Ch. 2. To know God, rs to I, J ches in the Vine, And it is by this Fruit that we muff know that we are in him. He that profefléth to be a Chriftian, and in Chrift, mutt walk as Chrift did, (in Holinefs, Love, Obe- dience and Patience.) 7 Brethren, I write no new com- mandment unto you, but an old com- mandment, which ye had from thebe- ginning : the oldcommandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning. oI tafad`oad Sd,but that old Cmmnm n which Chrift and his Apoftles preach'd when they firft brought the Gofpel to the World: I call it old, becaufe it is theWord which you heard fiom the beginning ofChriftianity, ?. Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him, and in you, becaufe thedarknefs is part, and the true light now fhi- neth. O. Yet it may be call'd a New Commandment which I write, as it is the Marine of Divine Love newly and more refplendently Shining forth in the work ofour Redemption by Chrift, and there is true and juft reafon to call it new, both in Chrift and in you: in Chrift, becaufe he is the newly incarnate, crucified, glorified de- monffration of God's Love to man, and the eminent Meffenger of it, accordingly obliging to a new and extraordinary love to God and one another : and in you, becaufe, as you are renew'd by and to this fpecial Love, fo as new men ou live therein ; for the darknefs of a life of malice and ungodlinefs is paff, and the true Light now Mining is ever accompanied. when it is effeaual, with the heats ofLove and Obedience. 9. He that faith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darknefs even until now. 9. The 'true Light of Knowledge and Faith is fo infeparable from the Heats ofLove, that whoever pretendeth to that true ChriftianLight is deceiv'd, and hath itnot indeed, ifhehateor do not truly love his Brother. Note, We mufthive all in the various kinds sand meafures as God appeareth in,them, that is, n. All Men as Men above Brutes, 2. All pro- feffed Chriftians (not nullifying that Profeffion) asfuck. a. All Chriftions of eminent wifdom, and goodnefs,and ufefulnefs, as fuch. 4. AlI Rulers and Teachers, as fuch. ;,.All Kindred, Friendsand Neighbours, as filch. But, r. We muft hare all the Evil that is in any of theta. u. Not equally, bat as it is in various degrees in them. 3. And no hatred to the fin, and to the man as a,fmner, mutt aft out our love. to ohn. love our Brethren, &c. -Ch. 2 him, fo far as he is lovely. 4. But Rulers may be oblíg'd to put to death Tome Sinners, but that mutt be more for love to juftice and the Commonwealth, than hatred to the man ; tho' yet, as heis bad, force hatred is due to him. to. He that loveth his brother, abi- deth in the light, and there is none occafion of Humbling in him. i I. But he that hateth hisbrother, is in dark- nets, and walketh in darknefs, and knoweth not whither he goeth, be. caufe that darknefs hath blinded his eyes. re, r s, He that truly lóveth his Brother as himfelf, cloth thew that he is indeed a know- ing and trueChriftian, asid he will befree from the fcandalous mifchiefs ofPerfecution, Opprer. (ion, and other, Injurioufnefs, which want of true love Both teufe in others. But he that ha.. tech, abufeth, perfecuteth, hurteth, or defiroy- eth his Brother, is but a dark, felf-deceiving Pretender to Chriftian Faith and Wifdom, and knoweth not what he Both himfelf, when he exercifeth his Wit or Power againft his Bro- ther, for he is blind inSin. 12 I write unto you, little children, hecaufe your fins are forgiven you for his Name's fake. 13. I write unto you, fathers, becaufe ye have known him that is from the beginning. I write unto you, young men, becaufe you have overcome the wicked one. 12, 13. And this Command of Love and Obedience is inch, as all forts of youmuff re- ceive.- I urge it on you that are Children in Chrift, becaufe being wafh'd lately in Baptifm and the Blood of Chrift, from your fins, you Mould love much, becaufe much is forgiven you. I urge it on you, ancient Chrif}ratls, be- caufe you have long been.taught to know this Commandment, and to know the Iove of God in Chrift, which Both enforce it. I urge it on you that are ftrong Chrifìipns, becaufe you have coitquer'd the Devil, who is the wicked one, and the grand EnemyofLove. 13, 74. I write unto you, little chil- dren, becaufe ye have known the Fa- ther. I have written unto you, fa. thers, becaufe ye haveknown him that is from the beginning. . I have writ- ten unto you, youngmen, hecaufe ye . are ftrong, and the word of God abi- deth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. 13 14. Again I fay, that you may not nag- leáf it, .I urge this Commandment of Love and Obedience on all forts amongyou ; on young Chrt-,