Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 5; Sulmiffïon,Watchfulneß, L Peter. Love, Sac. recommended. Ch. 5 rage you ; and refill his ill Suggeftions, occa- fiotid by your Sufferings, remembring that it isnot your cafe alone,but others altofuller with you : Yea, all that will live godly in Chrift, Shall fuller Perfecution. 1o. But the God ofall grace, who hath called us-into his eternalglory by Chrift Jefus, after that ye have fuffe- red a while,make you perfect, ftablifh, firengthen, fettle you. r r. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. to, r I. But the God ofall Grace, who bath already effefually eall'd us into that !late of Grace in which we have right and comfortable hope of attaining his eternal Glory by the Re- demptionand ItaterceffionofChrift Jefus, after you have fuffer'd theShort time ofhis Appoint- ment, compaginare and petted you, and your leveral Churches, and'Itablith, strengthen, and fettle you morefirmly by the Making f there Trials, blefled by his Grace. And the Glory and Dominion which are his, be acknowledg'd in hispraile for ever. ,Amen. I 2, By Sylvanus, a faithful brother unto )ou, (as I fuppofe) I have writ- ten briefly, exhorting and teftifying, that this is the true grace of God wherein ye !land. rz. By Sylvanue, a truf'y Brother to you, as I reckon, I have written with fufficient brevi- ty; the fcope of all being to exhort you to Band fat, and to teflifie toyou, that thisChri- fiian Faith which we have preached, and you profefs, is that true Stateor Kingdomof Grace foretold by the Prophets, and expelled byyour Forefathers, and that there is no otherSaviour or wayof Life ;--and therefore Iet no Decei- vers or Perfecutors Shake you. r 3. The Church that is atBabylon, elected together with you, faluteth you, and fo dothMarcus my fon. a a. Note, Some by BabylonunderflandRome. But teeing forced fedfes are not ço -be receiv'd without cogent Reafons, I rather take it plain- ly for Babylon in .Atria,or that in Egypt. 14. Greet ye one another with' -a kifs of charity : peace be with you all that are in Chrift Jefus. Amen. 14. Let the conflancy of yourmutual Chri. ffian Love be, on all meet occafions, exprefs it by friendly killing ofMenwith-Men, and-Wo- men with Women ( being now the ordinary exprelfron of it) holy Peace (the Summary of Profperity) be with you all that are the taue Members of Chrift, the great Peace-make#. .Amen. Note, t. Thatthe thingmade a commonClri- füan Duty, is not Killing, which is a mutable fignificetion but it is lndeared Love exprefiil. 2. But Killing being then the common ftgnifi- cation of Love, wasa Duty, where that Signi- fying ere, by cuftom, was continuedas needful. 3. That 'tisdoubtief, that aI1 figstificant Adli- ons, eveninWoritip, which are mention'd in Scripture,are not of ftandingDuty ; nor fuck: forbidden that are not there mention'dor com- manded inparticular. For when God tom- mandeth in general the expreflionsofLave, Hu- mility, Reverence, Canjeear, &c. he leaveth it to the Cuftom of the Countries, or natural Apti-`#t tilde ofthe Allion, or the content ofmany, or thecondull of Rulers, bywhat ht A&ion thcfe things fhall beexprefs'd : As Lave, by this Kifs or by embracing,or finking hands; and Humi- . lily, by putting offthe Hat, bowing, kneeling, . be. or Reverence, by the fame Allions (aven. in Woríhip) kneeling, bowing, ftanding, pro- ftrarion, being uncover'd,&c. Confenr,byhold- ing up the Hand, handing up, writing, be. But this is no Warrant for them who will in- vent many..praftices or things which have no filch fignifying" Aptitude, and put on them a fignification of their own devifirx, and com- mand this tobe ufed as,a Badge and Symbol of Chrifbianity, and fncletal Sign with GOD and Man, like Chrift's own Sacraments, at leafs in a great parr, and then tomake there the Tort and Condition ofChriftian Communion,eje&. ing and filencing all Chrift's Mk-lifters, and cut- ting offall Chriftians from Church-communion who dare not ore them, lilt thereby they break the Law of Goa. Th;