Clr. z. $lahemaus Seducers II: Peter. defcrib'd. Ch. 2. 12. But thee are like wild brute Beans, to whom the miff ofdarknefs is refer- whom all men feek to defiroy for their hurt- ved for ever. fidnefs, and do (peakEvil in proud ignorance t Thefe are like Wells that have oWa. ofDo}rincs, Practices and Perlons, which they ter, having a barrenPWfeffi that will n a- undes, and not, do ftf up Men heir Si them- fave them t Clouds that Teem to be for fruitful felves, shall be d receive 'd in their Sin. Rains, but are only for tempeftuous Whirlwinds 3. And (hall the reward of or Hurricanes, dark in themfelves, both now unrighteoufnefs, as they that count it and for ever, as well as troublefom and hurt- p'eafure to riot in the day-time fpots ful to others. they are and blemitiles, fporting them- 18. For when they fpeak great felves with their own deceivings,while fwelling words of vanity, they allure they feaft with you ; 14. Having eyes through the lulls of the flefh, through full of adultery, and that cannot ceafe much wantonnefs, thofe that were from fin, beguiling unflable fouls: an clean efcaped from themwho live in heart they have exercifed with cove- errour. tous pratttces : curféd children : r 8. For when theyboatof their extraordi- 1 3, 14. They shall be doubly punifn'd for nary Knowledge ( of Angels, and other uè. living in Unrigkteoufhefs, and fenfual Riot, in known things, as the Hereticks defcrib'd by the Light of theGotpel and ProfefiionofChri- Pews, Epipbaniue, &c. then did) and withal, event[ s as they were of your Societies, at Love- berry Flheiry vain boaftingsWards areftbut to $áfts and Sacraments ; but they are difgraceful ferve their Flefhly Luft, alluring, by bate LafEi- fpòts and blemiflies in your Atlemblies, and a vioúfitefs, famewho were quite come off from díthonour to the Chritian Name : Their un- Heathenitlt andJewilhErrours. clean Hearts halve engoveri'd Eyes, fed with 19. While they promífe themlibere enticing Objetls ofLuft, and ter in the impref- ty, they themfelves are the fervants of Pions of filthy Pleafiare into their Imaginations, corruption ; for of whom a man is deceiving themfelves, and (porting away their overcome, of the fame ,is he broughtin own .Souls, while they allure and deceive bondage. others. Their Imaginations and Minds are fp liabited to filch filthy Vice, that they èandor 19. They tell the fimple, that fia-pleafing ceafe from it, being unftable, and by the power and Luft is part oftheir Chriftian Liberty, and ofSenfuality cannot obey their ownConvidti. that we are ignorant that know not inch things, ens ; and where Luft reigneth, Covetoufnefs when under all theta promifes of Libertythey raleth to maintain it: They are filch as God's are the Slaves of Luft themfelves, being con- Word cloth pronounce accurfed, whatever they quer'd by them, and in bondage to them. profeta. 20: For if after they have efcaped 15. Which have forfaken the right the pollutions of the world, through way, and are gone affray, following theknowledge of the Lord and Savi- our jefusChrift, they are again entan- gled therein and overcome; the lat- ter end is werfe with them than the beginning. zo. For if after they have been convinc'dof the Heathen Abominations and filthy Pracices, and have renounc'd them in BaptiSn, and for- taken them, and join'd in the Communion of Saints by the acknowledgment ofChrift, and the Chriftian Verity, they (hall again return to the praEtileg of the fme fins, on:pretence of Knowledge and Chriftian Liberty, and fo be overcome, their End will be more .finful and miferable than was their Heathen !late of igno- rant Pollution. .2 I. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righ- clouds that are carried witlra tempeft, teouinefs, than after they have known it, the way of Balaam, the fon of Bofor, who !ov'd thewages ofunrighteoufnefs. a6. But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb afs, fpeaking with mans voice, forbad the madliefs of thepro- phet. is, 16. CovetouGtefa bath drawn thrni from the right wayofTruth and Godlinefs, and they . tiny in the way of l3?I.uatn the Son of Beor, whom the Hire that brib'd him to do Evil was prevalent with to attempt it t but he that, by reafon ofthe love ofMoney andHonour, could not fee the Evil of his own way, was rebuked by.a dumb Ali, whom God made (peak, no evince and forbid the madnefs of fuch a Pro- . phet. 17. Thefe are wells without water,