Ch. 5. Swearing forbidden. James. The Efficacy ofPrayer. Ch. 5; 2. The true- nature of an Oath is by our Speech, [ to pawn the reputation of !Moe certain or great thing,forthe averring ofa doubtedlefr thing) and not only (as is commonly held) an Appeal to God, or other judge. As to (wear [ by the Fire,by the Temple, by My Faithor Trutt, bythe Lifeof Pharaoh, by the Heavens, &c.) is as much as to fay, f If this be not true, then the Fire burneth not, the Temple is not holy, I am a Liar, Pharaoh is no King, as fureas Heaven is Heaven, &e.) fo [the Lord liveth) is [this %s as true ae that God ltveth.l 13. Is any among you alifted ? let him pray; Is any merry ? let hint ling pfalms. a 3. In your af}liaion have prefent recourfe to Godby Prayer, (in Faith and Hope) and when you are cheerful add merry, turn it to God's Praifeand Thankfgiving for his Mercies, in finging holy Songs to God. Note, That it is not only Davis'sPfalms that they are tied to, but fuch as irebyMen fined to their .proper cafes ; which confuteth them that condemn all humane._I:Om§ of compofed Words in God's Servictt,; 14. Is any ftckatnong you ? let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lords r 5. And the prayer of faith (hall fave the lick, and the Lord (hall raife him up; and if he have committed fins, they fkall he forgiven him. 14, t S. When any of you is fick, let him fend for the Bithops or Paftors of the Church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with Oil in the Name.of the Lord, as a figtr and means which he hath appointed for mira- culous Cures: And if it bethe Prayer ofFaith,' and he be a Perron capable and fit for that De= liverance, it Shall recover him from his Sick- nee, and God fhall raife him; andif his Sick.: Husba;.dry or Tillage you look not to reap as Coon as you havefow'd, bet wait for the Har- vetì and Fruit, and for the Showers tiha mutt ripen it ; fhould you not more patiently wait for greater things, when the timewill quickly come ? ç. Grudge not one agaitift another, brethren, left ye be condemned; be- hold, the judge ftandeth before the door. F. Make not too great a matter of your Wrongs, nor quarrel among your felyes, (as the Jewifh Zealots mentiotïd by7o°fphus did) left while you condemn one another, all condemn themfelves ; and biting and devouring oneano, Cher, you be devour'd one ofanother : Stay hut a little, and theJudge, who is at hand,will avenge you ofyour Enemies, and end all your Quarrels,which Ignoranceand Pridehave made, and kept up among your (elves: ro. Take, my 1- rethren, the pro- phets, who have fpoken in the name ofthe Lord, for an example of fuffe- ring afliftion, and of patience. no. You jultly honour the Prophets, who have fpo'sen, as Pent from God: Remember how they were ufed, and how they fuffer'd, and let them be yourexample,and imitate them in Patience. r s. Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of job, and have feen the end of the Lord : that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy. II. It is pare of our Faith, to believe that they arehappy who patiently fuller for Righ teoufnefs fake : You have heard of job's Pa- tience, and of the end which God intended and eccomplilh'd, which tells us, that God is full of Pity andMercy to us when he of ideth us. 12. But above all things, my bre- nets be acorrea[ve Puniihmeut for any fin that thren, fwear not, neither by heaven, he hath committed, God will forgive him,and neither by the earth, neither by any take off that Penalty,if he'repent. other oath : but let your yea, be yea; Note a. That this implieth, that each Church' a had divers Elders : Andwhereas Dr.H. thinks axd your nay, pay left ye fall into niesneth one tingle BiShop, who, the Ancienta ccndetnnation. fay, vifiiedall the Sick, you may fee then how 12. And I mull efpecially exhort you to great their Dioceffes were. Should all the lick cuttòmary needlesSwearing by Heaven Men in London, or in many Countries, fend for or Earth, or any Oath ; but let Tea and Nay the Bishop, he would come but to a few of serve you, and be true ofyour Word, that them, at lean forty or eighty miles off: But it you be not drawn into a Tuft fufpicion of -will be faid,He may do it by others: And why Pahhood, ( or eondemai d for prophaning the notgiveOrders and Sacraments by ethers, (as Name ofGod.) Lay-men now use the Keys t) And if the work Note t. That this is to far from forbidding be proper to Bishops, thofe others then are necelfary Oaths for endingStrife, that it is but made tifhops ; ifnot, others may do it. to confirm them, by preserving the duerave- 2. Anointing (being healthful to dry bodiet Pence of them. in chore Lot Countries) was ufed by Chrift's ap poinuitenf, ,