z. »Ia/jjhemoui Seducers II. Peter. defcrib'd: Ch. ß 3. And through covetoufnefs (hall they with feigned words make nier- chandifeof you ; whofe judgment now of a long time lingereth not, andtheir damnation flumbereth not. 3. Note r. That it's worldly covetous men who are moft to be fufpetied to be Traytors to the Church, as yurlas was againft Chrift, for L for what will )e giveone ? I 2. All their redu- cing confident Harangues to this end are but falfe and feigned Words. 3. Their bufinefs is to fell Souls to the Devil for their own World- ly Benefice, Cain, or Honour, au 7udaa did his Matter. 4. God is haftninggro judge filchmen with (peed, as he did yudae, when his Gain was too hot to hold, and he hang'dhìnafclffor betraying the Innocent. 4. For if God fpared not the angels that finned, but call them down to hell, and delivered them intochains of darknefs, to be referved unto judg- ment : 5. And feared not the old world, but faved Noah the eighthper- fon, a preacher ofrighteoufnefs, bring- ing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly : 4, S. Note, a. There Angels Were not in a fixed immutable Rate, but mutable by Free- Will. 2. Theirown Sin was the taufeof their mifery. 3. Forit they were caf down to Hell, that is a Race of mifery re(erv'd for more, the they are Paid to be the Powersof the Air, and to rule inthe ChildrenofDifobedience. 4.There they have their Prince and Kingdom. s. Pride and Malice againft God and man,and Wicked- nefs is their quality, warring againft thriftand la's Kingdom. 6. TemptingMen to fin is their Employment. 7. Their way againft theChurch is by LYING, MALICE and MURDER, in which wicked men are their Slaves and InRfu- Mento. 8. So far as Mén yield to fin by their Temptations, they fall into the fillerPower of them, bothfor further Temptations and Eject'. tion, by God's permifion. 6. And turning the cities óf Sodom and Gomorrah intoathesÿ condemned them with an overthrow, making them an enfample unto thofe that after lbould live ungodly. 6. And with Fie from Heavendeftroying Sodom and Gomorrale and theadjacentVillages, both Men and Houfbs,that the Hiforyy ofthem, and the Risking Lake that how pgffcf(eth the place, might be a Wareing Lathe Ungodly. 7. And delivered "jufl Lot, vexed With the filthy cönverfätion of the wicked; 5 (Fof that righteous`'man dwelling athong then', in feeing ánd hearing, vexed his righteous foul from day to day , with their unlawful deeds.) 7. 8. Note, r, Lot is éall'djufi, from the te- nor of his Life, tho' after he fell into very great fin. 2. Jut} Men are griev'd at the overfpreading Wickednefs ofthe Timesand Places where they live, 'fpecially their filtliinefs and their rage againft the Jut}. 3. God will deliver the Jut} from the Wick- ed, and front his Judgments on them. 9: The Lord knoweth how to deli- ver the godlyout of temptations, and to referve the unjuft unto the day of judgment to be punifhed : 9. We may well craft, that God, who as he is jouR, and a hater of Sinand a lover ofRigh_, teoufnefs,Co knoweth how to delivertheGod- ly out ofTemptations,fo far as that they thould not be conquer'd by them; tho' they be tried, and to referve the wicked and oppretling Ene- mies to a full vindictive punithment at the Day of Judgment, tho' they profper and triumph now. r o. But chiefly them that walk af- ter the flefh, in the luf of unclean- nefs, and defpife government : Pre- fumptuous are they, felf - willed; they are not afraid, to fpeak evil ofdigni- ties. tnNate t Dr. Hammond,who fuppofeth this (poked ofthe Gnofticks, would Cure think it a heinous aggravation, ifGovernors themfetvea fhould prove Borborites or Gnoiticks,and walk after the Flefli, in the Luft of Uncleafnefs,and fuppnefs Piety byPolder. To ufe Dignities for fin, is worfe than to defpife them or fpeak evil of them for being evil, tho' this alfo is bad, atad mutt be avoided. a. The Dr. thinks that the Dignitieshere meant ateApoftles , I rather think it is Civil Rulers; 1 r. Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing áccutatr'on againft them before the Lord. ut. Whereas the bleltedAngels, which have more PowerthanMen, when they plead againft Devils themfelves, do it not by railingAccufa. tien (as thetnttánce in Zecháry thews). 12. But thefe,as natural brute heafts:, made to be taken and deftroyed, fpealt evil ofthe things that they underftand net, and (hall utterly petit!' in their own corruption. k4 xs.