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Ch, r. The Praifes ofGod I. Peter. forhit Mercies and Grace.Ch.r The Firß Epiftle,General of(the Apoftle) Saint P ETER. C H A P. I. nEtcr an apoflle of Jefus Chrift, to the ftrangers fcattered throughout Pontus, Galatia; Cappado- cia, Afia, and Bithynia, 2. Elea ac- cording to the foreknowleçe of God the loather, through fantification of the Spirit unto obedience, and fprin- kling of the blood of ,Jefus Chrift : grace unto you, and peace be multi- plied. r. Peter an A ogle (not called the Univer- fal B;íhop or Head, or Governor ofthe Church) to the difperfed yews throughPascua, &c. cho- fen by grace, out of that unbelieving forlorn Nation, according toGod's foreknowledge and unfearchable Courted, to fa dification by the Holy Ghof, and to Obedience, and to a Rate ofReconciliationand Jufiftcation, by the Merit of the Blood of Chrift applied ; Grace and Peace multiplied to you, is my Prayer and Bene- diion. 3. Vend be the God, and Father ofour Lord Jefus Chrift, which accor- ding to his abundant mercy, hath be- gotten us again unto a lively hope, by the refurreftion of Jefus Chrift from the dead, ;. Bleflèd be God the Father of our Lord tefus Chrift, who out of his abundant mercy, for the manifetiation and glory of it, hath re- generated us to a living hope, even a hope of glorious Life, procured, notified and fecured to us, by the Pefurreaion of Chrifí from the dead. 4. To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not ativav, referved in heaven for you : j. Who are kept by thepower ofGod through faith unto falvation, ready to be revealed in the lafl time. 4, s. Not to filch a corruptible, defiled, fa- ding Inheritance as Earth is to its lovers,but to an Inheritanceincorruptible,undefiled end holy, never fading, referved by the Divine Love and Decree, and by the Poffetfion, Interceflion and Promife ofChrift, for you who are true Belie- ver;, and' arekept by the power of God thro' that Faithwhich he heth given you, and you keep and exercifeto Satvatioo,whichere long. will be glorioufly revealed to your fight and poflèfion, the lait time being not far off Note ; It is revealed already in the Gofpel, and will be fully revealed to feparated Souls : but the full glorious revelation is when the whole Church is conlùmmated. 6. Wherein ye greatly rejoyce, though now for a feafon (if need be) ye are in heavinefs through manifold. temptations : 6. In thebeliefand hope of this glorious In- heritance, you now live to great joy, trough for a little time, when God teeth it needfulfor your good, he let out upon you thole trying fufferings which are heavy and grievous to the. fefe. 7. That the trial of your faith, be- ing much more precious than of gold that perilheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praife, and honour and glory at the appearing of Jefus Chrift. 7. For as your Faith is more a precious thing thangold, and refined gold is the motiprecious golds fo tried Faith is the moil precious Faith, and the trial of it a greater work than the try- ing and refining ofgold by fire, that fo it may be found at the coming ofChrift a qualification meet for your own praife, honour and glory, and in you allo unto Chrift's. 8. Whom having not feen, ye love, ha whom though now ye fee him not, yet believing, ye rejoyce with joy un- fpeakable, and full of glory : r. Whom the you never faw in the fleih, as wedid that follow'd him, yetyou truly love and honour : and tho' nowyou fee him not in his glory, nor his coming, yet your effe&ual Faith doth fo far ferve infead of feeing him, that you rejoice by it with unfpeakable trium- phant joy, in hope ofthat whichyou fhall fee. 9. Receiving the end of your faith, even the falvationof your fouls 9. And fhall fhortly receive that great Sal- vation for which you have believed. ro. Of cthich falvation the prophets have enquired, and fearched diligent- ly, who prophefied of thegrace that Jhould come unto you. r J. Searching what, or what - manner of time the Spirit of Chrift whi:ll was in them did fig-