Ch: r. To know God, is to I. John. lie, and do not the truth t 7. Eut if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have feilowlhip one with another, and the blood ofJefusChrift his Son cleanfeth us from all fin. á, 7. If we fay that we live in communion with God, and yet are in the darknefs of Un- belief, Ignorance, Errour and Wickednefi, we do but lie : but ifwe walk in the Light of holy Knowledge, Faith and Purity, we have mutual communion with God, and with his Son ferns Chrift, whole Blood doth cleanfe us from all Sin. Ncte; Qu. L it not Ehanaticifm to talkof Fellowship with God, or Communion. either: rnf. Fellowship is too harsh an English word t but Communion is the thing meant, confining in receptive participationfrom God, and accepted rettsrur to .God. And this is no Fancy, but the only Rectitude and Felicity of our Souls: if you conceive not how, think how theEyebath communion with the Sot:. Really, r. By recei- ving its luminous Beams or emitted Light, by the receptive Aptitude of the vifive Faculty and Organs. 2. Byfuch an Emiffion or wive Congrefs, by which the Light and Sun are teen. 8. If we fay that we haveno fin, we deceive our felves, and the truth is not in us. "8. Ifwe fay that we need not Chrift thus to cleanfe usfi-omGuilt and Corruption, as having no Sin, this is but felldeceiving Falihood. 9. If we confers our fins, he is faithful, and juft to forgive us our fins, and to cleanfe us from all unrigh- teoufnefs. e. But if we with true Repentance confers our Sins, (always to God, and humblyto roan, wheneither Reparation of any one's Wrong, or Satisfaction to the Church offended, or the curing of Scandal, and honourof Religion, or the Eale or Information of our own Confien- "'ces require it) God that hath promis'd it, is faithful and juft to forgive'us our Sin, and to cleanfe us from its Guilt and Power. t o. if we fay that we have notfin- ned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. ro. But if we will either pretend to finlefs Perfection, or elfe break God's Command,and fay, that it is no Sin, but a Duty, or an indiffe- rent thing, and fo juftifie our fives or our Sins; this is to give the lie to God's Word, which therefore loth not rule fuck then. loveour Brethren; &c. Chez C H A P. II. I. ( Y little children, thefe things write I unto you, that ye fin not. And if any man fin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift the righteous. 2. And he is the propitiation for Our fins: and not for ours -only; but an for the fins of the whole world. 1, 2. I write to you as to Babes, who noes} help and confirmation, in your temptations by Seducers, that you maynot be drawnby them to take Senfuality, or Evils, to be lawful, nor to live wilfully or itnpenitently its any Sin : but if any ratan, contrary to thebent and tenor of his Heart and Life, he guilty of any Sinof Infirmity, let him not despair, but fly to our Advocate with the Father, Jefas duff}, whole perfect Righteoufnefs merited our Pardon ; for he is the Propitiation for our Sins by vertueof his Sacrifice, now interceding for us in Heaven ; and he is aPròpitiation fufficient for the Sins ofthewhole World, (fo far asthat none ofthem Shall be damnd for want of a fufficient Sacrifice, but only for want of acce= pting his Grace) and at}ually effediag the Par- don-ofall in the World, who believiugly truLe and accept him and lais Grace. `$. And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his com- mandments. ;. And becaufe uneffet}nal Faith is but fell - deceit\ and he pardoneth Sin to none but to the fincerely rpenitent and obedient; it is by this thab;we mun beknown to he foundBelie- vers, if we fincerely keep his Command, niente. 4. He thà', I know him, and keepeth not his-commandments, .is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 4. He that profffeth the Knowledge and Faith ofChrift, and calls .himfel£ a Chrif}ian, and yet doth not fincerely keep his Command- ments, is an Hypocrite and Liar, and is not 'what he prorefléthto be. 5. But.whofo keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of Gcd perfeet- ed ; hereby know we that we are in him. 6. He that faith, he abideth in him, ought himfelf aifo fo to walk, evenas he walked. 5, 6. ,Bist as. nrue Faith wortketh by Lava, fo BothLove by Obedience; and it is they that Ice'pp his Word, inwhom the Love of God 'dodh thew its foendnefs and lerfedion. We can.. not bear fruit, unless we are in On as the bran. Q.9 4 çh:s