Ch. 5 . Elddrs tofeed L Peter: their Flock. Ch, 5 you; taking the Overfight or Episcopacy of it, 4. And'tho' you have no Reward fromMen, not as a burthen unwillingly, but willingly ; when Chriff the Redeemer, and Owner, and not for filthy Lucre, becaufe the Mors have chief Ruler, Lover andDefender ofhis Church, double Honour and Maintenance, but out of ¡hall come to Judgment, you ¡hall receive, from Love to Chrift and the Church, with a ready him your full reward, even a never-fding cheerfulnefs to undergo all the trouble and dun- Crown ofGlory. ger'of it. 5. Likewüe ye younger, fubmit your Note, I. The -Ofí ce of true Bishops is to you of all ea, felves unto the elder : f feed andguide the Flock,that is among them.) j What are they then, thathave the name and be fubjeft one to another, and hedo- rit'e of being toleBifihops over a thouf,,nd, or thed with 'humility . for God refifteth many hundred or fcore, of Flocks, which are the proud, and giveth grace to the fo far from being ,rrncng them, or beingfed by humble. them, that the hundredth perfon never heard them teach, or law their Paces? e: Tho' matt Expositors apply pi o gyres !midges, not by ronfdraint, but wit- lingtÿ; to the Bi)top's williegneli of hiswork, yet Dr. Hammed applieth it to the Bithop's manner of guiding the Flock, as not cvnflrmn- Mg them byforce, nor ufngviolence in an alive férf. And whether thefe words prove it or not, otherScriptures, and the natureof the cafe, prove, that Bithops have no power Ofcorporal force, but of ruling by God's Word, and that none but V-olntiers arecapableofChurch-privi- leges and Communion, and Paftoral Condurli, They that leek and take a Bilhoprick for filthy lucre ofthe Benefice, Wealth and World- ly Honour, are Intruders that come not in ChriR's"way: And they that alto caft out the der the mighty hand of G:od, that he ufe -of the Keys from the particular Churches may exalt you in due time: 7. Cafting s. And as fubjetl, you that ar re youngand Ì fnferiou to be ÿ rs, rub- mit you felvesto the teaching and guidance of the Elder, efpeciaf y the Faftors: Yea, let all Chriftians be as teachable, andwilling to learn, and to pleafe the righteous Wills ofone ano- ther, as if they were your Rulers, and you their Subje&s, not infifting too muchon your Self: will, and Selfinterefl, or Liberty. And let Humility, which will cartfe this Condefeenfion -und Complaifance, be to you as your very Clothing and Ornaments, inflead of proud O-. ftentation in Garb and Carriage: for God fete himfèlfagainft proud men,tohiring them down, but the humble he Both countenance and exalt. 6. Humble your felves therefore un- by deltramong em vaaforc and potpthane thecpow r all your care upon him, for he Gareth of-the Keys, by committing them to uncapable for you: .Say-meth to be ufed[no esodo, contrary to their 6, 7. Seeing then that God's Judgments are natureand end, yea, againft Men for obeying abroad in the Earth, and it is the Almighty God God, do take God's Name and their facred in whole hand we and all things are, humble Tides in vain, for which God will not hold your felves under his hand, that he may exalt them guiltlef:,: you in his appointed time : and wholly truft 3. Neither as being lords over Gods (aim with all your concerns, and cart away all lea ìta e but being enfamples to the- diftruftful care, for his Love and Providence g g p will be your full Security. flock. 8. -Be foher, be vigilant ; becaufe 3. Nor as if they were Lords ofthe Church, your adverfary the devil, as a roaring to domineer over the People ofGod, and rule them by the Sword or outward force, or tom- Lyon, walketh about, Peeking whom mand them by Laws or Impofitions of their he may devour. own, befides the ordering ofChrift's own Or- 5. Belober, and not entangled with Baits of dinances in fubfervient cucumftances, for the Refely Plealbre, and lac not carelefs, but as al. Churches Edification, nor to extort from them wales watching: for the Devil, who pleadeth, a large Maintenance ; but as becoming Enfant- againft you as your Acculer, is unwearied iír pies to the Flock, of all the Humility, Self- ravenous, murdering Rage, Peeking Night and denial, Love and Paticnce,and all other Venues Day to deceive youwith his Temptations, and Which they preach. deftroyÿoù, Note, How can Men be fuch vifible Exan,. 9. Whom refill ftedfail in the pies to many hundred Flocks that never knew faith, knowing that the fame affitti ahem > ons are accomplifhed in your brethren 4. And when the chief Shepherd that are in theworld. Mall appear, ye (hall receive a crown 9. Be yeftedfal therefore in the Faith, from of glory that fadeth not away. . which Satan, by Temptations, would 'alifcoü- rage