Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 3. The DutiesofWives I: P mind, and the imitation of fuch vain perlons And that the Rule tobe obferv'd in Apparel by theRich, is to chufe, I. that which is bell for bodily health, as warm and fuitable. s. Leaft hindring, and moll ufeful for labour and bull- nefs. 3. Decent, without curiofity or too much wands. 4. Not fcandalous, either imitating , thole above our rank, or humoroufly and for- didly fingular, but imitating the grave{} ofour own Ageand Rank. 5. But the commandofa Husband, tho' he fttould be miflakcn, may oblige a Wife or Child to fomewhat differing from their own inclination or judgment. S. And youngperlons defining Marriage, may go further in adorning than graver Women, fo they deceive none thereby. 4. But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that, which is not cor- ruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet fpirit, which is in the fight of God of great rice. 4. But labour to c ce1 in that which is the trueft and precioufeft Ornament, which is the New Creature, ofa rightframe ofHeart, which is not like Beauty, or Apparel, or Gold,,.s(cor- ruptible thing ; and efpecially an hunible,meek and quiet Spirit, void ofpride and paffion, and ofan unquiet mind, that troubleth it Pelf, and thole that are about loch ; that is hardlyplea- ted, nor cans live pleafinglyto others, but keep themfèlves and their Families in difcontent' and uncomfortable trouble. Ged is the judge of our amiablenefs, whom you mnft 'Specially pleafe: And he highly valueth this meek and quiet fpirit. 5. For after this manner in the o'd time, the holy women alto who trufted in God adorned themfelves, being in fubjetlion unto their own husbands. s. This was the chief adorning of thole holy Women, wholePraifes you read ofin theScri- pture, who trufted in God, beine in reverent and loving fubjedion to their Husbands. 6. Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord, whole daughters ye are as long as ye dowell, and are not afraid with any amazement. 6. And thus Sarah, the believing Wife of .Abraham, the Father of the Faithful, obey'd and reverenc'd'her Husband, and fpakeof him . is her fuperiour; and youwill be the Daugh cers and Snccefforsof her Faith and Biefling as long as you do well, and are obedient to God and your Husbands, and give not way to thole vexatious, murders fears, which your Sex is Much liable to, and which fionifle too little trait in God, efpeciallywhen they would fright you from year DutJ. eter. andHusbands. Ch. ,3 7. Likewife yehusbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto thewife as unto the wea- ker vefie!; and as being heirs together of the grace oflifer that your prayers be not hindred. 7. And you Husbands muff dwell with them, as beleemeth thole that flmuld teach and guide them, and therefore Should excel them in knowledge, and help to edifie them; and becaufe their parts are fuppofed to be lowerthan yours, do not contenus them for ir, but con- tribute your Authority and Wifdom to main- tain theirhonour, and keep them from being contemned by Childrenor Servants, as being fo nearly united, that you Should live together as joint Heirs ofall the MerciesofGod for this Life and a better ; that fo in this concord you may daily pray together, as with one mind and mouth, and that difcord and difcontcnt unfit you not for Shell united Prayers. 8. Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compafflon one of another,love as brethren, be piti ul, be courteous : 9. Not rendering evil for evil, br rail- ing for railing: but contrariwifr biel fing, knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye Il:ou!d inherit a bief- fing. 8. Yea, let all Chriflians be ofone mind, and Iive in concord, not exagitating, but compaffio- h atingeach others infirmities and fufferings, lo- vingas CbriJtian Brethren ought, pitiful to thole that need you, and humble and courteous to all, not hurting thofe that hurt you, nor railing at thofe that rail at you, as ifyoumight lawfully revenge evil with evil ; but contrarily, biers thole, and nice themgood Wcrds who give you evil ones : for Chriftby hisWord, Example and Mercies, bath calïd and oblig'd you to this, that you may be bleft ofGod. 1o. For he that will love life, and fee good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips, that they (peak no guile. 11. Let him efchew evil and do good, let him feek peace, and enfue it. lo, tt. For as it is raid Prat 34. He that will love life, &c. feeing you love life, and would live in peace and quietncls, the likelieft means to attain this, is, t. To keep your T.ongaes front {peaking evil ofany man, and from all other evil : a. And from fallood,de- ceit and diliimulation, (for it is mens own an. bridled Tongues which bring molt of their Troubles on them, and fade words that hide faults, at !aft detefRed, expofe men more.) P p 4 ;. Avoid