Ch. 4. Charity, Hospitality, I. Peter. ComfortinPerfecution.Ch. 4 6. For, for this caufe, was the they confider notaright. r. That Pardon, as gape! preached alfo to them that are continued and as renew'd for daily renew'd dead, that the- nú ht be judged ac- fins, hath more for the conditionof it requir'd y g ) g in us than the firß Pardon and begun Ju(tifica- cording to men in the flefh, but live tion hath: The aCt of found Faith ferveth according toGod in the fpirit. for the beginning, but the Continuance of it, 6. But wander not at their obloquy, nor with its neceffary fruits, is necefláryto the con- imitate them, but look to the Example of the tinuance and renewing of Pardon. z. Thatthe Martyrs, and thole that are dead in Chri(h, Faith which is requir'd toJuftification and Par- who receiv'd and obey'd the Gafpel preach'd don, is giving up our Olives toGod the Father, to them, that while they were judg'd and Son, and Holy Ghoß, in the Baptifmal Cove. perfecuted in the Bethaccording to the Rageof nant: That is, our Chriftianity, which is not Men, they might live in the Spirit untoGod, put in oppoftion to that Love or Repentance, and obtain his Glory through all fuch Suffe- which is ßi11 implied as part of the fameCove- ring. nant Confent, or its neceffary fruit, but to the 7. But the end of all things is at Works ofthe Law ofMetes, or of Works, or hand be ye therefore fober, and any that are let in competition with Chriß and FreeGrace. watch untoprayer. If Prejudice hinder'd not Men, the reading 7. But the time oftheir foolithRage, and of acheAngelswords to Cernelius,andofChriß's your patient Suffering, will be but thort : the (forgive, andyefhali be forgiven) and the Para- end of all earthly things is near therefore let ble of the pardon'd Debtorcaß into Prifon for fubernefs be to you inßead of tufts and revel- not pardoninghis fellow.fervanr, with yam. 2. lingand flelhlypleafure s and by watching and and Matth. 25. would end an this Contra.. prayer Peek andwait forGrace and Glory. verge. 8. And above all things 'have for- 9. life hofpitality one to another Mont charity among your felves : for without grudging. i o. As every man charity (hall cover the multitude of hath received the gift, even fo mini- fins. fier the fame one to another, as good 8. And above all things, be lure that you ftewards of the manifold grace of have and carefidly prelèrve and exercile (not God. only peace and mutual forbearance, but) a fpe- 9, so. As God hath given more or led of dal love, yea, fervent love to one another, Riches, or any of his gifts ro anyone, let him even to all Chri tians, and e(pecially in your proportionably ufe them by free communication Societies and Relations : for as Iove covereth, to them that need, remembrin that all you and not aggravateth faults towards one ano- have is freely given you of Goa, and that you tiler, fo God who bath laid [ Blefd are the are but his Stewards, and receive it not for merciful, for they (hall obtain mercy ç and if ye Provif:on for your Prideor flelhly Lufs, but for forgive, you 'hall be forgiven) will cover and yourMatter's life, ofwhich you inuit give an forgive the many fins of fincere loving Chri account. ßians. r r. If anyman fpeak, let him (yeah emote, t. The two Extreams that in all Ages as the oracles of God : if any man have torn the Church, thould have regarded miniller, let him do it as of the ability thele wordsofPeter. r. ThePapal Church -teasers, that perfecute which God giveth, that God in all all that content not to their Canons, Forms and things may be glorified through jefui Shadows, should have remember'd t above all Chrift; to whom be praife and domi- things) (even above your pretended Plea for nion for ever and ever. Amen. Obedience to you, and Decency and Order) x t Let your Difcóurfe be holy, grave and 'havefervent Love. a. And the padiveSepara true, of ectall when you fpeak óF divine tifs, that can find faults enough in the Orders P y ' Pe and Forms and Ceremonies of Churches to fepa- things : Let your Contribution and Bounty to rate from the Communion of almoß all on allgood ufcs beproportion'd to the Eßate and 'Earth, fhould have deeplier receiv'd fuch Texts Ability whichGod givethyou, that Cod may pretences to ae this (above all your fuperflitious be glorified in all you do, by the exexcife of morepurity of Churches, and better Difcipline; your Faith inChri t, d'e. kayo fervent Charity) 3. It is but partiality 12. Beloved, think it not (irange and jealoule ofthe caofe ofJußification againtt concerning the fiery trial, which is to the Papifts, which maketh tome excellent Ex- try you, as though ferre fjrangething pofitors di tort this, Text, fo as to exclude from Y iss fenfe God's covering of our lins, becaufe happened unto you. 12. flots