatisfied for not keeping it byhis fufferings; as if perfei t obedience imputed could conhf with fin. 14. They fyy that God's Correfhi_ ons are no Punifhments, becaufe elfe Chrift's Suffèring was infufficient, and God fhouldpu- niila one fin twice. h a. And that our pardon and juftification is perfeit as foots as we be- lieve. 16. And that no more is needful to our continued juftification, than to its begin= ning. 17. And that yet more is needful to our Salvation than to our final Juftification. Many fuch humane Inventions Mans Brainhash fpun out, and made a DoStrine of their own; and called it Pourl. And james,hav ng to do with carnal Gofpel- lets, that thought to be fav'd for being of a right Opinion, and calling this Faith, dots, s, tell diem, that this is not that trueChriftian Faith which bath the Promife of juftification and .Salvation, but that that is a powerful, pea- ducal beliefarid mutt. z. Therefore tiheitdo. ing that which Faith contents and sagageth theta to do; melt jutifie that Faith to befound which nude juftifie them asthe conditionof lift 3. And that therefore thisEli, iency or Doing of thispraíïteal Faith is part of the Condition of their juftification, and it júi'tifietlt the Man himfelf, a. As it juftifieth his Faith, and fo jufiifieth him to be a found Believer, andnot an.Itifidel or Hypocrite. i. In that theeffeeMat operative nature, and confent toobey, is efi'en- tial to that Faith it f if, 3 In that as a Faith acceptinganti?, and contenting to obey him an the Author of Eternal Salvation, is the condi.. tionofour firfr entring into a frate of life and juftification, fo ourperformance of that content.. by fincere Obedience and Perfeverai ce, is the condition of our jtfification, as continued end confummate at Judgment, and fo of our final Salvation. 4. Inthat fincereFlorinels and Ohc. dience is the very matter that mull juftifie Men againft the virtual or anual accufttion or Satan, that they weremut Holy and Obedient, but Ungodly or Hypocrites: As Faith it fall is the matter ofour juftification againft the ac- natation, that we were not Believers. Now James fpeaketh of no other Faith than Paul doth: But, I. He fpeaketh of another thing under the nameof [Works]. 2. Andhe fpeak- eth of a working Nature in Faith for our fuffifi- cation begun, andof the Deeds themfelves,, as needful to its continuance. And, in a word, he fpeaketh of fuch juftification by no fort of Works, 1. in oppofition to Chrift or free Grace; or 2. in co-ordination with him ; 3. but in meet infrituted fubordination to him. And no Çhriilian muti afcribe to any Faith, Works