Ch. 3. Vnity andPatiencei I. Peter. in Perfecution. Ch. 3 put iat diredt diftin.`}ion from the Body-, end redhion feveth llncere baptiz'd Cofenanrers, as that it's an Argument for the immortality of God by the Ark did .Noah, &c. when Chrilt the Soul, by ( guickned 1 being meant only thus rifn, is gone intoHeaven, advanced to that his Saul was alive, while his Body was the highcft Authority and Honour, all Angels, dead and that in that Soul he went then and and all Authorities and Powérs in Heaven or preach'd to imprifòn'd Sinners, that were E:rth, being mad: fubjetl as his Enemies to drown'd in theFlood; fay Mme, to flew them their woe, and his Servants to their joy, thall his Triumph, and what Salvation they loft : Motel), find ; fo that he is filly able to give and fay they, This is it that is call'd his De- and do for us whatever he halt promifed, and fcending to Hell; fly others, to offer them we need. Mercyones again ; fay others, to bring loin I'eniteuts from their long imprifonmenr : But C H A P. IV. others think,that by[Spirit] is meant the Power I. Orafmut h then as Chrift bath ofGod, or the Divine Nature ofChrift, or the j' fuffered for us in the fle!h, arm Holy Ghoft, (not Clrfit's Soil again earring sour feines hkewife with the fame into his Body) and thit the preaching meant, was byChi-ill's Spirit inNoah before the Flood, mind : for he thathath fuffered in the andnot after his death. To name other FAD.- fielt, bath ceafed from fir, 2. That litions, or the Reafons given for each, would he no longer liould live the ref of but perplex the Reader, unlef 1 were He fo his time In the flclt, to the luIS of dearly ro affect one of the Expofitions, as to confute all the ref+. They that think Chrifl's tnen, but Co the dill Of God. Soul and Godhead preach'd to Spirits while his t, 2. Let then tie fuferingsof Chrift have Body lay in the Grave, (i ppofe that thole Spi- their due effect on you, in conforming you to rits knew it whom it concern'd: But if it bad his death, that you may, as crucified or dead beennecef[àryfornstoknownotonlyy -Ch ift's men, give overfnning, being asdead toHeil, preaching to our (Lives, but to tltem,ite would ly lulls ; that ye no longer live the ref}ofyear furély have more clearly told it us. bme in the Hell, according to the lofts of your 2 1. The like figure whereunto, or any tempting men, but wholly live to even baptfm, Both alfo now five us, the will ofGod, as your Rule ved `Fed. i (not the putting away of the filth of 3° For the time pal of our lifemay the P,efh, tut the ár.fwer of a good fulliice us to have wrou ,ht the will of g the Gentiles, when we wrillced in lafci- çnfcience towards God) by the re- viouflefs Iuhs exeefs of wine, revel_ fàrrec`îion of lefus Chrift u t. And that ovation from the Deluge by latrie ban9ueting5 and abominable idc= the Aide, prefigireth our Salvation in the 'attics : Church from Goal'swrath by Baptirm, and that 3. Alas, we did too long live according to through the power of Chri,R's Re(ùrred}ion, to caathen,ack ) (and that time cannot be which we begin our Conformity, when we are (either f back eaen in lafciviouetefs and lofts, railed to Holinefs by his Spirit, as we rife out it in fornication or wine fined that tend of the Water in Baptifn. But by Bailifr I thereto) and its exeefs ofwine °rib- ing drinks, mean not that the outward ad o` wafting the in revell'ngs and grad-fief-1.01111y or and fiary Body ferveth to this Salvation; nor mutt you sisegs, to ratifie flcthl appetite Iups,ard think that God layeth it on any outward(err- in the Bacchanals end ?ovialties of their Idolatry; vianr, (àve as it is the excrcife of our Obe- 4. Wherein they think it £range dime and Faith : but it is the faithful Anfiver that you run not with them to the Rapfin of refolved Soul in the Covenant efef, and rime excel ofriot,fpeaking evil ofyou. promile to believe in, and give up it 'elf to And tiro it is and t us e God the Father, Sòn, and Holy Ghoft, and to nity, that eyflble men í1 ould t us Iirc like Renounce the World, the Fleftt, asad theDevil, Brutes, yet theyRand and wonder at you, as if Raprifm is but the celebration of this laving to f were ou willnot hews bad and osethey. Covenant ; and it is Covenanting fincerel -that and run with them brutifhl againfr God, and is the Condition ofSalvation, and Walking is Faith and Reafon, into this (Pari ai excels of but the fign. 22. Who is gone into heaven, and £Ports hdt end riot. is on the right batid of God, angels, <' Who £hall q.tite -,- him that and authorities, and polvcrs bein is ready to juts the quick and the dead. made fubjee`f unto him. g 5.But the time is near whenfor aunts theymull come to aa. And well may I fay, that Chrift's Re(u-- fhordy give to the rig! teousJudgeoftheworld, 6. For,..