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Ch. 4. Comfort in Perfecution. T. Peter. Suffering ofChr. Ch. q. 12. rote T. Perfecutions are for the trial of our Sincerity andStrength ; and therefore our ufe of them is, to comeout approved and re- fined. a. No Chriftians fhould count them ftrange, becaufe Chrift taught us to expeft them, and calls u's to count our colt, and for- fake all. And counting them Brasage, fheweth that we came not to Chrift on his terms of ta- king up the Crofs, and Selfdcuial, as we ought. 13. But.rejoyce, in as much as ye are partakers of Chrifts fufferings ; that when his glory f iali be revealed, ye may be glad . alfo with exceeding joy. 13. But iaBead of deje(Eon, let it he your joy, that ye are now partakers of ChriR's fùf- ferings, that you are conformed therein to him, and fffer for him, that fo you may have airu- rance that you shall beglorified with him, and meet him with exceeding joy at hisgreat ap- pearing. 14. If ye be reproached fer the name of Chrift, happy areye, for the fpirit of glory, and of God refteth up- on you : on their part he is evil fpo- ken of, but on your part he is glo- rified. 14. Your patient fuffering Reproach for Chrift, is a part and prognoftick of your hap- pinefs : And fnould they that believe this be impatient of their owngood? for the Spirit of God, which is your Glory, and glorifieth him, and proveth his Love aoyou, is tt that forti- fieth you : And as he is dithonour'd by their Reproaches, for which they will fuffer, fo he is glorified by your Fortitude andFidelity, for which you lhall be fully rewarded. 15. But let none of you fuffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evil doer, or as a bufe-body in othermens matters. is. But Sin is worfe and more fhameful than Suffering; and therefore be fore thatyou avoid Guilt, and that none of you fuffer, I. As a Murthereror hurterofothers ; 2. Or as a Thief or Defrauder ofany ; a. Or for any evil deed; q. Nor for playing the Bithop in other mens Charges, nor meddling with other mens mat- ters bufily without a pit call. 16. Yet if anyman fuffer as a Chri -. ftian, let himnot be afhamed, but let himglorifie God on ticis behalf. Is. But ifany fuller patiently forClarit, or for well doing, take it not for a flame, but for an honour, and fo behave your felves in it, as CO honour God, who bonoxreth yqu. 17. For the time u come, that judg. ment mutt beginat the home ofGod and if it firft begin at us, what (hall the end be of them that obey not the Gofpel of God ? 17. As it is Cid Sank 43. 4. S. fo now God, beingtoting on a coarfe of Judgment, will begin with the carreaion and trying of his Children, in which the Infidelswill by execu- tion encreafe their Guilt: And our .S,+fermgs now are a dreadful prognoltick of thcits that follow in the end. Note; How little caufewicked men h ve to be glad of the Churches Suffirinos, when it prognoticateth a far more heavy Judgment on themfelves ! 18. And if the righteous fcarcely be faved, where flail the ungodly and the !inner appear ? ta. And iftheRighteous be Paved (though certainly, yet) by fo much labour, cot and fuf- fering in this Life, O how will ungodly Sin- ners ttand in judgment before a juft condem- ning Judge? 19. Wherefore let them that fuffer according to the will of God, commit the keeping of their fouls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Crea- tour. it, Therefore let us fee that, if we fuffer; it be for matter and manneraccordingto God's Will, and let our duty and well-doing be our care; and fo let us wholly commit our Souls to thekeeping and love of our faithful Crea.. tor, and quietly trut him to preferve and rave them. CHAP. V. 1. g-HE elders which are among I you I exhort, who am alfoan elder, and a witnefs of the fufferings of Chrift, and alto a partaker of the glory that Thal! be revealed. 2. Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the overfight thereof not by conftraint, but willingly: not for fil. thy lucre, but of a ready mind. r, 2. The elder and wirer fort being ufually made Pators of the Churches, I, who am an Elder inAge and Apotlellaip, and a Witnefs of Chrit's Sul£erings, and on the Mount had a glimpfe of the Glory which shall befully rea veal'd and communicated,and have nay Right to it, and part in its fore-tale, do exhort and befeech them fnirhfülly to oyerfee, and feed, and take care of all the Flock which is among you ;