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Ch. 2. Charity recommended. I. Peter. Cbriß'c EleEI. Ch. 2 the Spirit, unto unfeigned love of the deed of men, brat chofenof God, atad brethren : fee that ye love one another precious. 5. Yealfo;as lively floues, with a pureheart fervently. are built up a fpiritual houfe, and holy 2.2. And as you have purified your Souls priefihood, to offer up fpiritual facri- frothfermcr Error and Sin, by obeying the fees acceptable toGod by efusChrifl. Gofpel, by the Work OfGod's Spirit, unto un- feigned y J love ofChriftizn Brethren, be Cure to 3, 4, 5. And if you are Chriftians indeed, keepup that Love, and with a pure heart and and have had a fpiritual retina of the love of deep affedion, to love each other. God in Chrift, you muff fuppofe his Church to 23. Being born again, not of cor- be likean HouCe, in which every Bone is a li- vieg man, andChriß is tha chiefFoundation- ruptib,e feed, but of incorruptible, by {}one, as the Lord of Life, on whom all the the Word of God, which liveth and building is eredded, rejebted indeed by the abideth for ever. Jewiíhand Heathen Rulers, but chofen ofGod 23. Seeing you are not only Brethrenby to this bleat' Office, and more precious than corruptible generation and relation, but of in- any Pearl; and fo coming to him theFounds. corruptible feed, by the Word of God, who tion as Co many living Bones your felves, you lîveth and abideth for ever, and fo mutt your being cemented tohim, and toone another, are incorruptible love to each other, which is part made one fpiritual HouCe ofGod ; yen, as a ofyour incorruptiblenature. Temple, in which you are all Netts, to offer 24. For all Heft is as graft., and all daily Sacrifice to God, which he will accept the glory of man as the flower of through the Intercefliion of the great high Prieß Jefus Chrift : for your Prayer and Praife grafs the graft withereth, and the may be thus accepted : ( Think thus of God's flower thereof falleth away : 25. Eut Houle, and you may befor fweepingand repai- the word of the Lord endureth for ring it, but you will never be for dividing, ever. And this is the word which by dirt ,embrieg, or Separating from it.) the gfpel is preached unto you. 6. Wherefore alfo it is contained 22, 2 s For all fle[5, and all its glory, is a in the fcripture, Behold, I lay in Sion fading, dying thing, like the grafsand flower: a chief corner-lone, cleft, precious ; but God's Word is everlaftingTruth, as Chrift and he that believeth on him (hall not the Author is, and is our Guide to an Everlaft- be confounded. ing Life: And this true Word is it which we 6. This the Scriptureforetold, fa I lay to you by the Gofpel, end befpeaketh in Siòn, &c. that i, I Set over the m Church endinG coußancy in your holy love and obe- Saviour and a King, on whom the Church Shall diet,ce. befounded: And none Shell be put toShame by the frufiration of their Faith, Hope, and Obe- C H A P. II. dienen, who put their truth in Win. r' efore Ining afde all ma_ 7. Unto you therefore which be- Iher y Iere, and all guile, and hypo- lieve he is precious; but unto them which be disobedient the {lone which critics, and envies, and all evil fpeak- the builders difallbwed the fame ig ï ngs, 2. As new-bo:-nbabes delire the made the head of the corner, 8. And íiuceremilk of the word, that ye may a (tone of ftumbling, and a rock of grow thereby: offence even to themwhich flumbleat r; a. Lay afide therefore, and renounce all r.aughrinefs, and all deceit, and hgqpoailie or the word, being difobedient, where- c',unterfciting, and all envy, and all (peaking unto allo they were appointed. rail of others. Andasnew-born Babes, deliro 7, 8. To you who believe, as he is efteem'd end leek, and drink in the rational Milk, (or precious, lb will he be in the Riches of his intellectual) without fraud and mixture, that Grace toyou: but to them that obey not the you may grow up to Salvationby it, which the Gofpel, but are unbelieving Reje&ers of him, mixture ofherein or hypocrifie would vitiate, he whom the builders, the yewifb Rulers, did and invectives againft others would but turn refute, is made the Foundation ofthe Church, it againft your selves. and they Shall feel hisKingly Power: he is that Stone on which they (tumble and fill, and that . If fo be ye have tufted that the Y Lord is gracious. 4. To whom coming, on which the arìesd unbelievingly !elves. g gt in pieces, even they then rejea di unto a living [tone, and quarrel againft cheGofpeJ, and dilòbey it To