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Ch. i AnExhortation to II. Peter. snake our Calling faire. Ch. 1 9. But he that lacketh thefe things your Covenant-Title will be compleat, and afar you !!tall have litre entrance, and full poflèflion is blind, and cannot fee off, and ofthe Kingdom ofGlory. hath forgotten that he was purged 12. Wherefore I will not be negli- from his old fm. - gent to put you always in remem 9. But he that boaftethof his Faith, with- branceof thefe things,though ye know Venues, there u s, is like a purblind Mau that g can fee nothing but what is juft near to him. them, and be e(tablifhed in theprefent Could they with a lively Faith, forefee the truth. things to come, it would waken their fluggith 12. And holy Diligence and Improvement Souls to all this: And could they rightly look being foneceffary to you, I matit not be negli, back. to their Baptifm, they would remember gent to put you in remembrance, and flit you that they there vertuallyvowed all this, and up to it, though you know it already, and be- were facramentally walledfrom their old fins. lieve it. I O. Wherefore therather,brethren, Note, We have great need to be diligently give diligence tq make your calling flirted up to the remembrance and- ',malice of y g that which we know already, as well as to and election fure: for if ye do thefe knowmore. things, ye (hall never fall. 13. Yea, I think it meet, as long as ro. Therefore fee that ye ufe your utmolt I am in this tabernacle, to flit youup, diligence in the things aforefaid that your b y putting you in remembrance Calling and Eleífion may thereby be made firm, 'fiablimed and fore: For ifyou do theft I4. Knowing that fhortly I muff put things, you !hall not mifcarry, nor come wort off this my tabernacle, even as our ofSalvation. Lord Jefus Chrift (hewed me. Note ; It is a frivolous Contention that is rai- 13, 14. Note, t. The Body is but the Soul's fed about this Teat; Tome difputing, that it is Tabernacle. 2. Minifters muff never give over only meantof furs Notification to our Confcien- prefiing known Truths while they live. 3.The ces; and fome, that it is to make us meet Ob- knowledge ofapproachingDeath mutt quicken jarofGod's Decretive hellion, and to make us toDiligence. an effèltual Calling turn to a more effettuai. v 5. Moreover, I will endeavour, By Eleótion is oft meant God's attual taking us that ou may be able, after de- out ofthe World, into the Church; and is the y y my fame with Calling. The Greekhere fignifieth, ceafe, to have thefe things always in to make firm, and not only to make known. remembrance. God'sPromife is our Title toSalvation : This /5. Note ; That we mutt not be careful on- Promife maketh Faith theCondition ofour firft ly for our öwn life-time, but for a fucceffion Right ; but the Fruits of Faith theCondition of and continuance of Truth and Godlinefs when our continued and final Right re. Salvation. we are dead, left it die with us. Therefore Therefore, as there is fomewhat on our part we write., neceffary zo our firft Jußification, betides God's 16. For we have not followed curs. part, fo there is fomething more on our part ningly deviled fables, when we made necefidry to our Right toSalvation, if We fur- vive our Initiation which thrift defcribeth, known unto you the rower and tom Mar. 25. And the doing of this, making us ingof our Lord Jefus Chrift, but were capable Receivers of God's Free Gift, may as eye-witneff s of his majefty. properly be laid to make it fore, asour Faith to 16. For our Doctrine ofthe gloriousComing >u/lifreua : that is, it maketh up our Title to and Kingdomof Chrift, is not a cunninglyde- Life, which elfe would be defe&ive ; and fo vifedFable; for we were eye-witnef'cs of a maketh our Calling and actual Elclion to be glimpfe of that Glory in his Transfiguration, confirmed, and fuffrcienton their part, and not whichhe foretold us of, as a refemblaneeof his fìutfrate as to their end: and then,beingmade lait Coming, and his Kingdom. firm and valid in it felt; it follows that our Ti- 17. for he received from God the tle.may the eatier be known to us. father honour, and glory, when there I s. For fo an entrance (hall be mi- came fuch a voice to him from theex- niftred untoyou abundantly, into the cellent glory, This is my beloved Solt everlaflin;kingdom of our Lord and in whom I am well pleafed. Saviour Jefus Chrift. 17. For he then receiv'd in his humane Na-: 11. Ard your Baptifmal Faith and Covenant time a communicated Splendour, and celeftial proving not ineffetual, there Performances be- Honour and Glory, hen God frog the Hea- ing the Condition of your aftual Salvation, vealy magnificentGloryfáid, 73rs ismy, &c. mg;