Ch. 2. Servants Obedience I: Peter. to thole that are froward and wrathful, and abufe them; and not only to the good and gentle. Note ; That this binds nót free Servants to continue with filch Matters, when they may have better ; but only Slaves, that may not change, andalfo voluntaryServants, till their time of Service be aran end. 19. For this is thank-worthy, if a man for confcience toward God en- dure grief,fuffering wrongfully. ao,For what glory is it, if when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye (hall take it patient- ly? but if when youdo well and fuller for it, } e take it patiently, this is ac- ceptable with God. r9. For this God accepteth as a rewardable ail ofObedience, when in confcience of God's commanding patience you endure wrong! l fuffering. zo. Can you think it a rewardable thing, as ofany fpecial worth, to take it pa- tiently whenyou are beaten for your fultr ? ere. Note; What then !hall we think of thole. Servants, even the religious fort, that can nei- ther bear firokes nor words when they deferve them, but will repine, and fveell with paff on, if they be but reproved for their faults, yea, for their fins againf God, and will not hum. bly coafefs them ? 2r. For even hereunto were ye cal. led : becauf Chrifl alfo fuffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye fhould fo:low his flees. an. For your very Calling ofChriftianity bindeth you to this obedient Patience, in imi- tationof Chrif, who in his fuffering for us be- cameour Example, whomwe mull follow. 22. Who did no fin, neither was guile found in his mouth. 23. Who when he was reviledireviled not again, when he fuffered, he threatned not, but committeth himfelf to him that judgeth righteoufly. 22, 2 3. Whonever did ill, in word ordeed, and yet being fcorn'd acid revil'd, he renun'd not to them the like, nor gave them one ill word foranother, nor threatned Revengewhen ice fuffer'd by them, but pray'd for the par- donable, and committed all to God the righ- teousJudge. 24. Whohis own felf bare our fins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to fin, Mould live unto righteoufnefs i by whofe ftripes ye were healed. to Mafiiers. Ch. 2 24. And never think much to imitate the Patience of your Lord, confidering what he did therein for us : For it was thepunifhment of our Sins, which, as a Sacrifice, he bare in his fuffering bodyon the Crois, that we being dead tofin, as he died färfin, might live to righteoufhefs, as he revived and role : Andhe that healed you by hisown (tripes, will -not lee you be finally loPrs by any (tripes which you endure in obedience to him. '15 For }e were as (beep going affray, but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bithopof your fouls. 25. For inyour flare of ignorance andun. beliefyou were like wandriug left Sheep, but now you are converted, and come home to the true Shepherd and Iliflwpof your Souls, who , keepeth you, and will feed and fave you. C H A P. III. r. y Ikewife, ye wives, be in fubje Rion to your own husbands, that if any obey not the word, they alfomay without tieword be wonby the converfationof the wives: s. And though Wives be not Servants, yet a Ioving fubjeiion and obedience to their Huf- bands is their Duty ; fo that if their Husbands he Unbelievers, and are not converted by Mi- nifters preaching; yet the converfationof their Wives maybe filch as may convince them of the Goodnefsof Religion, and may win them to a likingof the Word, till by it they are fully converted. Note, This winning converfation ofWives is, their excelling all other forts of Women in love, prudence, meeknefs, patience, humility, diligence in educating Children, in holinefs, be. 2. While they behold your chaffe coñverfation coupled with fear. 2. While they lei your pure and chatte con- verfation join'd with the true fear ofGod (or Reverence to them.) 3. Whofe adorning, let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, andof wearing of gold, and of putting on of apparel : s. And do not inordinately mind that fort of' adorning which conffteth in following the fashions of proud, vain,, or lafciaious perfons, fach as plaiting or knottin the Hair, and wea. ring Ornaments of Gold, to makeyou feem rich or extraordinarilycomely ; and cofliiief, neatnefs or curiofity ofApparel. Note, That the thing forbidden is, the figni. lying of a vain, proud, procacious, tempting mindi