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Ch. z6. He is rebuked St. Matthew. by Cbriff. Ch. ióa 20. N. Becaufe this honour was referved chiefly, a: To the time ofthe accomplifhment of all the evidencesby his Refurre&ion and Al- tendon, and givingof the Holy Ghoft. 2. And . to the work n } 'the Spirit then on the Apoftles, by which they were loddenly advand to a fit- nefs for this work, above what they attainedby Chrift's perfonal retching them on earth. 2r. From that time forth began Jefus to fhew unto his difciples, how that he muff go unto Jertifalem, and fuffer many things of the elders, and chiefPriefls, and Scribes, and be kil- led,and be railed again the thirdday. at. Note, t. This Chrift did,, t. to make them know that he knew things to come, 2. And to make them know that it was not to reign as an earthly King that he was feat, g. And to prepare them to bear hisfufferings, and not to expe&flatly profperity by him, z. It was the poor that followed Chrift, and the Ru- lers and teachers thatcrucihed him. 22. Then Peter took him-, and be- gan to rebuke him, faying, Be it far from thee, Lord : this thall not be unto thee. 22. Peter contradi&ed him, laying, God for- bid; Lord favour thy felt, and expofe not thy Pelfto this. Note, i. The Hero is ready to fuggeft flefhly counfel, and to oppofe all that tends to Coffer- ing. 2. We have need to be fortified again* temptations oflovingtriends as well as enemies. 23. But he turned and Paid unto Peter, Get thee behinde me Satan, thouart an offenceuntome : for thou favoureft not the things that be of God, but thofe that be ofmen. 23. He looks at him with difpleafure, and Laid to Peter, I fay to thee as I did to the De- vil, when he tempted me, Getthee behind me, for thou doeft the work ofSatan the adverfa- ry, in tempting me for felf- prefervation, to vio- late my Father's command, and my underta- king, and to forfake the work of mans Re- demption and Salvation : As thy counfel fa.. voureth not the things thatbe ofGad, (his will, work, and Glory,/ but the things that be of men (the love ofthe body and this prefent life ) fo it fignifieth what is in thy heart : (takeheed lest this carnality prevail.) Note, t. All things mull difpleafe us that difpleafe God, and are againft his intereft, and the good ofman. 2. Even thebelt men and nearea friends may by temptation and error, be made Satan's inftruments to do his work in tome particulars ofgreat moment. 3. Good men do the Devil's workoft-times when they know it not, but verily think it is all for Chriff. 4. No love or refpe& to mens nearnefs or goodnefs, mutt draw us to flatter them in fin, or to (peak lightlyof its we mutt not mince it or extenuateit, becaufe good men commit it: we mull lay it homeon them, that would by juftifying it make it pals for duty. Left the nameof good men should ferve Satan more ef. feEtually thanmen ofknownwickednefscan do, s. It is no railing, on juft occafions to tell, tempting frfends, and godly men, or Minifters, that they are doingthe Devil's work, and are inftead of Devils to the tempted. al. To hinder us in God's work and mens Salvation, is tobe Satins to us. O how many. Satan then are called reverend Fathers, who ti. fence and perfecute men for God's work, as the whole courfe of the papal Difcipline and Worfhip manifetteth. 7. It is carnal favouring worldly and Heftily intereft too much , and the things of God, the Soul, andHeaven too little, which is the corn- mon caufe of the frnful Counfels, and course, even offacred men. 24. Then Paid Jefus unto his dif- ciples, Ifany man will come after me, let himdeny himfelf, and take up his crofs, and followme. 25. For, whofoever will fave his life, (hall lofe it : and whofoever will lofe his life for my fake (hall find it. 24. Chrift took this occafion to preach fc/f- denial to his Difdples; Paying, Let him that willbe my Difciple and follow me, and ex. pe& Salvation byme, resolve todeny his car- nalfelf, and felf-intereft, andrefign hiinfelf to me, as beingnot his own, but mine : Norma. king the crols,but patiently taking and bearing it when it is laid upon him, and followmeby (offerings unto glory. For this is the method determined by. God, that whoever refolveth Oa lave his life,and not be undone in the world to avoid fin, this man (hall finally loft his life, and life eternal. And whoever will lofe his life, rather than by fin to forfake me and his duty, hall find that life with felicity inheaven, which he loft on earth. N. Chrifl's peremptory terms of Salvation are to prefer it and himbefore our lives. z6. For what is a man profited,if he (hall gain the whole world, and lofe his own foul ? or what, (hall a man give in exchange for his foul ? 26. Will knot be an ill bargain to gainall the world for a fhort time to the Beth, andfoie ones own fouland its happinefs for ever? And what will compenfate the lot's ofthe Soul ?For what price wouldyou fell its happinefs. to i. Man hack a Soul thatliseth whentrë leaystll