Ch. I, An Exhortation to II. Peter. the Chrifl-ian Pertues. Ch. r The Second General Epilile of PE TER the Apoftie. C H A P. I. z. Imon Peter, a fervant and an apofle of Jefus Chrifi, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us, through ,the righteoufnefs of God, and our Saviour Jefus Chrifl. 2. Grace and peace be multiplied un- to you, through the knowledgeofGod and of Jefus our Lord. 1, 2. Simon Peter, &c. to all Chriftians who haveobtain'd the fame precious Faith with us, which is founded in the precious price ofour Redemption, and advanceth us to the Dignity ofbeing Sons of God, through the Riaohteouf= nefsof God, which is manifefted in is way of juftifying us by the Merits of Chrift's per- fedt Righteoufnefs. Grace and Peace, which are thegreaten Blellings that Man is capable of on Earth, bemultiplied to you, which mutt be only through the knowledge of God, and of Jefus our Lord, 3. According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that per- tain unto life and godlinefs, through the knowledge of him that bath cal- led us to glory and vertue. 3. As his Divine Power bath in and by Chrift provided and given us all things necef- fary to Life prefent and everlafting, and to Godlinefs, which is,the right Life of this Life, and the way to a better : and this through the knowledge. ofChrift, who path called us to future Glory and prefent Verme. Nate ; Some read it [by Glory and Virtue) and expound it [ by the Voice from Heaven that called Chrift, theBeloved Son, and the vertue or power ofliignal Miracles,. 4. Whereby are given unto us ex- ceeding great and precious promifes; that by thefe you might be partakers of the divine nature, having efcaped the corruption that is in the world through luft. 4. By which Calling are given to usexceed- ing great and precious Promifes, even God's Covenant of Grace, litre and foaled, that by there, as his Deed ofGin or Inftrument, con- veying to us our Right to Chrift, and Grace, and Glory, we may be made Partakers of the Divine Nature, not only relatively, as it is in Chrifl, but alto inherently, as it is the Renova- tion of our own Souls, to a holy Inclination God-ward, by the Spirit ofAdoption, like th'e love and likeneft ofa Child to the Father, bee ing advanced hereby above the fenfual corrupt Nature, and efcaping the Pollutions of flefhly Lulls, which the World is defiled with, and would defile us by. Nate; Though a Nature ftri&ly fignifie forte effential part, or infeparable inclination, it here fbnifieth a holy inclining Habit, called, .4Na- ture, by refemblance ; it being not the effec4of a meet Act or Opinion,but a fixed Complacen- cy, Love and Bent ofthe Soul towards God, and Holinefs, and Heavens 5. And betides this, giving all dili- gence, add to your faith, vertue; and to vertu; knowledge ; 6. And to knowledge, temperance; and to tem- perance, patience ; and to patience; godlinefs; 7. And to godlinefs, bro- therly kindnefs ; and to brotherly kindnefs,charity. s, 6, 7. And having the Divine Nature, let diligent Eàercife reduce it to particular holy Habits. As you are Believers, let your Faith !hew it felt' in holy Strength and Fortitude in all that is your Duty; and to that add a dailyen- creafeofknowledg ingodly things, and a careful mortifying all Befhly Lulls, and abftaining from all forbidden Senfitality ; and to tl}at add Pa- tience of Mind under all Wrongs, Croffes and Afflidtions ; and ro that add a zealous, holy, heavenly ohirvance of all the Dudes of the fad Table, or of Religion publick and private and to that add a fpecial Love to all Chrsltian Brethren and Friends: And let all grow up to that higheftLove ro God, and to all. Men, as he is intereffed in them, with an addiftednefs to do them all thegood you can, which is the top of all our Graces. 8. For if thefe things be in you,: and abound, theymakeyou that ye!ball neither be barren not unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jefus Chrift. 8. If you have thefebleffed Graces of San- ftification, you will be clearlydifferenc'dfrom: formal Hypocrites, whof Faith and Religiot is but a barren- unfriaitfas!Speculation { anArt, and not the Divine Nature. 0.$u!