Ch. 2. Warning againi II. Pe it, to turn from the holy command- ment delivered unto them. 21. For their fin and miferyhad been Iefs,if they hadnevertnown the way of Righteouf_ nets reveal'd'l,y the Gefpel ofChrist, than after they have known it, to forfakethe owningor practice of the Commands of holy and righte- ous living, which they receiv.'d. Able, Sins againft prefent or former know. ledge, in great Inftances, have dangerous Ag- gravations, as coming from contempt of God, or odious depravation ofjudgment after. 22. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again, and the row that was wafhed, to her wallowing in the mire. 22. But it is with them according to the Proverb, The Dog, dac. Their Natures were not renewdby the Holy Ghof, and made ho. iy or divine ; they were Dogs, rho' they had difgorg'd their Vomit; and Swine, tho' they were wafh'd No wonder then ifTemptation draw them to return to their Vomit, and to the mire offilthy in again. Note, What fort of Men there here defcrib'd were, is not agreed on by all Expofitors ; but thus . much feeïneth clear, r. That they were prufefied Chriiìians. 2, That they liv'd in Sen- fualityand Fornication. 3. That they taught that there were lawful, and the ufe of them was ChrifianLiberty. 4: That to make this bgood, they join'd with fume Sett-mafers, that oated of more Knowledge than the Apoftles . and their Followers had, (as maf Hereticks do). S. That yet they did not wholly feparate from the Chriftian Churches, nor the Churches car .) out them (as theyought For they are laid to feáflwith them, to be /foot and bleawfhes to them. And Rev. 2. & 3, thews, that too many Chur- ches had fiach among them, and did tolerate them ; and that whole Societies were in dan- ger ofbeing corrupted by them, and the Chun- ches threuened to be punifh'd for having fuch Members. 6. Whatever Name fume put on ahem, itsplain they were chafe that are calla Nieolaitanr in Rev. 2. & 3: Ci: What if Ri- fhops, Pr*eftt' and People Jlïau!d become !itch de- bauch'd eavetdùa Señfualiflr, and alf fer againft fariout Gadlìnefr, and feek the reproach of it ae Hjpacrí,fee and Phanat)cifrrt, and the denting and excommunicating ofthe mojIgodiy Miniffters and People, ánd f became a Gnof(is% or Nicalaitañ' Church ? !nf. Forfake their local Comma- pion, ifyou can have better; and if you can. not, do not approve Or commit any ofTheir S ny 'nor own any tncapabíe of the Miniftry by He- yak or open Enmity to Godiinefs, but either -mrtlaip God only iu private, or orótef aoainft ter. Seducers andScoffers: Ch. 3 their Sin, when you joya with them only in Good; C H A P. III. r. His fecond epirkle ( beloved) I now write unto you, in both which I air up your pure minds by way of reme,mmbrante : z. That ye may be mindful of the words which were fpoken before by the holy pro- phets, and of the commandment ofus the apoalesof the Lord and Saviour, I, 2. This fecund Epifile, with the former, I write to you, as to thpfe that are pure front the Evils which I defcribe, but hove need tp be remembra ! ofwhat youhave learned from the Prophets, and been commanded by us the Apofles ofChrif. 3. Knowing this fira, that there fliall come .in the lark days fcoffers, walking after their own lufs, 4. And laying, Where is the promife of his coming? for lince the fathers felt afleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 3, 4. And here I firee remember you, that, as youhave been foretold, in the loft days be- fore Chri is coming there fhall arife Unbelie: vers, that thall makea Mockat the Promifeof his coming, and thereby harden themfelves in a flefhly wicked Life, Paying, How long lhalt we Ray e're we fee Chrif come ? .What' come of the Promifeof it, which you fo long aw'a Men with ? It's long lince the Fathers, who, you fay, believed in him, were dead ; and none of them are rifen again, nor yet fee ChriR come ; the World continueth as it did from the Creation. 5. For this they willinglyarg igno- rant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earns' (landing óùt of the water and in the water. 6. Whereby theworld that then :vas, being overflov ed with wa- ter,perifbed. 7. Eutthe heavensand the earth which are nów, by the fame word are kept in flore, referved unto' fire againa the day of judgment, and perdition 'of ungodly men. 6, 6 7 For it mat be long ofttp'enfelvesÿ ifMen, profríTng Clïriftians Knowledge, do' not know what a Change was once made lince the Creation; that God's Word made the Hea- vens and the Earth, and that this Earth being s$ ? starry/