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Ch. z. Obedience to Magiftrates I. P To which deftrullion (not to their fin) the Righteous God appointed them. 9. But yeare a chofen generation, a royal priefihood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye Mould Phew forth the praifes of him, who bath called you out of darknefs into his marvellouslight 9. But as the Ifraelites were by their proper Covenant of Peculiarity,Ceparated to God from the reft of the World, and called a chofenGe- neration, a Royal Prieflhood, an holy Nation, a peculiar People, efpecially as typifying the Chriflian Church ; fo are you more eminenély a cholen Seed ofClarift by his Spirit, a digni- fied Kingdom of Priefts, who are all defign'd to reign with Chrifi, and all may have accefs to God, a Nation or fort of men f:nrlified by de- dication to God : rho' all. the Wc'.d be his you are his peculiarly, and have the Còvenant and Privileges of Peculiarity, having greater Mercies than the reft of the World, that as l'riefts you may Rand dailybeforeGod,and cele- brate his Praifes,who hash called you our ofthe darknefs of ignorance, and unbelief, and wic- kednefs, into that marvellous Light, by which you knowhim theFather ofLights. ro. Which in time pat were not a people, but are new the people of God whichhad not obtained mercy, . but nowhave obtained mercy. ro. Who were under she Roman Captivity, and fcatter'd over the 'Earth, and :alienated from God by Unbelief, but now are made Chrifl's Freetísen, andFellow-Citizenswith the Saints, and have obtain 'd that mercy which Unbelievers doreject. r r. Dearly beloved, I befeech ycu as ftrangers aid pilgrims, abflain from flefbly tufts, Which war againft the foul. rt. But you are yet Strangers and Sojour ners in theCountries where you are fcattered, and indeed on Earth,. therefore I earnefflybe- feech you to abtlain from that flefhly pleafure andlife, which are ufually the fruit of wealth and profperity in the world, and are warring Enemies againft the holy Inclinations, Motions, and Works ofthe holySpirit. 12. Having your converfation ho- neft among the Gentiles, that whereas they fpeak againft you as evil doers, they may by your good works which they (hall behold, glorifie God in the day of vifitation. r z. And let your converfation among the ,Heathens be fo jut}, and decent, andexemplary, eter. and Maffers. Ch. z that they that now fpeak againft you, as ifyou were a fort ofbad, delu'ied, contemptible men, through prej,dice and malicious fame, may by your excellingall others ingood works, rejoice and give glory to God, when. he Shall vifityou with deliverance from your Oppreffors, and, grail exalt you, 3. Submit your felves to every or- dinance of man for the lords fake, whether it be to the King, as fupream. 14. Or unto governours, as unto them that are fent by him for the punifh -. ment of evil-doers, and for the praife of them that do well. 13,14; Be fubjelll TO every civil, humane Ruler, rho' Heathen, whether it be to Cfar as fupream, or thole fubordinate Rulers, who are fent by him for that which is truly the Office of Magiftratei, to which God inìpowereth then, which is, to be punifhers of evil doers, and praifers or encouragersof them that do well. r 5. For fo is the will of God, that with well-doingye may put to filence the ignorance of foolifh men. us. Your Peace and Safety is not to be lookt for by refitting and conquering thePowers that are over you, but by duc fubjellion and pa- tience while you obey God, to filence thofe ignorant foolish men who falfly réproech you, as a turbulent and unruly fort of People, for differing from them in Religion, and obeying GOD befòre Men. t6. As free, and not uing your li- berty fora cloak of malicioufnefs, but as the frvants of God, rS. You are indeed Chrift'sFreemcni deli- ver'd front true fervitude to Sin end Satan : hut you are God's Servants, and muff obey him in tiling your Chriftian Liberty to his Glory, in your appointed wayof Diary, andnot as a cove- ring for any Evil. 17. Honour all men. Love the bro- therhood, Fear God. Honour the King. 17. In fhort, give all men their due refpetl: Love ail Chriftians, efpecially Cl riffimr Societies orChurrhes, with á fpecial Love. Fear God above all, with reverent obedience ; and under him, give that eminent Honour to Kings and Rulers which is their due. r 8. Servants be fubjeft to your matters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle, but,alfo to the fro- ward. IS. Chriftian Servants ,mutt Be fubjed to their Mailers, whether Chriflian or Hea- then, with due Refped and Reverence, even i p 3 to