Ch 4. Prick, DetraRion, James. andjudging other!. Ch. q. 2. Ye lull, and have not : ye kill, 8. Draw nigh to God, and he will and delire to have, and cannot ob- draw nigh toyou : cleanfeyour hands, tain : ye fight and war, yet ye have ye fanners, and purifieyour hearts, ye not, becaufe ye ask not. double-minded. 9. Be afflifted, and 2. Youcovet, and fight, and kill, in your mourn, and weep : let your laughter ndyoudobutslofcyourBlood d and Labour,by be turned tomourning, and your joy going your own finful way, and not feekiug to heavinefs. lo. Humble your felves toGod forCounfel, Condu& and Succeft, who in the fight of the Lord, and he í11a11 muR give 817 Good, and that in his owu Way. 3. Ye ask, and receive not ; be caute ye ask amifs, that you may con- fume it upon your Iulls. u. Yea, you will be religious in your Sin, and make your Prayersto God fordeliverance fromthe Roman Power, and for your Country's Liberty. But they are carnal Prayers, and God rejeEteththem , for it is but that you may live in great Plenty, Power and Pleafure, enjoying fenfual Profperity, that you pray to God for your Deliverance. 4. Ye adulterers, and adultereffes, know ye not that the friendfhip of the world is enmity with God ? who- foever therefore will be a friend of fpeaketh evil ofthe law, and judged; the world, is the enemy of God. the law : but if thou judge the law, are like perfidiousAduher rsftlov g theWorld thou art not a doer of the law, but a bets, whilft God is in your Mouths, know ye judge. not that this love ofthe World, as his Compe- t t. And give over yourReproach, and Celt= titor, is enmity to God ; and that he is God's forioufnefs againft the Gentile Chrilians, that Enemythat fo loveth it predominantly ? do not obferve your Ceremonial Law,by which $. Do you think that the Scripture you encourage tneir Perfecutors, for both the faith in vain, The fpirit that dwelleth Law pofefsrrtoaown, bid o ofve which in us lufieth to envy ? Neighbour as your Celf, and forbid fuch ancha- s. Is it nöt true which the Scripture faith, citable Cenfures, fo that by condemning your of the evil inclination ofMan's Heart, as luft- Brethren you condenas the Law: And this is ing after worldly Pomp andPleafure, and to not-to keep either Mud's Law, or Chri t's, but Envy andStrife, that theymay obtain it ? to fet your felves above both, by making your 6. But he giveth more grace : felves ReprovingJudges. of them. wherefore he faith, God refifteth the 12. There is one law- giver, who is proud, but givethgrace unto thehum- able to fave, and to deftroy : who art foie. 6. But God's Grace is of contrary tenden- cy., and would teach youbetter things, but he giveth it to the humble, andnot to the proud; for he is againR fuch, as it's faid, dac. 7. Submit your felves therefore to God : refit} the devil, and he will flee from you. 7. Ifye would be deliver'd and live in ffe= ty, fubmit your felves io God's government and will, and go theway which he peefcribeth. Conquer Satan, and you need not fear his For. ces ; and do but refolutely refill him, and you conquer hiess lift you up. 8, y, to. Draw nigh to that God againR whom you have rebelled, and he will draw nigh to you for your deliverance, and will not forfake you. Cleanfe your hands byReforma- tion from your Sins, and your Hearts from your halting between God and the World: bewail yourformer fin, by felf-affliaing mourningand weeping. Turn your fenfual pleafures into godlyforrow, and your carnal mirth intopeni- tent tears : Humble your felves before that God whom you have offended, and then he will lift youup, and Cave youbetter than your Se. ditions., I 1. Speak not evil of one another (brethren.) He that fpeaketh evil of hu brother, and judgeth his brother, thou that judgeft another? 12. Chrift, and none elfe, (faith Dr. H.) hath Authority to_give Laws to us: There is but one Law-giver, who hath the abfolute and fival Power of Life and Death eternal, Salvá, rion and Damnation. Who art thou thatdareR arrogate this judgment? Or, what Power haft thou to judge or anathematize another, any fir.: Cher than truly to tell Men whom Chill{ will judge and caRaway ? 13. Go to now, ye that fay, To day or to morrow we will go into filch a', City, and continue there a year, and buy and fell;and get gain: 14. Where- as'