Ch. 3. Vnity andPatience a. Avoid all real evil, and then your Righ teouftiefs will appear through theveil of ma- licious Slanders, and Falfhood will be dote& ed, and not long hide yourInnocency, 4. And all the good youcan to all men, as well as your immediate ha- ving a love to fuch Duty douogó : And dandta reve- rence of God, fuch good works and well do- ing will powerfully juftifie you in the Con - fcieuces of mob Men. 5. And hand not cor.- tentiou(ly on your Right, but whatever men are or do, feek peace with all ; and be not foon weary, but followafter it hill in hope. 12. For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, 'and his ears are open unto their prayers : but theface of the Lord is againfl them that do evil. 12. And this is not meer policy to pleafe men, hut whatever they be, it is God that your Lives and Peace depend on ; and he that commandet'th this, is pleafed with it, and his Eyes watch over you for good, to lave you from unreafonable Men, and he heareth their Prayers in all difrefs while evil fpeakers and doers,.God himfelf is moreagainf than men- 13. And who is he that will harm 'you, if ye be followers of that which is good ? as. Ifyour Zeal in Religion be a Zeal 6f good Works, to let our (elves camel as to obey God, fo to dyo good to all men, he mutt be a very impiousand diabolical man, that will for this let againh you: it is the likelieft way to your quietnefs: 14. But and if ye fuffer for rigil- teoufnefs fake, happy are ye, and be not afraid of their terrour, neither be troubled: 14. But I confefs fuch blinded, unreafonable, malignant Slaves and Executioners Satan bath, that will perfecute you, even forRighteoufnefs fake : but this is the way to, and prognoflick ofyour reward and happinefs : and therefore let not enensthreats, rage, or cruelty terrifie or trouble you, Peeing you 1hall be unfpeakably gainers by it. 15. But fanélifie the Lord God in your hearts, and be ready always to give an anfwer to every man that ask- eth you a reafon cf the hope that is in you, with rneeknefs and fear: tg. But let God always be in your hearts t with the highef refpè&, obedience and hò- I Hour, and be hill fumifh'd with thole Reafons ofyour Faith and Hope, that'you may be'ted- dy to profefs them, and to give agood account Peter. in Perfecutian. Ch, 3 - ofthem to any that deniandeth it, and this with meeknefs and due reverence to Superiors,'and not wi.h paffionate upbraiding them, or with d difdaiu. 16. Having a good confcience, that whereas they fpeak evil of you, as 'of evil dee s, they maybe afhamed that falfy accule your good converfationin Chrifl. 16. Keeping your Confciences clear from guilt, that theymay juftifie you when menSc. cafe you ; and whereas men Slander you asbad men, and feditious and unpeaceable, your good converlsion, according to Christ's Law and Example, may fhame their fifeAccufations, (a better defence than bare words, and difputing with them,) 17. For it is better, if the will of God befo,that ye fuffer for well doing, than for evil - doing. 17. For if God will have you fuffer, it's far better that it be for well- doing, than for ill-doing; better for you, tho' worfè for your Perfecutors : for now- the Bony only fitffereth, while the Soul is free, which elfe would fuffer far worfe than Pcrfecution 18, For Chrifl alfo bath once fuffe- red for fibs, the jufl for the unjuft c (that he might bring us to God.) 71. For Chriff himfelf had greater fuffe- rings in theBody than we, but he fuffer'd not is the Confcience of any Guilt of his own, but was juh, and fuffer'd for the unjuft, to re= concile and bring us to God. 18, 19, 2o Being put to, death in the flelh, but guickned by the fpirit : By which alto he went and preached unto the fpirits in prifon; Which fometime were difobedient, when once the long- fuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is eight fouls, were faved by water. 18, 19, zo. Being put to death indeed as to theFlelh, but made alive as to the Spirit, (or by the Spirit) in which (or Gy which) he went and preached to the Spirits in Prifon, which heretofore, in the days ofNoah, were refradlo- r , and hardned in Sin and ISifbbedience,while the long-ftffering of God endur.'d them, and waited for their Repentance while theArk as making and preparing, andNoahpreaching o them, yet Co impenitent were they to the aft, that only eight were fav'd by the Ark. Note (t's nó wonder.that Expofitors of this Text differ : Some think that fby the Spirit) Should rather be f in the Spirit) or f as to it )