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01,i; AnticTr st. L John. Secucert avoided. Ch.-4, Mon, and went out from its, but they werenc- z5 And ifyou live by Faith upon his Pro4 ver fincerely ofthe fame Faith and Spirit with mires, he will give you eternalLife, which he: us, elfe they would have Raid with us ; but hath promi d, whatever you fufFer or fortkr# they went out and feparated, and fet up their here in the way. lierefies, that they might fhew that they wire 26. Thele things have I writtenun- never found in the Faun. to you, concerning them that feduce 2o. But ye have an unítion from . the holy One, and ye know all you. It is the.feducing Hereticks whoma, things. lion my writing the( Warning to you. 20. But the mdP holy God nd Saviourbath 27. But the anointing AA, filch ye anointed you with his holy Spirit, which will have received of him abideth in you lead yóù from pernicióus Errour intoall y nt necef- and } e need not that any in teach larTruth, if obey hi. g Y 21. I have not written unto you; you: 'but, as thefame anointingteach- becaufe ye know not the truth : but eth you ofall things, and is truth; and becaufè ye know it, and that no. Iie is is no lie : and even as it bath taught of the truth. you, ye Mall abide in him. zr. It is hot as fuppofing you ignorant of 27. But I hope I need no other Argument the Truth that. I write to yon, but Ircauf you to cotfinn you in the Chriftian Faith, againft know the necetfaryTruth; and therefore may Seducers, than that the Spirifyof Chrift, which the eafter teje& all incdntiftcnt Falfhoods. is his Withers, ..Agent and .Advocate, hall thro 22. Who is a liar but he that de his Apoftles Preaching and Impofition. of hands, meth that Jelin is the Chrift ? he is been 0iven to you, and among you. His Mi- racicshave feal'd his Truth before your Eyes ; antichrift that denieth the Father and and his illuminating End fane}ify-ingGrace bath the Son. 24. Whofoever denieththe been given you, it you be true Believers., And Son, the fame hath not the Father : I hope you will not deny the Holy(hai?: As he ile Soil, is thus the infallible ObjeEtive Evidence or but he that acknowledgeth r ChrifFs Truth, lb is he in you an Efficient Illu- hatih the Fatheralto. ',striating Teacher, and ready within you to 2z, el. And who is the dangerous Liar, but plead Chrift'sCaufe, and teach 'ou all necefla- he that denieth that Jefus is the Chrift, and ryTruth. Thereforeyou neednot any man's confequently denieth the Father ? Teftimony and Teaching, as thofé do that have Kee: The fcantnefss ofHiftory leaveth it un- no other, but mot take the Word of Man Certain what fort of Seducers yAtt nreaneth -, alone, tile Chrift's Minitets but in due Sub- whether Tome that fell to flatInfidelity, direly Ordination to the Spirit, and guencil it nor, renouncing Chriftiahity; or only fhch as Edon, andbewill keepYou. Cerintbus and othera; that denied fomewhat of 28. And now, little children, abide Z'hrifi's Being, his Manhood, or his Godhead or his real Sailing; or thofe that were fo him, that when he fha(1 appear,we Mefes's'Law, and'held, That Chriftmay bede- may have confidence, and not be afha- nied with the Tongue in cafe of danger, fo med before him at his coming. that the Heart deny him not; pretending that 22. Therefore, Children, waver not, but God will have Mercy to our felves, and not :fixedly abide in Chaff} and true Chrifrianity, Sacrifice. , that whenhe (hat appear in Judgment, we may 24. Let tat thereforeabide in you ice and meet him with joyfrl confidence, and which ye have heard from the be to not with Shame unto condet rr tion, asAI ollates fling : if that which ye have heard will from the beginning fhall remain in Acte; 'Tis wonder that he that expoundsá11r g this, of Cbrifi's coming'to & troy 7e>ufalem by; you, ye alfo !hall continue in the Son, the Romans (his Enemies) Ihould think that all and in the Father. the Chriizahr to whom the Apoftles wrote 2q. Hold Par} the 1)o&rinewhich the fir(} fhöuld then meet Cliriß, or be fo muchcomfor ye receiv'd from us, and turn not after Novel- ted therein, when mot were like to die firft, ties: And this will pref.rveyou against Sedu- and few living-tobe much the better for it: Rion, and continue you in the Faith, Relation And Chritian Compafionwould fill thewwith and Love oftheSon andFather. Grief, as Null had, Roth. t. & ì t. and not' mmife that make them like men ofutter Malice, to take it 2 g. And this is the p he bath promifed Us g e en eternal for fo great joy to have the Jews fo murder'd, when ari l wept over then, that foretold it life. and when the omani were far more to perfe. cute